"Really? I see. I will definitely persuade everyone to agree. We must save our companions!"

"Well, I'll leave it to you, Hirata-san."

"Ah, leave it to me."

Although some students in Class D were in crisis, most of them were more concerned about when their points would be credited to their accounts this month. Or they simply didn't take it seriously and spent every day the same.

After class that day, a boy with short green hair and a sunny and handsome appearance stood on the podium.

"Hey, can everyone please wait? I have something very important to say, a very important decision to discuss with you all."

Because boys are surprisingly popular in Class D, the students in Class D stopped wanting to leave and planned to listen to what Hirata-san had to say.

However, there are always mavericks in Class D."I'm sorry, I have a very important date next, so I'm sorry I don't have time to accompany you." Everyone in Class D was not surprised by this. After all, this"weird guy" in their eyes had never been sociable, so it was normal for him to do such a thing.

"Please wait a moment, Gaoyuansi-san. Today's matter is very important and concerns the safety of our companions."

"Unfortunately, I have no interest in it. What you think is important may not be the case for me. So, sorry, Hirata boy"

"Forget it, Hirata, the opinion of that fellow Gaoyuan Temple is not important at all, you should speak quickly, I have to go back to date the girl after speaking.

The speaker is a boy named Yamauchi Haruki, who can be said to be the most annoying boy in Class D. But such a boy has no self-awareness and always likes to offend others.

"Well, actually, it was Hirata Eiichi from Class A who wanted to make a deal with us."

Hirata saw that he couldn't keep Gaoyuan Temple, so he spoke directly.

Hearing the name of Hirata Eiichi, Gaoyuan Temple, who was about to leave, stopped. He simply sat back, took out a small mirror, and combed his hair in front of the mirror.

Hirata Yosuke on the stage thought that Gaoyuan Temple might have figured it out, and he was getting happier.

"Class A? Why are the guys from Class A looking for us?"

"I heard from my friends in Class C that Dongfang is the vice president of the student union."

"Huh? Vice President?"

"You don't know yet, actually......"

Seeing the students in Class D talking about it, Hirata Yosuke cleared his throat and stopped the students from talking.

"Everyone, actually, Touhou-san said that he has a way to help Sudo-san get through this crisis."

"Eh? Really?"

"This, didn't that guy want to hurt me last time?"

Sudo was confused when he heard that the guy could solve his problems, but he did hurt him last time.

"Please be quiet. Actually, Dongfang wants us to exchange our votes for the student council president. I hope everyone can agree. After all, votes are not as good as our companions, right?"

"Ballots? What are those? Do we have such a thing?"

"Stupid. Of course, it was after the student union changed its term, and Dongfang wanted to be the president, so he exchanged with us. After all, the president needs to be elected by all students."

"Then why can't we be the president ourselves?"

Seeing that Class D was arguing about the president and the votes, Hirata Yosuke signaled to Kushida Kikyo.

The latter also received the signal, stood up and said in an angelic voice:

"Please help Sudo-kun! We must not abandon our friends!"

"That's right, using votes that are useless to us in exchange for companions is a good choice, isn't it?"

After all, the class is basically led by Hirata Yosuke and Kushida Kikyo. Since they all agreed to the exchange, I had no choice but to agree. Horikita Suzune and Ayanokouji agreed to this exchange yesterday, so they didn't say much.

"Oh, this kind of exchange is so ugly."

"Gaoyuan Temple, what are you talking about? Do you have any compassion?"

"That's right. You not only didn't participate in saving your classmates, but also made sarcastic remarks. I just hate that it's not you who might be expelled this time!"

Seeing the spearhead pointed at Gaoyuan Temple, Hirata Yosuke and Kushida Kikyo once again acted as peacemakers. Only then did the conflict gradually extinguish.

"Gaoyuan Temple classmate, I...."

Hirata Yosuke was interrupted by Gaoyuan Temple before he could finish his words.

"This kind of exchange is not beautiful enough. But if it is an Oriental boy, I can give him a face. What do you think, Oriental boy?"

At this time, a boy wearing a mask walked in from the back door.

"You guy....Just consider it as my admission."

"Hahahaha. You are indeed someone who can compete with me in beauty on the same stage. I have something else to do. See you another day."

After saying that, Gaoyuansi walked out of the classroom with a small mirror and a big laugh.

"Um, you are Higashigashi, right? I'm Hirata Yosuke, and our D class has agreed to your request, so can you give us the evidence?"

"Evidence? I have no evidence."

Hearing the other party's denial, even Hirata Yosuke's face looked a little unhappy. Everyone was about to get angry when they heard:

"Don't get excited. I don't have evidence to prove Sudo's innocence, but I have evidence from Ryuen and the others. You can take this and settle it with them privately."

As he said this, Higashigata handed over yesterday's recording to Hirata Yosuke. Although it was a bit noisy, it did prove that Ryuen took the initiative to attack Higashigata.

Both parties also successfully signed a contract.

The contract stipulates that Class D will unconditionally vote for the student council president to Higashigata Eiichi. Higashigata Eiichi handed over the method to save Sudo from expulsion.


"No, we should thank you, otherwise we really don't know how to save our companions"

"Well, I should thank Ryuen more."

Afterwards, Hirata Yosuke also went to the KTV to find Ryuen. According to a person related to Class C: The newly replaced private room tables and chairs were smashed again.

"Wearing a mask. Okay, you are so nice! Just wait, I will make you Class A pay a heavy price sooner or later!!"

Student Dongfang: Whatever, I am not the leader of Class A anyway. I have no sect or faction.

Afterwards, Class C took the initiative to withdraw the lawsuit to the Student Union. The Sudo beating incident also came to an end.

That night, several people in Class D decided to have a good party!

"So, why was the party in my room?"

"Well, after all, your place is the cleanest and tidy in Ayanokouji"

"Sorry, Ayanokouji-kun, I think it’s not appropriate to hold a party in a girl’s room."

Ayanokouji said helplessly with dead eyes:

"By the way, how did you get in?"

"Hey, we got a copy of your room key."

Sudo patted Ayanokouji's shoulder carelessly.

"Hey, I just realized I'm in a very dangerous situation."

"Don't worry! We successfully defeated Class C this time, but it was a pity that we didn't see Ryuen's hysterical look."

"This time, it's all thanks to Dongfang. If it weren't for him, Sudo, you might have been expelled from school now."

When mentioning Dongfang, Sudo was indignant again. After all, the other party made the deal by blackmailing the votes of Class D. Why should he thank him?

"Forget about him. If someone like him became the student council president, it would be a disaster for the entire school."

"But I think Dongfang is a very nice person. Although he is wearing half a mask, he is really handsome!"

Kushida Kikyo's innocent expression made the other two boys nervous.

"Little Kikyo, you, don’t like him, do you?"

"Yes, yes, little Platycodon, no way?"

"Well, I don't have any feelings for Higashi-san. But it might be nice if she finds a handsome boyfriend." Yamauchi

Haruki and Ike Kanji were relieved to hear that Kikyo Kushida didn't like Higashi-san Eiichi. As the two least popular boys among girls, they have a crush on Kikyo Kushida, who is cute, big, kind and gentle.

"Little Kikyo, do you think wearing a mask is cool?"

"In fact, I was called Kamen Rider before. I once saved a princess from a country."

Yamauchi, you are bragging again.


Everyone in Class D is very happy, and so is Higashikata from Class A. Only Ryuuen is injured.

The Ishizaki trio: What about our injuries?

Ryuuen: You dare to ask?

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