The next day at 5pm,

Dongfang arrived at the entrance of the KTV room that he and Ryuen had arranged to meet. The two delinquents standing guard at the entrance were two of the three members of Class C, excluding Ishizaki.

"Do you really think of this place as your own castle?"

"What did you say? Brother Longyuan is waiting for you inside, go in quickly."

The two guys were obviously a little afraid of Dongfang classmate, and they didn't want to say much, just want to complete their tasks.

Then Dongfang classmate pushed open the door of the luxurious private room. As expected of the KTV inside the Highly Cultivated School, it was magnificent and dazzling, making people feel that this was really a luxurious mansion.

The people of Class C in the private room also looked at the door with the sound, knowing that the visitor was the vice president of the student union who cheated them of one million points per month. He stared at Dongfang classmate with a look that wanted to cut him into pieces.

A tall boy with lavender hair parted in the middle also slowly climbed up from the bed. His face was fierce and his temperament was cold, like a vicious giant snake in the Amazon forest,

"I thought I could spot who you were doing this to. But it turns out he's just a coward who doesn't even dare to show his face?"

"I'm not afraid of a king who needs the support of numbers to show up."


As he said that, Ryuen stood up and walked towards Dongfang, and the ruffian spirit that came from his long years of wandering around the streets was also blowing in his face.

However, based on the aura that he deliberately released, Dongfang also judged that he was a delinquent, just a delinquent.

Until Ryuen walked to an arm's length away from Dongfang, he suddenly laughed:

""Okay. I didn't expect you to have some skills."

Then, with a speed that ordinary people could hardly react to, he punched Dongfang in the face. Unfortunately, in front of Dongfang, the speed of this punch was still too slow. He casually stretched out his hand and grasped the opponent's fist, making it impossible for him to move forward or backward.

"Hey, hey, hey, are you going to use violence against the student union members?"

"Violence? That's not bad either."

Ryuen also felt that the idea was difficult, as the opponent was stronger than him, so he winked secretly. Then he pretended not to use more force, and Dongfang also realized that there was a huge aura behind him rushing towards him.

So, he decisively let go of the right hand that was holding Ryuen, and lowered his body to use a roundhouse kick on the person behind him. Due to the huge inertia of the opponent, after being tripped, his upper body still pressed towards him.

Dongfang decisively punched the opponent on the jaw and knocked him out.

"Let me remind you, this is self-defense."

"Don't be so proud!"

Since we have decided to teach Dongfang a lesson, the arrow has to be shot. A girl with short blue hair also stepped forward decisively. As a descendant of a martial arts family who has practiced martial arts since childhood, this girl's leg skills are very good.

Due to her short stature, her figure is more flexible. However, Dongfang is more flexible than you, and the second form of the Eight Leaves---Jifeng is especially good at speed. He almost disappeared on the spot. The girl with short blue hair subconsciously looked behind her, but what was coming towards her was the opponent's fist.

Dongfang classmate has never had any sympathy for women. If he is sure that it is better to knock the opponent down, he will knock the opponent down with all his strength. Therefore, this punch directly knocked the girl to the ground and she could not get up again.

Ryuen was still planning to not give in, but heard the other party's voice:

"Well, let's stop here."

"Aren't you very powerful? Why, are you scared now?"

"No, it's just that if I knock you down, no one will trade with me. Besides, I'm just defending myself."

After comparing the fighting power of both sides, Albert and Ibuki, who could be considered as fighting power on his side, had already fallen. He was far from being a match for this guy, so Ryuen decided to stop fighting.

"Tsk. I've never heard of an opponent like you in Class A."

"There are still so many things you don't know."

Dongfang said in a meaningful voice.

Unfortunately, Ryuen thought he was just pretending to be deep, so he looked at the contents of the contract and signed his name. Just as Dongfang was about to reach out to take the contract, Ryuen threatened in a fierce voice:

"Maybe you have some skills, but I tell you, I have my eyes on you. If I find an opportunity, I will bite you hard, and I hope you can still laugh then."

"Well, I'll take it as advice. You too."

After saying that, he glanced at the tables, chairs and drinks scattered on the floor. He then took out his phone, operated it a few times, and left a sentence that made Long Yuan curse:

"Well, I'll pay for the loss of the private room today, you're welcome."

Looking at the 1 point the other party transferred on his phone, Ryuuen was so angry that he trembled all over, and suddenly laughed like crazy.

Seeing their boss like this, Class C was already trembling with fear from the previous battle, and now they were even more silent.

"Hahaha! Interesting, Higashikata Eiichi. This school is interesting only in this way! But Katsuragi and Sakayanagi probably didn't realize it either, you are the most lurking venomous snake!"

Katsuragi: I never underestimated him. (Serious tone)

Arisu: It's really scary. (Reading tone)

The contract with Class C is reached: Class C needs to pay Higashikata Eiichi 1 million personal points every month, and Higashikata Eiichi must delete all videos related to Class C's attack plan on Class D, and guarantee that no relevant information will be leaked.

Ryuuen was taught a hard lesson by Higashikata, and the losses caused must naturally be taken back from Class D.

As for Higashikata himself, he is ready to trade with Class D with the newly recorded recording of Ryuuen attacking him. After all, with Sudo's case in front of him, how could Higashikata not guard against Ryuen doing the same to him.

But this time Ryuen really just wanted to teach Higashikata a lesson.

At this moment, Class D is struggling to find evidence of Sudo. And it is said that Ichinose from Class B has also joined in, and the two classes have reached their first cooperation.

So Ichinose, Horikita Suzune, Sonokouji Kiyotaka, and Kushida Kikyo acted together to find witnesses or relevant evidence at the time of the crime.

And they met Higashikata who was waiting for them in the lobby on the first floor of the crime scene.

"Ah. Dongfang-san. Maybe he should be called Vice President Dongfang."

"Hey? Vice President?"

"Ahaha, Xiaofanbo doesn't know yet. Dongfang is the vice president of the student union."


The relationship between Kushida Kikyo and Ichinose is very good. Maybe they are both sunny, gentle and cute girls. It seems that they get along as well as a pair of real sisters.

"The title of vice president is just a compliment from the president. So, you are looking for evidence, right?"

"Humph, of course, thanks to someone, we have to look for so-called evidence here."

Horikita Suzune gritted her teeth and said, as if she felt that this person and she must be two poles of magnets since the first time she saw Dongfang classmate, and she would be very angry every time she saw him.

"But this is the school's rule. I can't do anything about it. If you really want to blame someone, you can only blame yourself for admitting the violation and not being able to explain it."


"Okay, please stop arguing. Horikita-san, Higashikata-san is also fair."

"Don't mind it, Higashi-kun. Horikita-san is just like that, but she has no ill intentions. Please don't blame her, okay?"

Kushida Kikyo played the role of peacemaker again, but if she really wanted Higashi-san not to mind it, why did she say the second half of the sentence? It was as if she was deliberately leading Higashi-san to blame Horikita Suzune.

"Yeah, I also think there is nothing wrong with Dongfang-kun's businesslike approach.

Ichinose also agreed.

"you....Forget it."

Horikita Suzune turned around and was about to leave, and also called Ayanokouji to go with her

"If we really can't find any evidence, it will be terrible."

Horikita, who was about to leave, heard Higashikata mocking something again. She wanted to get angry but then she remembered that Higashikata was like this in front of her brother last time, so she just looked at him with cold eyes.

"Well, to be precise, I have a way to help you get through this crisis."

"Really? Dongfang-kun?"

Kushida Kikyo looked very happy and looked at Dongfang-san with her cute big eyes.

"Haha. If you're talking about a million, forget it. I don't have that many points, and even if I did, I wouldn't be able to give it to you."

"Eh? One million? ?"

"Well, I'm serious this time. I do have a solution to the problem."

"So what do you want?"

"I want the whole class of D to agree to something for me.

Horikita Suzune subconsciously wanted to refuse, always feeling that the other party's request was not so easy to agree to, but after all, she didn't have much say in the class.���Quan thought about it but didn't say anything.

Meanwhile, Kushida Kikyo was still asking:

"Mr. Dongfang, what’s the matter?"

"Can you represent the whole class?"

"Well, I can ask Hirata-san, and then we can discuss it and give you an answer."

"Well, what I want is the votes for the president of the student council."

Horikita Suzune heard that it was related to the student council president, and expressed her opinion before Kushida Kikyo:

"So you wanted votes. Ha, you should have planned this a long time ago. Ever since we were attacked by Class C, you asked us to find non-existent evidence, and then you jumped out to threaten us at the critical moment. In fact, you already had the real evidence!"

"Or, you and Class C had already agreed on this."

Horikita Suzune's sharp thoughts surprised Kushida Kikyo. So Higashikata-san is this kind of person? So all this was his conspiracy?

""Whatever you say. This is my request. If the whole class agrees, then I will give you the method to overcome this crisis."

Horikita Suzune, who wanted to continue to attack, was also silenced. Indeed, no matter whether it was the opponent's conspiracy or not, Class D must either take out the vote or give up Sudo at that time.

Just when Horikita racked his brains and couldn't think of a solution, he looked at Ayanokouji who was hiding.


This Ayanokouji can always suddenly bring him a solution to the problem at the most critical moment, so he will have a way this time.

Has Ayanokouji thought of a solution? In fact, there is.

As long as he makes some false surveillance and calls out Ishizaki and others from Class C.

Let them see these surveillances, they will confess and withdraw the lawsuit obediently.

However, there are certain risks in doing so, which will further expose his own strength, and the success rate is not 100%.

If someone sees through the plan, he may be charged with forgery of evidence.

At that time, not only can Sudo not be saved, but he may also be involved.

So he shook his head and indicated to Horikita Suzune that he had no way. Horikita was also a little disappointed: Really?

"Okay, I will go back and tell everyone in the class. Please wait patiently for our answer, Dongfang, I will try my best to persuade everyone to agree."

Kushida Kikyo said

"Okay. I look forward to your good news. Goodbye~" and then left alone

"Then let's tell everyone right away!"

Horikita Suzune and Ayanokouji also nodded. After all, they didn't really want anyone to be expelled from school.

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