April is the season when cherry blossoms fall.

On a bus bound for Koukou Ikusei High School. Dongfang Yingyi looked at the scenery outside the window and couldn't help but sigh in his heart: It is worthy of being the most famous school in Sakurajima, the scenery is really nice.

Koukou Ikusei High School, tuition is free, graduates can freely choose their own careers, and achieving class crossing is not out of reach. Although it is a school, it is equipped with social entertainment facilities such as KTV, game halls, Zelkova Shopping Center, and cinemas. Correspondingly, the school implements a three-year fully closed management. Unless it is an extremely special situation, communication with outsiders is prohibited.

Just as Dongfang Yingyi was sitting leisurely and enjoying the scenery, an old lady who walked tremblingly got on the bus and looked like she was about to fall at any time. Everyone on the bus looked arrogant. Dongfang Yingyi thought about it, stood up on his own initiative, and invited the old lady to his seat,"Please sit here.、"

"Thank you, boy."

"It doesn't matter. For me, standing or sitting makes no difference.���It looks like he is having a hard time."

The people around him didn't say anything about this scene, they just thought that the student with a mask on half of his face was a bit of a pushover. But it was none of their business, so they just kept aloof.

As the car stopped, they arrived at Gaodu Yucheng Middle School.

Standing at the school gate, Dongfang Yingyi vaguely felt that this school was different.

Although it was a three-year closed management boarding school, there were too many surveillance cameras.

After just a cursory look, at least this school should have few surveillance blind spots, but there were some.

With so many cameras, there are still places that may not be covered.

It would be unbelievable to say that there are design flaws.

Dongfang Yingyi thought about it for a while, and decided to find his class to report first. Following the instructions, he came to a At the door of Class A in the grade. After taking a quick look, he walked in. Looking at the classmates around him who might become his classmates in the next three years, Yingyi sat in the back row by the window.

As it approached the hour, most of the students in Class A were also present. Until this time, a cute girl with a cane, a black beret, and textured silver hair appeared at the door. The girl walked slowly into the class with an unchanging smile (fake smile) on her face.

Yingyi also saw the girl and recognized Arisu's identity. He nodded slightly at her. The latter also saw Yingyi at a glance, a fleeting surprise appeared on her face, and she saluted slightly to the other party. Obviously, she did not expect her childhood sweetheart to appear here, and she also complained about her father, the chairman of the board, in her heart.

‘Well, she's still as cute as ever, but I feel like the aura around her is totally out of proportion to her height. 'As Yingyi was thinking this, he didn't expect Arisu, who was sitting in the first row on the right, to slowly turn around and show a smile that looked cute but was actually dangerous.

‘Hey, hey, hey, is this a superpower? Although I knew before that her intuition and reasoning ability were too good, but now it’s nothing, she knows what I’m thinking. '

As if to respond to Yingyi’s question, Arisu nodded to Yingyi.

""Hiss~" Ying Yi didn't expect that the study life in this school was full of danger from the beginning.

After the episode, at eight o'clock, a middle-aged man in formal clothes walked into the classroom with a serious face and slowly walked up to the podium.

"Hello everyone, welcome to High School. I am Tomoya Mashima, the homeroom teacher of Class A, and I will be your homeroom teacher for the next three years."

"The school stipulates that you are not allowed to leave the school without special circumstances before graduation. The mobile phone you are given now will be used as your mobile phone for the next three years. At the same time, it is also your student ID card. Behind each of you is a personal point, 100,000 points. These points can be used to buy anything in the school, as long as you have enough points, and the purchasing power is 1 point equal to 1 yen."

" On the 1st of every month, the school will put the private points into your student ID card."

After hearing what the class teacher said, the class immediately became excited.

"Hey, 100,000 points every month, does that mean we get 100,000 yuan in pocket money every month?"

"Tuition is free, 100,000 yuan is paid every month, and students can freely choose their career after graduation. Is Gaodu Yucheng really a high school?"

"Such generous conditions are really like heaven."

While the classmates were excitedly discussing the generous treatment brought by the advanced training, Yingyi felt that it was not that simple. After all, such conditions were impossible no matter how you said it. The money used by the school was also approved by the finance department. If there really was such a free lunch, how could we guarantee that the students educated would be useful to the society? After all, it would be fine as long as we muddle through every day.

Thinking of this, Yingyi discovered the text trap mentioned by the class teacher. So he raised his hand.

Mashima Tomoya on the stage also saw a masked student raising his hand. He was slightly moved and clapped his hands,"That's Dongfang, right? Go ahead."

Hearing the teacher's voice, Class A suddenly quieted down, and everyone turned their eyes to Yingyi who raised his hand in the back row. They also felt strange to see that this classmate was still wearing a mask, but what was even stranger was what he was going to say.

"OK, can I ask you a few questions?"

"That depends on what you're going to ask."

"First of all, does the school always get 100,000 points every month?"

After hearing Ying Yi's question, everyone in Class A was moved. They thought that the teacher just said that points would be added every month, but did not say 100,000 points. It was just because the teacher said that there were 100,000 initial points in the preface, so they thought so.

Mashima Satoshi on the stage also showed a satisfied smile, nodded and said:"Ah, I can only say that this number is not fixed."


After hearing what the teacher said, everyone in Class A couldn't help but take a breath. Was it a word trap? If they really spent all the 100,000 points in a month, they might become a pauper next month?

Thinking of this, everyone looked at Yingyi with some admiration and gratitude. After all, if this student hadn't asked this question, the teacher would not have planned to tell him.

Yingyi was not surprised to get the teacher's answer. It was similar to what he thought. After all, no matter what, judging from the number of students in each class, there are four classes in one grade, 40 students in each class, and a total of 160 people. And this is just the number of students in one grade. If you count the other two grades, each person has 100,000 points. The expenses alone are already very huge.

"So, the second question is, can you really buy anything with points? For example, if I have enough points, can I change the so-called school rule that you can't leave the school?"

Huh? Hearing Yingyi's question, the students were excited again. But they were more shocked.

"Can even that kind of thing be done? Teacher, is this true? Can anything be bought?"

Mashima Tomoya looked at Dongfang Yingyi with an incredible look. He didn't expect that someone could see through the S system to this extent after listening to the introduction. However, as the head teacher of Class A, he still has strong professional qualities. He answered,"Points can buy anything. As for the change of school rules you mentioned, I can only say that the points required are extremely huge, and it is basically impossible to accumulate them."

"Teacher, you didn't deny that points can buy everything."At this time, a bald tall boy said.

Everyone also noticed this. The weird setting of this school is really shocking.

"OK, I don't have any questions for now." After that, Yingyi also sat back in his seat.

Mashima Tomoya looked at Dongfang Yingyi who was sitting down, and glanced at the classmates:"Well, if everyone has no other questions, let's end the class.

Listen to the broadcast to go to the gymnasium to attend the opening ceremony.

" Then he walked out of the class.

As the class was over, the students in Class A also gathered together to discuss the content of the class meeting.

After all, there was too much information revealed.

At this point, everyone looked at Dongfang Yingyi in the back row.

At this time, a bald classmate walked towards Yingyi

""Hello, Dongfang classmate, my name is Katsuragi Kohei." And he stretched out his hand.

Yingyi looked up and saw this Katsuragi, it turned out to be the one who stood up and spoke in class,"Hello, my name is Dongfang Yingyi." Looking at the classmate in front of him, Yingyi also shook hands with him

"Is Dongfang a martial artist?"

"Ah, I learned some kendo."

"I see, he must be a master." Katsuragi looked at Ying Yi with admiration.

"Expert? Why do you think so?"

"Intuition. In fact, the most important thing is that I still want to make friends with you."

Looking at the friendly attitude shown by the other party, Yingyi also nodded slightly. After all, you should not hit a smiling person, and they will live together for three years.

Katsuragi did not stay any longer, and walked to the podium to speak to the audience:"Hello everyone, my name is Katsuragi Kohei. I am very happy to meet you in the same class. How about we all introduce ourselves first?"

Seeing Katsuragi took the initiative to talk to the whole class, the classmates also introduced themselves enthusiastically. Except for a cute girl with a beret, and a purple-haired girl with an unhappy face. Dongfang Yingyi looked at Arisu, who was sitting still and had an aura of 1.8 meters, and decided to take the initiative to step forward.

"Ah, I feel a little stuffy all of a sudden. I wonder if anyone is willing to take me out for some fresh air. Seeing Dongfang coming over, Arisu made a naked invitation.

"Then please come in, Miss Sakayanagi."

Seeing that his childhood sweetheart was still the same, Arisu raised his lips slightly, and walked slowly towards the rooftop with his cane, and Dongfang immediately followed him. So the two of them left the class first when the others gathered together to introduce themselves.

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