In the blink of an eye, the fifth day of surviving on the deserted island has come.

"So, when we get back to the cruise ship, we should have a big meal first!"

"Yes, it is really hard to live on this uninhabited island and eat wild fruits every day."

"I really envy Sakayanagi, she doesn't have to suffer. We even deducted 30 points because of her."

The last sentence came from the core member of Katsuragi faction - Totsuka Yahiko.

In fact, as a real member of Katsuragi faction, Totsuka Yahiko can be said to be high-profile everywhere. Many troubles that should not be caused are caused by him.

His status is almost equivalent to Ishizaki Daichi in Class C and the three idiots in Class D.

They were all assigned to the lower classes, but Totsuka Yahiko was assigned to Class A because of his better academic ability and physical strength.

"Hey, Totsuka, that's not what you mean. It's true that Sakayanagi-san is in poor health, what right do you have to say that?"

This person is a member of the Sakayanagi faction, and when he heard Totsuka's rude words, he couldn't just pretend he didn't hear them and fight back.

"That's right, Totsuka, don't think that just because Sakayanagi-san handed over the leadership to Katsuragi, he will really be our leader!"

"I think Totsuka is right. Since Sakayanagi cannot lead us better, he should withdraw of his own accord."

Gradually, the Sakayanagi faction and the Katsuragi faction, which had been at peace with each other, were once again at odds with each other.

Because Arisu was not there, the Sakayanagi faction was not so confident when speaking. However, when it came to face issues, they still could not show weakness.

And in order to maintain a seemingly neutral position, Higashikata-san did not say anything until he was gradually angered by Totsuka Yahiko.

"Oh, if you ask me, you guys are just taking advantage of Katsuragi-san. If it weren't for Katsuragi-san, how could you use Class C's living supplies and still get so many class points after the exam?"

"You guys who are taking advantage of others should just hide with Sakayanagi and behave yourself when you see us next time. It's just right, why don't you call yourself Sakayanagi Faction? How about changing your name to Cripple Faction?"

"Totsuka. You!"


Dongfang suddenly stood up and said in a cold voice that he rarely used:

"Totsuka-san, you seem to think your legs are in good condition, don’t you?" Totsuka Yahiko naturally knew Higashikata-san. After all, Katsuragi and Higashikata seemed to have a good relationship, and even he thought that Higashikata was on Katsuragi’s side.

But suddenly he realized that Higashikata’s tone was not right, as if he wanted to speak for the Sakayanagi faction? How could a man tolerate this?

"Hey, I'm talking about Dongfang. Which side are you on? Don't think that Katsuragi-san and you have a good relationship, and you are really asking for trouble just because you acted arrogantly at the beginning of the school year!"

"You are the one who is pushing the envelope! Yahiko!"

Katsuragi also walked in with an angry expression. He could tolerate the mistakes that Totsuka Yahiko made on a daily basis, after all, he was his classmate.

But when another classmate was not around, he insulted him with unscrupulous words and provoked a split in the class. This kind of behavior, Katsuragi could not tolerate

"Katsuragi-san, I...I was just joking.……"

Seeing Katsuragi's angry expression, Totsuka Yahiko realized that he had made a stupid mistake and apologized to the Sakayanagi faction.

"Sorry, Dongfang, I didn't discipline him enough. Yahiko may have just said it unintentionally.……"

"Yes, Dongfang, I was wrong just now, don't mind it."

The two also apologized to Dongfang individually. But if apologies are useful, what is the use of the police?

"No problem, it was just a casual remark... Of course no problem."

Hōto-san originally wanted to get Totsuka Yahiko out of the scene, and wanted to choose a method that was as gentle as possible, but since you insist on jumping out, don't blame me.

As he said this, Hōto-san didn't seem to care about what had just happened, and quietly sat back in his previous seat.

"Yahiko, you've been so inflated lately!"

"Sorry, it's my problem."

"Sakayanagi is our classmate. Don't say bad things about her anymore."


Faced with Katsuragi's majesty, Totsuka Yahiko's previous majesty disappeared completely. After all, he was just Katsuragi's lackey.

"Katsuragi-san, we found a new base. There seems to be a cornfield there."

"Really? Come on, Yahiko, follow me, Team 2."

The students in Class A were also very excited. Corn was like manna from heaven to them at that moment.

Katsuragi also hurriedly led Totsuka Yahiko and a team of people to occupy the stronghold, so as not to be overtaken by other classes.

"Hey, Higashikada-san. Are you going to forgive Totsuka just like that?"

Since the remaining members on the field were all core members of the Sakayanagi faction, Hashimoto also walked directly towards Higashikada-san.

"Forgive? Oh, how can I forgive him? Just watch, since someone hates cripples, he will never be able to stand up again in this life."

When Dongfang was talking, the temperature dropped sharply, and Hashimoto Kito and Kamuro who was standing next to him felt like they were in an ice cave.

"Ah... But this is a bit too harsh."

"Do you know why I wear a mask?"

"Eh? I don't know, I thought you wore it to look cool."

Hashimoto wanted to liven up the atmosphere and laughed.


Higashi-san said nothing more, and stood up and walked towards the direction where Katsuragi and the others were heading.

Seeing that Higashi-san had already walked away, Kamuro at the side spoke:

"Hashimoto, what are we doing?"

"Oh my, that Totsuka kid is in trouble. But he deserves it."

"We just need to wait for the Knight to drive Totsuka off the stage, and then take over the key card."

When Arisu was away, Hashimoto was undoubtedly the think tank of the Sakayanagi faction, and his orders were equivalent to Arisu's orders.

When Higashiyama arrived, Katsuragi and the others were happily harvesting corn.

"Katsuragi, I'll help too."

"Ah, you're great, East. I'll leave the five o'clock position to you."

"No problem."

Dongfang agreed, and went into the cornfield with a big bag.

The corn here grows very well, and if you go into the cornfield, it will be no different from blocking the sun. Dongfang was picking corn while looking for Totsuka Yahiko's location.

With the activation of the"Observation Eye", he finally found Totsuka Yahiko's whereabouts not far away.

At this moment, he was sitting with two Katsuragi school students, peeling the corn husks and putting them in two bags.

"Why do we still collect unused corn husks?"

"Stupid, you will be penalized for damaging the environment."

"Oh, yes, Totsuka-san is still smart."

"Hahaha, of course."

Seeing that the other party was still complacent, Dongfang did not rush to attack, but needed to wait patiently for an opportunity.

After finding that the other party's bag was full, Dongfang scattered all the corn in the bag on the ground and hid quietly.

In order to lure the other party, he sent a corn to a place where the three people could find it.

"Phew~Okay, let’s go!"

"Well, hey, there's a lot of scattered corn over there!"

"But our bags are full."

Totsuka Yahiko thought about it and made a decision:

"You guys go out first with the corn, I'll wait for you here"

"Eh? That's fine, let's go out first."

After all, the corn bag is still quite heavy, and it's a bit difficult for one person to carry it.

So, the two Katsuragi school students walked out in one direction.

"Remember, follow one direction and don’t look back to find my location!"

"Remember this!"

The voice faded away, and Totsuka sat down and waited for his teammates.

Seeing the opportunity, Dongfang quietly went behind Totsuka Yahiko and put the bag on his head.

After kicking him over, he stepped hard on Totsuka Yahiko's knee.


Totsuka Yahiko passed out. The pain of a broken leg could be fatal. Of course, Dongfang never thought of letting him die like this.

"Since you mocked a cripple, then you will be a cripple for the rest of your life, Totsuka Yahiko."

Tōngfō took off the bag on Totsuka's head, put the corn in it, and left the cornfield in a different direction.

"Ah. Dongfang, thank you for your hard work in collecting so many"

"It doesn't matter, after all, I have to do something"

"Um, don't mind what Yahiko said before. I apologize to you again."

"Ah, I don't care. At least now I really don't care"

"That's good."

Katsuragi seemed to hear the sincerity in the other party's tone and was relieved.

Not long after——

"Katsuragi-san! Oh no, Totsuka-san is injured!"


The two Katsuragi members who returned the same way, one carried the still-unconscious Totsuka Yahiko on his back, and the other reported loudly.

When everyone saw Totsuka Yahiko's deformed right leg, they couldn't help but gasp.

Katsuragi also thought of something and subconsciously looked in the direction of Dongfang classmate:

"Dongfang, what's going on?!"

"Huh? How should I know? Maybe Totsuka-san fell down by himself?"

"Are you kidding me! How could this be caused by a fall?"

Kazuki rushed towards Dongfang and grabbed his collar.

He looked at Dongfang with anger and resentment. In response, he only received a pair of cold eyes.

"Dongfang, you, why?"

"Totsuka-san fell down, but you asked me instead of him? I'm kindly reminding you that if he delays any longer, he might not even be able to be a cripple!"

Higashira deliberately emphasized the word cripple.

Katsuragi also understood that the other party was angry and even wanted to cripple Yahiko because he mocked that Sakayanagi-san.

Katsuragi lost his strength all of a sudden, and carried Totsuka Yahiko on his back towards the class teacher's position on the shore.

The rest of the A-class students looked at Higashira with fear. The members of the Sakayanagi faction were very happy, after all, Totsuka Yahiko asked for it. Higashira did not stay any longer, and carried his bag of corn on his back, ready to go back to the camp.

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