Class B, I don't know why the school can divide it so accurately. The students in the whole class are united, friendly, kind, just, and have excellent grades. This atmosphere is completely opposite to Class D.

Everyone is doing their job tremblingly, and there will be no quarrels between two people due to uneven division of labor.

Of course, this is also due to the coordination work of the pink-blonde girl who is running around.

Ichinose has always been called an angelic girl. Not only because of her cute appearance, but more importantly, the gentleness and kindness in her heart that cannot be concealed.

"Arnold, Shibata-san, could you please take this wooden stake over there?"

"Xiao Mazi, can you please share these apples with the boys?"

Ichinose was directing the students in an orderly manner, and Dongfang did not go to disturb them.

Not long after, Ichinose finally finished the work at hand. When he stood up to drink water, he turned around and saw Dongfang who had arrived at some point.

"Oh, sorry, Dongfang, when did you come?"

"I just got here. I saw you were busy so I didn't bother you."

"Well, there are a lot of things to do. Is Dongfang here to gather intelligence?"

"Well... that's about right."

Hearing the other party's intention, Ichinose did not show any sign of being on guard or alert. Instead, he took the initiative to take Dongfang to visit the camp.

"The atmosphere in your class is really good."

"Haha, it's because everyone is a very good person."

If Ichinose's class was in any ordinary school outside, they would surely be invincible.

Unfortunately, Highly Developed Junior High School is not that simple. If there is no leader who can handle cruel elimination and competition within the class, it will surely fall to the bottom very quickly.

At least in the current Class B, as far as Higashikata-san is concerned, there is no such person yet. However, there seem to be a lot of such people in Class A. Would it be better if Katsuragi was placed in Class B?

Higashikata-san stopped thinking about it. This was actually his first time to directly contact Class B, and his vote had not yet been settled.

"I heard that Ichinose also wanted to join the student council before?"

"Ahaha, yes. Unfortunately, I was not favored by the student council president, so I was eliminated. But didn't Higashikata succeed? He even became the vice president."

Horikita Manabu. I guess he is afraid that they will be controlled by Nanyun Masa, just like Katsuragi. But since Higashikata-san has become the vice president, there is no need to be so wary of him.

"I just made a deal with the president. And he didn't intend to let freshmen join the student council at first."

"So that's how it is?"

Soon after Katsuragi was rejected by the student union, the news that Dongfang was appointed as the vice president first reached Class A.

Katsuragi looked at Dongfang with admiration and envy, and Dongfang didn't say much at that time. He just patted Katsuragi on the shoulder and said: Don't mind it.

Katsuragi was not a jealous person, so he always thought that he was not capable enough. After that, he studied harder and was always looking for opportunities to prove himself.

"If Ichinose still wants to join the student council, she can just give me the application form after school starts. Although I can only give her a chores job."

"Eh? Is this considered a backdoor?"

"No, I don't. Actually, I always think that you are a very capable person. The president refused before because of his own considerations."

"Hmm." Ichinose wanted to say something, but then he closed his slightly opened mouth.

"What's wrong?"

"Dongfang Jun, don’t you remember?"


"As expected... After all, it's just... Okay, I'll submit the application form!"

Ichinose said something in a voice that only he could hear, and then firmly expressed his desire to join the student council.

"Oh, oh."

Dongfang felt a little strange, but he didn't think much about it.

"Oh, yes, although it's not a good idea to say this. The student union will be replaced after the second semester, so whether you will stay in the student union after the replacement will probably be decided by the new president."

"Change of term. I heard that the school has always had the vice president running for president. In other words, is Dongfang going to run?"

"Yes. If I don't become president, your position may be……"

Ichinose didn't care about what would happen to him after the change of leadership, but spoke in a firm tone about a fact that was bound to happen.

"No, if it’s Dongfang-jun, it will definitely work!"

"Hey? Why?"

"Anyway… Anyway… Anyway, I think this is it."

Ichinose realized that what he said might be wrong, and his voice became lower and lower until his face turned slightly red and he could not make any sound.

"Ah, thank you. So, will Ichinose vote for me?"

Dongfang thought and asked this question. This question is not only a test, but also an inducement.

Ichinose also calmed down and took a deep breath.:

"Of course, I will definitely support Dongfang!"

"Uh, ah. Thank you, Ichinose."

Higashira didn't expect the other party to be so firm. Based on the other party's performance, it seems that he knew him before.

But he couldn't remember that he knew a girl named Ichinose before entering school.

"Oh, by the way, that student wearing glasses over there is Kaneda from Class C, right?"

"Yes, that's right, we found Kaneda-san who was kicked out of the class by Ryuen-san in the forest. I feel like we can't just leave him there."

It seems that just like Class D, Kaneda is Ryuen's spy in Class B.

"Ichinose. Class D also took in a student who was kicked out by Ryuuen."

"Hey!? Is it true?"

"Ah. I don't think there is such a coincidence. After all, Ryuen does things without regard for the cost, so we should be more careful."

""Higashigashi, do you mean that Kaneda-san was sent here on purpose?"

Ichinose was not a fool, and he quickly thought of the possibility of a spy.

"This is my guess. If he really is, then the leader of your class is in danger."

"Well...but what if it's true?……"

"I have a solution. It's up to you to decide whether to use it or not. Change the leader on the last day."

"Eh? But it doesn't mean that you can't have a legitimate reason... a legitimate reason"

Ichinose also noticed this rule and was thinking

"Well, although it may be painful for the leader of your class. But there is nothing we can do about it. After all, it is for the consideration of your class. As for whether to do it or not, it depends on you."

Higashima-san just stood aside and gave suggestions, but this suggestion also made Ichinose very excited, but on the other hand, she was afraid that deliberately making classmates withdraw from the exam would have a bad influence. The easiest way is to get sick, but deliberately making classmates sick, neither she nor the students in Class B can do it.

However, Ichinose still decided to thank Higashima-san first.

"Thank you Dongfang. We will seriously consider it, but is it really okay to tell us this information?"

"It doesn't matter, just think of it as taking care of the juniors who are about to join the student council!"

Tongfang left a back view and left directly. Because he also noticed that several students from Class B were eavesdropping on his conversation with Ichinose.

"Hmm, what should I do?

Ichinose was worrying alone.

"Ichinose, what happened? Did that Touhou-san say anything?"

"Yes, Xiao Fanbo, you look very conflicted."

"We didn't mean to hear it, but it seemed like we heard the student council president or some leader was in pain."

Looking at the classmates from Class B who gathered around him, Ichinose was not angry about being overheard. He just felt that these classmates were concerned about him.

As expected, the classmates from Class B were the best!

Ichinose took a deep breath and secretly looked at Kaneda's position. He was still helping others set up the tent, so he called the few people in front of him to walk away.

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