"Well, how should I put it? It's been a long time since we last met."

As the one who 'took the initiative' to invite Arisu, Touhou-san spoke first. Looking at the girl sitting on the chair on the rooftop, even the usually cheerful and generous Touhou-san didn't know what to say first.

He liked this girl, but because Arisu often mentioned a person called 'Ayanokouji Kiyotaka', he had not expressed his feelings for her.

After not seeing each other for two and a half years, he was not sure what to say, so he could only start with an old-fashioned and straightforward greeting.

""Puff." Arisu laughed out loud:"Why? A great sword master would be nervous when seeing a weak woman like me?"

"No, it's just that we haven't seen each other for a long time. I want to say something, but I don't know what to say first."Dongfang scratched his hair with his hands.

"Haha, you are really good at this. However, I really didn't expect you to study here. If I had known you were here, I would have……"

When it came to the key point, Arisu didn't say anything more, but seemed to have thought of something, and his face turned slightly red.

"Should? Should what? Dongfang asked awkwardly.

"Nothing. Speaking of which, the young master really stole the show today."

"……I always feel that you are hinting at something. Also, don't call me Master."

"Oh, okay. Master."

Seeing the naughty Arisu, Dongfang recalled that this girl was always quirky. Maybe it was because he was stupid at times that he was often teased. But he couldn't get angry at all.

"Whatever." Knowing that Arisu was teasing, Dongfang was too lazy to correct him. He could only look at Arisu with a helpless look.

The two stared at each other for a while, and Dongfang finally gave in, so he changed the subject.

"This school is even more bizarre than I thought. Not to mention the cameras all over the school, the so-called personal points that can buy everything are enough to blow my mind.

Seeing that Dongfang-san changed the topic to school, Arisu stopped teasing and just smiled secretly in his heart, and also continued:

"After all, the teacher said that the number of individual points to be distributed next month is not fixed, it may be more or less. So the punishment and reward for the class must be the deciding factor."

"Punishment and reward? That means there will be a gap between classes, and combined with personal points, you can buy everything, right?……"Dongfang seems to have thought of something.

"Yes, so it will turn into a confrontation between classes. Those with more points have everything, and those with fewer points will be eliminated."

After reaching this conclusion, Dongfang said in his heart,"This school is really the right one."

Whether it is the opponent that the father mentioned, or the strong competitiveness of this school, the next three years will probably be full of challenges.

Thinking of this, Dongfang remembered Katsuragi Kōhei, who was laying the foundation of interpersonal relationships in Class A.

"Arisu, if it becomes a confrontation between classes, it would be better for a leader to emerge. From what I know about you, you should have this idea, right?"


"But that Katsuragi has already made friends with your classmates before you. Isn't this like you've been robbed of the opportunity?"

"Unfortunately, Katsuragi-san is not even an opponent in my eyes. Let him form his own team first. As for me, I have my own ideas."

Arisu said this confidently, and there was a slight contempt in his eyes when he mentioned Katsuragi.

He knew that this childhood sweetheart was very smart and good at planning since he was a child. Dongfang nodded and stopped worrying about this matter.

"If someone in this class is willing to join the battle, it might bring me some fun."

‘Are you talking about me? You must be talking about me. 'Looking at the provocation from his childhood sweetheart, Dongfang decided... it's better to do it on the first day than the next day.

"Arisu, if you want to challenge me, I have a good idea."

Arisu was also stunned when he heard his childhood friend accept the challenge. He obviously didn't expect Dongfang to take the initiative to accept the challenge. Then he asked:

"Oh? Master, please go ahead."

He automatically ignored Arisu's address to him. Dongfang slowly said,"Since personal points are the most important thing, why don't we see who can grab more points within a certain period of time?"

"That sounds good, and it seems like you've already made up your mind. Okay, how about a week?"

"Okay, what do you want to bet on?"

"Well...if I win, you will be my servant for a day." A sly look flashed in Arisu's eyes.

"Servant, what if I win?"

Arisu rolled his eyes, patted Dongfang classmate beside him, and motioned him to put his ear closer."How about a knee pillow massage?"

"Huh?!" Dongfang was more surprised than surprised by the bet. Although he knew that Arisu loved to play tricks on people, what if it wasn't a trick? What if?

"Don't you believe it?" On the other side, Arisu's face turned slightly red, but Dongfang was still struggling to figure out whether it was a surprise or a shock and didn't notice it.

"You said it, don't go back on your word."Dongfang still believed that this was a surprise.

"Oh, you are still a child who has never experienced the world. Besides, do you think you can win?"

"Not necessarily, but it's decided."

Just as Dongfang was about to say something, a voice from the radio rang out,"All first-year students, please go to the gymnasium to attend the opening ceremony."

"Let's go, it's time." Arisu stood up with his cane, and Dongfang helped him to stand up.

"How considerate, Master."

Although he was calling him Master, the tone sounded like he was calling his butler.

��……Yes, young lady."

The two of them came to the gymnasium. They saw the position of their classes and walked over.

The first gymnasium of High-Tech Development Middle School.

Class A and Class B lined up neatly. Arisu sat on the chair outside the field due to physical reasons. On the other side, there were occasional conversations and noises from Class C and Class D.

Dongfang looked at the scene in front of him. 'It stands to reason that the treatment of students in High-Tech Development should be the best in the country. The quality of the students should at least be ranked among the best in the country.'

But the scene in front of him was not like that. 'It turned out to be a big pot with all kinds of people? Class competition may become more interesting than imagined.'

As the principal on the stage finished his speech, a student with glasses and a serious face that Dongfang thought was his father's illegitimate son walked onto the stage.

The students in the audience also saw this scene, but did not hear the person on the stage speak.

Someone in the crowd shouted loudly:"Hey, didn't you eat? Why don't you have the energy to talk?"

"I can't hear you, I can't hear you. You want to drive a warship at such a low voice?"

"Come down quickly, we have an appointment to go to the movies."

The person on the stage heard the shouting from the audience, but did not get angry. He just rubbed the microphone with his fingers. The harsh beeping sound made everyone in the audience cover their ears.

Just when everyone wanted to say something, they heard a deep and penetrating voice from the stage.:

"I am Horikita Manabu, the student council president of Class 3A. First of all, welcome to Kodoku Ikusei Middle School. I hope you can improve in these three years. Tomorrow afternoon after school, there will be a club recruitment event at the First Gymnasium."

"The student union wants to recruit candidates in the first year. In theory, candidates do not need special skills, but if you want to join the student union, please avoid participating in other club activities. Students who want to join the student union and clubs at the same time will not be hired in principle."

After a capable speech, Horikita Manabu walked down the podium. Looking at his back, Dongfang also thought about how to grab more points. The first-year students only have an initial 100,000 points, and looking at the other students' beaming faces, it is obvious that more people do not realize the importance and volatility of points.

‘The first-year students may not have much money to make, but the second- and third-year students should still be quite wealthy, Dongfang thought to himself.

The opening ceremony came to an end with the speeches of several people. Dongfang planned to go to the Zelkova Shopping Center to buy some daily necessities.

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