The fate of Class C is already doomed. Under Higashikata's plan, the only possible score is 0.

Therefore, in order to achieve this goal, Ryuuen must guess the leaders of Class BD incorrectly, and then guess the leader of Class A correctly. This will not only weaken Katsuragi to the greatest extent, but also allow Class C to get 0 points.

And if the information about the leaders of Class BD that Ryuuen gets is false, Katsuragi will also be deducted 100 points for filling in two wrong guesses.

Therefore, under Higashikata's plan, Class A will be directly deducted 150 special points, and because the leader was guessed, it will not get the reward for occupying the stronghold.

Counting the fixed expenses of 50 points that may be spent in these seven days, Class A will only have 70 points left.

‘70 points? It feels like it's a bit too much. '

As he walked, Dongfang brainstormed. If he wanted to make Katsuragi fail badly and not let other classes win too much, he could only let Katsuragi get the lowest score, which is 0 points.

As Dongfang walked, a group of people appeared in front of him. They had a casual attitude, low efficiency, and a life attitude of quarreling when they were indecisive.

This was Class D.

The students in Class D were familiar with Dongfang because they had made a deal with him.

""Higashira-san, are you here to gather intelligence?"

The person who came was Kushida Kikyo. Her clothes were covered with dust and her forehead was covered with beads of sweat. It seemed that she had really done a lot of work.

"I was just looking around. After all, surviving in the wild on an uninhabited island is a rare experience."

"That's true."

Kushida Kikyo is a socialite who will try her best to show her support no matter what the other person says.

""Hey? Who is that?"

Dongfang pointed to a girl with short blue hair who looked unhappy next to the D class camp.

He recognized that she was Ibuki Mio from Class C who was knocked to the ground by him last time. But he didn't intend to show that they knew each other in front of Kushida Kikyo.

And Ibuki naturally noticed Dongfang. Although he wanted to take revenge, he considered that he was no match for her and came out to carry out a disgusting mission, and his unhappy face became even uglier.

"Ah, that's Ibuki from Class C. I heard that she had a conflict with Ryuuen-kun and was kicked out. So she joined us."

"It sounds like something Ryuuen would do. But is it really a good idea to take in a person from another class?"

"But I can't just leave Ibuki alone."

At this time, a cold voice came.:

"What are you doing here?"

Horikita Suzune is still the same. If she is not happy with someone, it will show on her face and in her words. Her straightforwardness is in stark contrast to some people.

"It's nothing, just a casual walk."

As he spoke, Higashi noticed that Horikita Suzune had been rubbing her arms. She had started to do this on the boat, and it was obvious that she had a cold.

Ayanokouji was still standing there blankly, and he also nodded slightly to Higashi, as a greeting.

"No matter what you think, I'll just kindly remind you that Ibuki may not have been kicked out."

"You mean!"

"Huh? No way. The marks on her body from being beaten don't look fake."

Horikita Suzune also thought that she might be a spy, but after all, it was very dangerous for a girl to be in the forest. The most important thing was that everyone in Class D agreed to take her in, so she had no right to refuse.

For example, even though she didn't like the girl in front of her, she had to admit that she did have a lot of say in the class.

"All in all, be careful."

"Why are you helping us? It's none of your business whether she's a spy or not."

"Just think of me meddling in your business."

Higashira looked around D class and didn't see Gaoyuan Temple. He thought that guy didn't like being restrained. He probably left on his own.

So, Higashira was also ready to leave. He confirmed the situation of D class and reminded them that C class might have deployed spies.

Because he didn't know whether Ayanokouji would act for the class, Higashira had to do these things himself.

Seeing the other party walking away, Horikita Suzune also used her brain and made a decision.:

"Ayanokouji, come with me tomorrow to investigate the situation of other classes."

"Ah. I see."

"Then I'll leave it to you! Horikita-san, Ayanokouji-kun. I will also keep an eye on Ibuki-san's movements. If she is really a spy, we can't keep her anymore."

Horikita Suzune also nodded silently.

There was a slight flicker in Ayanokouji's calm eyes. He had to take action during the exam because he was threatened by a bad class teacher.

Ibuki was a spy. In Ayanokouji's eyes, this was a very clumsy self-torture tactic, because if Ibuki really disobeyed his rule, he could not expel Ibuki from his class.

Since the spy has been appointed, it means that the other party is targeting the identity of the class leader. Therefore, it is only necessary to withdraw Horikita from the competition at the last minute.

The leader cannot be replaced without a legitimate reason, so only... You can change it if you have a reason. Horikita happened to catch a cold, and it didn't get better on this island. As long as her condition worsens, it will be easy to make her leave.

This is what Ayanokouji thinks, as for how to attack other classes, he hasn't figured it out yet. However, when chasing after Gaoyuan Temple, he happened to run into Katsuragi and Totsuka Yahiko from Class A. The two had just walked out of a base. Katsuragi still had the key card in his hand, and considering that the base had just been activated, one of the two must be the leader.

Katsuragi is a steady person. As an A���As the leader of the class, he obviously wouldn't make the mistake of accidentally being caught by other classes with a key card.

Then the leader of Class A is Yahiko Totsuka.

Next, just follow Horikita to investigate Class B and Class C, and you can roughly plan the action.

But what Ayanokouji can't figure out is what exactly does Higashi-san want to do?

The friendship between the D class is all so-called transactions, and the sudden identity of the vice president of the student union suddenly appeared beside him without his perception.

Higashi-san is a dangerous person. Whether it is judgment, action, or personal ability, they are absolutely strong.

And now, this person can't do nothing in the exam, so Ayanokouji also has an inexplicable impulse. He wants to compete with Higashi-san.

As a successful work of the white room, Ayanokouji has never failed. And that's why he is so eager to fail. He wants to know what it feels like to fail.

And if he fails, it also proves that his father-that person has also failed.

But since we don't know what the other party wants to do, just leave it alone. Anyway, Ayanokouji only needs to show proof of his hard work so that he won't be expelled by the class teacher.

On the other side, Dongfang, who had already walked a long way, was also thinking about his course of action. He had already made Class A lose, and Class C was almost certain to get 0 points.

Then, how to prevent Class BD from making huge profits was what Dongfang needed to worry about. He had already made a rough estimate of Class D's situation, so next, he only needed to go to Class B to decide his course of action!

Not far away was Class B's base.

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