
"Hello, this is Dongfang"

"Dongfang, you should have heard the rules, let's meet and discuss it."


Katsuragi was about to gather Class A to plan for the special exam.

Dongfang also followed his memory and came to the private room. All Class A was also present.

"East, you are here"

"Um. So, do you have a plan?"


Then, Katsuragi stood in the center of the stage again and bowed to the whole class to apologize.

"Everyone, I know I betrayed your trust last time. But please give me another chance to make amends."

"Well, since Her Highness Princess has said before that you will be in charge of the matters during this trip, we have no objection.

Seeing that Hashimoto has agreed, the Sakayanagi faction has nothing to say and all agree that Katsuragi will lead Class A again.

The neutral faction of the Oriental faction also spoke up for Katsuragi along with Oriental classmate, expressing their approval of his leadership.

"Thank you, thank you everyone. Actually, I have already thought of a great strategy this time. That is to procrastinate!"

"Huh? Are you trying to achieve result 2?"

"Yes. Because I asked the teacher, the preferential treatment must be three people in each class. So we only need to achieve result 2 this time."

"Having said that, how to do it specifically?"

"No matter what they say, we will not participate in the discussion this time. This is my tactic."

Listening to Katsuragi's tactics, Dongfang also understood the other party's idea.

If the traitor ending is not achieved, then the class points will not be involved. Class A is still Class A, but if it enters the traitor ending and answers incorrectly or is answered correctly by other classes, it may cause a maximum class point difference of 100 points in a group.

Considering that Class A is not much different from Class B, Katsuragi's plan is desirable.

But at the same time, the disadvantages are also great. The first is that Class A cannot benefit from the exam either. The second result of all members is that there are only three preferential treatments, each with 500,000 points.

Secondly, since the preferential treatment itself is selected by the school. Then does the school randomly select three people in each class as preferential treatment, or is the identity of each preferential treatment carefully selected?

There is no answer to this question yet, and it can only be deduced and verified by obtaining the name of the preferential treatment. Therefore, at present, Dongfang has no good plan

"Does anyone have any objections?"


Hashimoto secretly glanced in the direction of Dongfang, but found that he was just drinking a drink.


"Let's do it. This time, even if we don't win anything, we won't lose."

The class meeting was over. Dongfang went to the deck to get some fresh air. The stars were twinkling on the sea at night. The blue sea looked even more crystal clear under the bright moonlight. After taking a few deep breaths, Dongfang prepared to go back and rest. When passing by the only bar on the cruise ship, he saw two men and two women sitting side by side at the bar drinking.

"Ah! It's Dongfang-kun, right? Do you want to come over for a drink?"

A drunken woman shouted to Dongfang. If you don't look carefully, you can't recognize that this drunk woman is the usually energetic B class instructor Hoshinomiya Chie.

"Xing Zhigong, you are drunk! How can you let students drink?"

"Don't stop me, Mashima, Higashia-kun is a mature boy, I want to drink with him!"

Higashia-kun was a little embarrassed when he saw Mashima Tomoya and Chabashira Sae desperately holding Hoshinomiya.

"Sorry, Mr. Xing Zhigong, I need to go back and rest, so I won't bother you anymore."

Then he quickened his pace and left the place. After Dongfang left, Xing Zhigong stopped pretending and returned to his cute appearance at the beginning.

"Teacher Mashima is really cunning. He put Higashikata in the Rabbit Group. Is he trying to bully other students?"

The C class teacher Sakagami Kazuma also remembered the other party's identity.:

"It's the vice president of the student union."

"Dongfang Yingyi. He saw through the trap of the S system on the first day and was absorbed into the student union as vice president in the first week of school."

D class instructor Chazhu Sae also spoke of Dongfang's resume in a cold voice

"It's just that he seemed to have performed mediocrely in the last special exam.……"

"Let's not talk about that. Hoshinomiya, didn't you put Ichinose in the Rabbit Group? It stands to reason that the leaders of each class should be in the Dragon Group."

Mashima Tomoya spoke slowly. He didn't know why, with the presence of Higashikada and Katsuragi, even if the class was fighting, they still ended up at the bottom.

"Ichinose is a leader, but she is surprisingly simple. Besides, I was originally here to prevent the secret weapon of Class D."

"Secret Weapon……"

Chabashira Sae naturally knew that Hoshinomiya's purpose was to let Ichinose find out about Ayanokouji's background, so he put them together.

"What secret weapon is there? And I gave up that naive idea a long time ago."

"Who knows? What I want is for Sae to stay in Class D for the rest of her life.……"

The two teachers obviously have some kind of grudge, and Mashima Tomoya and Sakagami Kazuma also understand the starting point of all this grudge.

And Sakagami Kazuma suddenly thought of something.:

"Wait. So the three of you have planted your own secret weapons in the Rabbit Group?"

"I don't know. I just thought the little white rabbit was cute and Ichinose was cute, so I did this."

‘Didn't you just say that you wanted to suppress Class D? Mashima Tomoya thought silently in his heart.

Chabashira Sae decided to throw Ayanokouji into the Rabbit Team just to avoid him attracting attention. But he didn't expect to collide with the strong men from the other two classes by accident.

""Touhou Yingyi. Ichinose Honami. Ayanokouji... just show me your true talent!"

Sakagami Kazuma felt like a dog beating in his heart. It turned out that he was the only one who didn't hide his trump card in the Rabbit Group. How could Ibuki, that simple-minded student, and the other girls who were also the last in Class C be their opponents?

But when he thought that the favored students of the Rabbit Group were not in Class C, he felt better. He decided to let the three classes fight each other.

The four class teachers drank until one or two o'clock in the morning before they dispersed.

The next day, at eight o'clock in the morning.

The text message from the school was sent on time.

[After serious adjustments, you were not selected as a favored student. Please take the exam as a member of the group. The exam time officially starts at one o'clock this afternoon. The exam location is Room 204]

"Serious adjustments... that is to say, randomly selecting three people is almost ruled out. So does that mean the preferential treatment is selected according to some kind of rule?……"

According to Katsuragi's tactics. Even if there is a favored person in Class A, he probably won't tell other students about his identity. So let's just wait until the exam at 1 pm and then test it. The method against Katsuragi this time is relatively simple.

If you just want Class A to fail again, you only need to tell the people of the Sakayanagi faction to choose the person who is least likely to be a favored person from the field and submit him directly.

In this way, Class A will fall directly to the bottom. However, if you do this, even a fool will know the identity and purpose of the traitor.

Besides, the loss to Class A is also huge. What Dongfang-san has to do this time is to reduce���At the same time as Class A, Class B will be weakened.

However, we still need some evidence to understand the reasoning of the preferential treatment.

At 1 p.m., Class A, Room 204, 2nd Floor

"Ah, hello, Dongfang!"

"Hello, Ichinose."

It was relatively late when Higashi-san arrived at the room. The other classes were almost all there.

There was one empty seat in Class D. I guess they were late. Higashi-san remembered that it was a girl named Karuizawa Megumi.

After sitting down, he heard Mori Shige beside him whispering,:

"Mr. Dongfang, are we using the tactics we talked about yesterday?"

"Ah, let's do this first."


Looking at this seemingly obedient classmate Morishige, Dongfang didn't think much about it.

It was not until several minutes later that Karuizawa Megumi opened the door from outside the room and saw the people on the field, and she made a"tsk" sound.

She was a cute girl with honey-colored hair. Her long hair was combed into a single ponytail, and her clothes were tied at the waist. With a short skirt that didn't reach the knees and bubble socks, she looked like a hot girl.

Before sitting down, she moved her stool slightly away, as if she didn't want to sit with others.

Ichinose watched Karuizawa sit down and showed strong affinity and social skills.:

"So, can we start the exam for this group?"

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