In the next few days. Higashi-san didn't do anything more, just told Hashimoto to jump out when needed.

Hashimoto didn't understand what he meant at first, so he could only nod silently. Higashi-san didn't bother to watch the other party's parody of the noble ceremony, and turned around and left.

Only Hashimoto, who had just posed, was left alone in the wind.

On the other side, Kamuro Masumi also started to act as a good friend (pet) (thing) of Arisu.

First, she and a few girls from the Sakayanagi faction deliberately passed by the camp of Class B, saying that they were preparing to occupy the base, and led Shibata, who was in Class B to inquire about the news, to the place where Katsuragi and Totsuka Yahiko were.

At this time, Katsuragi was still using that trick to deliberately reveal a flaw so that others would think that he was the leader.

Shibata was not Ayanokouji, and didn't think so much. Thinking that he had picked up an advantage, he went back to report after confirming that Class A had indeed just occupied this position.

But after Shibata told Ichinose and Kanzaki Ryuji everything that happened at that time. Kanzaki made a sharp judgment-this must be Katsuragi's plan.

That steady person could not have such a mistake. So the real leader should be Totsuka Yahiko!

Later, Shibata realized that he had made a careless mistake and said that it was fortunate that Kanzaki was there, otherwise he would have been deducted 50 points.

As for the work of guiding Class D, Higashia decided to do it himself, otherwise it would be inevitable that Ayanokouji would find out.

Late at night, when Higashia secretly came to the vicinity of Class D's camp, he found a figure in the distance kicking the tree roots fiercely.

"Damn it! Damn it! That bitch Horikita is just relying on her cute looks to keep people at a distance!"

"If it weren't for myself, who would be willing to stick to your cold butt all day long! I'm so angry! I'm so angry!"

"And that gloomy man in Ayanokouji! He actually overheard us last time! How disgusting! If you hadn't helped Horikita every time, how could she have anyone supporting her!"

"Ayanokouji! Horikita! You two are rapists!***!"

"Ike and Yamauchi, those two bitches are so disgusting! Who I like is none of your business? No wonder it's a stupid and dumb loser like Sudo who plays with you!"

"That bitch Karuizawa is just as disgusting! Who would steal your underwear? You don't even know how many men you've had sex with! Why is Class D filled with these annoying rubbish?"

As soon as Dongfang approached, he found that the girl who was madly attacking was the popular girl, Kikyo Kushida.

This girl, who is called the youth version of Ichinose, doesn't seem to be associated with the shrew in front of him.

Although he felt that she was a green tea when they first met, Dongfang didn't expect that she had such a dark side.

No, perhaps, the current Kikyo Kushida is the real her. Yes, after all, before meeting Ichinose, Dongfang would never believe that the so-called angel existed.

And even Ichinose has a so-called black history. This Kikyo Kushida was assigned to Class D, and it is obvious that her problem is more serious.

Therefore, Class D is either a garbage person who looks flawed, or a bomber who looks excellent but actually has a particularly serious hidden danger.

After a while, Kikyo Kushida's voice disappeared. The gloomy expression on her face was replaced by a sweet expression, and she walked towards the camp step by step.

This also made Dongfang think of an excellent plan.

Before going back, Dongfang took a special look at the beach, and sure enough, the whole class of Ryuen was gone.

The next day

"So, you want me to threaten that Kushida Kikyo?"

"It's a deal"

"Why don't you go yourself?"

"Because I am not from the Sakayanagi faction."

Kamiro Masumi looked at Higashi with disdain. Sakayanagi stayed in your room for the whole day. You are not from the Sakayanagi faction, all Sakayanagi are yours!

Higashi looked at Kamuro who looked unhappy across from him, and didn't think much about it. After all, the other party had always been like this.

"In short, just say and do as I teach you. Do you understand?"

"I understand.

Kamuro-san is a person who always says one thing and does another. He received the order and came to Class D alone.

"Um, classmate, who are you looking for?"

"Kushida bellflower"

"Ah, Kushida-san, someone is calling you!"

Soon, Kushida Kikyo came over here.

"Um, you are Kamuro-san from Class A, right?"

Kamuro Masumi nodded:

"Can we come over to the side and talk?"

"Hmm... OK."

Although she didn't know what Kamuro Masumi's purpose was, she still agreed to the other party's request.

Kamuro Masumi didn't stop until she could no longer see the people from Class D.

"Kamuro-san, what's going on?"

"Horikita Suzune"


"You hate Horikita Suzune, right?"

"I... don't understand what you mean, why do I hate Horikita-san?"

Kushida Kikyo was caught off guard by the question, but she had to pretend to be cute and didn't understand.

"Stop pretending. I saw you scolding Horikita Suzune by yourself."

"! ? Um, Kamuro-san, you may have recognized the wrong person. Horikita-san and I are good friends, why would I scold her?"

Kamuro told Kushida Kikyo with a look of"I know everything", and the other party's disguise was no longer useful.

Then, a textbook-like face change appeared. The originally gentle and cute face suddenly turned into a gloomy expression.

"Did you see it all?"

"Of course. That's why I came to see you."

"Tsk, what are you going to do?"

"I want you to change the class leader's identity table to my idea when the exam is almost over."

"You want me to betray my class?"

Kushida Kikyo roared like a beast.

"Stop playing dumb. Since you can curse your classmates behind their backs, why can't I make you betray the class?"

Kamiro Masumi was not frightened at all. Rather, she felt that this situation was even more exciting.

Kamuro Masumi had stolen things before, and it was still the same now. Unlike Ichinose, Kamuro stole things just for the sake of excitement.

And the reason why Arisu treated her like a puppy was because she felt that this was very satisfying. In other words, she was a masochist.


Kushida Kikyo's face became more and more gloomy. Indeed, compared with her own reputation, she could give up everything in the class.

But now, this person actually knew her true identity. Wouldn't she have to be at her mercy forever?

"That's all I want you to do. We can sign a contract, and after this, I will never threaten you again. And you don't have to worry about me telling others."


Kikyo Kushida could only accept the other party's conditions silently. She wanted to threaten him, but she was not sure whether the other party had relevant evidence.

After confirming that there was no problem with the contract, Kikyo Kushida pressed her handprint.

(The handprint sister still pressed her handprint)

Kamuro Masumi did not want to stay any longer after completing the task, so she took her part of the contract and went back.

"Horikita! You bitch! If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have been threatened! Damn it!"

"And Kamuro Masumi! You are also***"

Kushida Kikyo was still cursing in the distance. Since it was not night, she had to keep an eye out for anyone passing by. But at this moment, she couldn't stand it anymore.

Class A Camp

"for you"

"Yes, you have done a great job this time."

Higashitaka was very satisfied with Kamuro's actions, but in his opinion, since people like Kushida Kikyo are so careful about their reputation, they will bear whatever treatment they receive on weekdays.

Then she can also sell out everything around her to protect herself.

In this case, even if Class D takes action from Ayanokouji, it can only return in defeat.

That is, if Class A, B, and C are guessed wrong at the same time, 150 points will be deducted, and if two people withdraw, 60 points will be deducted. The minimum for daily necessities is 70 points, not counting the points gained, and the remaining is only 20 points.

Although there is no way to target Class B, Class B is the easiest to defeat among the three opponents.

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