Several days have passed since the special exam on the uninhabited island ended, and the first-year students have recovered.

Although they were still worried at first whether the school would arrange any so-called exams, since there has been no news for so long, they probably won't.

Class C has not dared to relax because of Ryuen's request and reminder. They also figured out all the surveillance locations on the entire cruise ship as usual.

And in Class D, except for Horikita Suzune and Ayanokouji, no one would worry about the specific reasons for the failure of the last exam, or what to do to do better.

Anyway, there are tall people to support the sky if it falls. If someone leads them to win, they will shout 666. If they lose, they will find someone to push the responsibility and continue to do their own thing.

Therefore, there is no worry at all. In addition, they have few individual points on weekdays. Except for the first month of school, they have not eaten and drunk a lot, and they are also the class that has the most fun.

Because Class B won a big victory, the gap with Class A is only about 100 points, so after returning from the uninhabited island, they held a grand celebration banquet.

Chihiro Shiranami also became the hero of Class B, and her popularity rose again.

The Katsuragi faction in Class A was already doomed, and the neutral faction also turned to the Sakayanagi faction. The self-established Touhou faction was still watching, because Touhou-san had no intention of leading the class. In his free time these days, Touhou-san chatted with Arisu on the phone every day and thought about the future administrative backup formation.

It can be said that one of the purposes of coming to High-tech Ikusei Middle School is also for these high school students full of potential. If these resources can be mastered in his own hands, the future of the Touhou family will be brighter.

Therefore, including Ibuki, he has been looking for students who are capable and of high quality.

The Touhou family also specializes in dealing with some shady companies and individual gangs, but the talents from those places cannot be selected from the school.

The votes of the three classes ABD have been firmly obtained, and Class C can exchange them by canceling the contract of 1 million per month.

Therefore, Touhou-san has firmly sat on the position of the next student council president.

With only three or four days left before the cruise trip was about to end, all the first-year students, including Touhou-san, received message notifications on their mobile phones.

Dongfang opened it and saw the news of the second special exam:

[The second special exam of this semester is about to begin. Dongfang Yingyi, class 1A, please gather in room 204 on the second floor of class A before 6:40 tonight. No lateness for more than ten minutes, otherwise you will be punished.]

[The meeting time is 20 minutes. Please use the restroom and turn your phone to vibrate or silent mode before gathering.]

"Six forty...204……"


Dongfang's thoughts were interrupted by the ringing of the phone. Seeing that the other party was Katsuragi, he decisively pressed the answer button.:

"Hi, this is the East"

"Dongfang, I'm Katsuragi. You've seen the message, right?"

"Ah, I'm 6:40, Class A, 2nd Floor, Room 204"

"Really? I was at 207 at 8:40."

"So how should we do this exam?"

"Dongfang, if possible, I would like you to lead the class"


Higashigashi didn't expect Katsuragi to give up his power. Maybe he felt that he shouldn't lead the class. It's hard to convince people with his current reputation.

And Arisu is not here at the moment, so he can only entrust the leadership to himself?

"I think you are more capable than me, Dongfang, and the mistake I made last time is undeniable. So, can I ask you for help?"

"No. Katsuragi-san, victory and defeat are common in the military. I didn't deny you because of the failure last time, so you should still lead the team. After all, you also want to make amends for your crimes, right?"

"……Well, okay. I will not let you down this time!"

Sure enough, this is my best friend, who still has confidence in me. How can I be a coward who dares not to fight?

Dongfang thought that although the Katsuragi faction is weak at present, there are still some crazy fans who trust Katsuragi unconditionally. If they are not cleaned up, they will inevitably betray the class in the future.

Therefore, it is better to clean it up this time. And since there is a general giving orders on the chessboard, Dongfang decided to play a safe role as a rook.

"Ah, I leave it to you, Katsuragi-san."

"OK, leave it to me."

After hanging up the phone, the 'ding-ling-ling' sound rang again.

"Hello, Sir Knight"

"What's up, Hashimoto?"

"You're asking even though you already know the answer. Of course it's about this exam. After all, I'm asked to fully cooperate with you."

"Even if you say so... now I don’t even know the content of the exam, how can I know how to arrange it?"

"What I actually want to ask is...are we in the same room?"

"I'm 6:40, Class A, 2nd Floor, Room 204"

"Well... that's really unfortunate. The time and place don't match at all."

"Let's talk about it after the meeting."

Then Dongfang hung up the phone. He didn't dislike Hashimoto as a person, he just felt tired talking to him.

Hashimoto on the other side was not angry,"Oh my, it seems that the Knight hates me."

"Everyone will hate you like this. Except for Sakayanagi, who won't care, but I doubt she doesn't even consider you as a human being."

Sitting next to Hashimoto was a girl with long purple hair and a boy with a serious face.

"Speaking of which, the princess seems to have a special relationship with this knight. Kamuro-san, do you know anything?

Kamuro glanced at Hashimoto with a strange look.

"You are becoming more and more courageous now, and you even dare to ask about her affairs?"

"It's just a small talk. Besides, what I said today won't reach her ears, right?"

Guitou didn't say anything, but he himself is a dull stone who can't talk at all.

"I only know that Sakayanagi often goes to his room to look for him, and then comes out after a long time."

Kamiro didn't tell the truth. In her opinion, Sakayanagi must like the guy with the mask. And the guy with the mask likes Sakayanagi.


Hashimoto was thinking about this sentence. In his eyes, these two people might even be in a relationship. But does the princess really have any... love complex? At

6:40 pm, room 204.

Dongfang knocked on the door and walked into the room, and saw that the other two students from Class A were already there.

The one sitting in the main seat was Mashima Tomoya, the head teacher of Class A for the first year.

"Now that everyone is here, I will introduce the rules of this exam. Questions are not allowed while the rules are being explained."

Since they are all students in his class, Mashima Tomoya does not need to confirm the identities of the students individually.

"In this special exam, the school has divided all first-year students into twelve groups, likened to the Chinese zodiac. We will take the exam within the group. The purpose of the exam is to test your thinking ability."

"The exam will be divided into 12 groups and will be conducted simultaneously. Your group is called the Rabbit Group, which comes from the Rabbit in the Chinese Zodiac."

"Each group consists of 3-5 people from each class assigned by the school. Students are prohibited from changing groups without permission."

The other two students in Class A were a little surprised that they had to be assigned this way this time, even though they were all opponents. However, seeing that Dongfang didn't say anything, they didn't think much about it.

As they secretly joined the Dongfang faction, they only needed to trust their leader!

However, this leader didn't even know that there was such a thing as the Dongfang faction.

Mashima Tomoya looked at the three people without asking any questions, and explained the rules:

"Here is the list of group members. Please return this paper when you leave the room, so if you think it is necessary, write it down first."

Class A: Higashikata Eiichi, Takemoto Shigeru, Morishige Takuro.

Class B: Ichinose Honami, Hamaguchi Tetsuya,

Beppu Ryota. Class C: Ibuki Mio, Manabe Shiho, Yabuna Nanami, Yamashita Saki.

Class D: Ayanokouji Kiyotaka, Karuizawa Megumi, Sotomura Hideo, Yukimura Teruhiko.

Higashikata looked at the list in front of him. He knew people in every class. Ibuki, Ichinose, Ayanokouji

"As a general premise, you should ignore the hostility between classes in this exam. Let me make it clear that doing so will be a shortcut to passing the exam."

"From now on, you will not act as Class A, but as Team Rabbit. The results of the exam will be ranked according to the scores of each team."

"There are only four possible results for the special exam. To make it easier for you to understand, the school has also prepared materials with the results. However, it is forbidden to take this material out or take photos. Please check it carefully here."

Dongfang looked at the wrinkled paper with the rules in front of him. There are indeed four test results recorded on it.

Before that, the specified time for the exam was also explained, which is from tomorrow to nine o'clock in the evening four days later (including one day of complete free time).

The school will send an email to notify students at eight o'clock in the morning on the day of the exam. At the same time, the fact of being selected will also be communicated to the"favored ones".

Team members must gather in the designated room twice a day at the designated time and have a one-hour discussion.

The content of the discussion is entirely up to the group to decide.

After the exam, the school will only accept answers to"Who is the favored one" between 9:30 and 10 o'clock in the evening of the same day. In addition, one person can answer the question at most once

""Favored candidates" have no right to answer. The school only accepts students to answer questions by sending emails to designated email addresses using their own mobile phones.

The school will inform all students of the detailed test results by email at 11 o'clock in the evening of the last day.

(There are too many rules here. I will explain them briefly later. Although most people who read this book are fans of Practical Education, I will still explain them to viewers who have not watched Practical Education.)

Result 1: All members collectively send their preferential status to the school by email at 9:30 pm before the end of the last day of the special exam, and answer the questions correctly. Then everyone will get 500,000 points. The favored candidate will get 1 million. Result

2: No one in the entire group answered the preferential status correctly, and only the favored candidate himself will get 500,000.

Result 3: Other classes that are not the classes to which the favored candidates belong will answer in advance. Those who answer correctly will get 500,000 points and 50 class points. The class to which the favored candidate belongs will be deducted 50 class points. And the group exam ends early.

Result 4: Other classes that are not the class to which the favored person belongs answer the questions in advance. Those who answer incorrectly will deduct 50 class points. The favored person will receive 500,000 points, and the class points will increase by 50 points. The exam ends early.

In simple terms, the school will select a favored person from each group.

The content of the exam is to guess who the favored person is, and the rewards or punishments will be different depending on the results of the answers.

Similar to"Werewolf Killing". If no one answers the questions by the end of the exam, or all the answers are wrong. Only the favored person wins. If all the answers are correct, then everyone can get points.

If you choose to betray the group and answer in advance. If you answer correctly, you can get points and class points. If you answer incorrectly, class points will be deducted, and the benefits will be counted to the favored person.

"Do you have any questions?"

Dongfang raised his hand.

"What I want to ask is, are there three favored students in each class?"


"In other words, the identities of the preferential treatment recipients are not random, but are completely selected by the school, right?"


"I understand now."

Mashima Satoshi looked at Higashikata with admiration, but because of his fair and old-fashioned personality, he just drove the three out of the room after confirming that no one asked any questions.

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