Since he decided to buy the test papers from seniors, Dongfang first thought of the seniors in the Kendo Club. So he took advantage of the time after school to go to the Kendo Club's dojo.

The members of the Kendo Club were still as diligent as ever, and Dongfang was not in a hurry. He just watched the club activities quietly from the audience. It seemed that he saw his old self, and some nostalgia appeared on his face.

"Ah, Dongfang-kun. You are not here to cheat us out of points again today. I didn't expect you to be such a person last time. I thought you were an honest kid."Dongfang heard someone calling her, and it turned out to be the senior who was in charge of recruiting new members last time.

"Ah, senior, I already apologized for what happened last time."

"Well, what are you doing this time?"

"Actually, I want to buy the midterm exam papers of my seniors in the first semester of the first year......."

At this moment, Matsui on the stage also looked over and called out loudly, calling Dongfang over.

"I see. But since you want the test questions, just take them."

"Hey? Is this okay?"

"You bastard, you didn't think about it when you cheated us. Now you're pretending to be a gentleman. If you really want to, how about canceling my monthly 50,000?"

Matsui scolded with a smile, and jokingly asked Dongfang for the starting point.

"Well... It doesn't matter if it's cancelled. After all, I wanted more points or I wanted to win a bet."

"Good boy, from what you said it seems like you have a lot of money recently."

"It's not bad, there are still several million."

Matsui listened with a frown on his face. He had worked hard for three years and saved money by taking into account various subsidies. He had only saved about two million.

"Let me make it clear first. I can give you the test questions, but you have to teach us swordsmanship in your spare time. I can see that you are definitely a top master. With your guidance, I can also touch the threshold of the fourth level."

"No problem. Thank you, Mr. Matsui."

"Ah, I'll send you the test questions after the club activities are over. That's it, I still have to organize activities, so excuse me."

Matsui said as he returned to the stage and continued to instruct other members in kendo.

After finishing his task, Dongfang did not stay any longer. He heard during the day that Katsuragi and the others were going to organize a study session in the library. After all, there were a few students in Class A who were not very confident in their academic ability.

Thinking of this, he also walked towards the library.

"Pfft, what are these guys who didn't know about the Great Discovery of Geography pretending to be?"

As soon as Dongfang entered the library, he saw two or three bad boys on one side mocking the students on the other side.

Upon closer inspection, they were all familiar faces.

The mocked group included the self-conscious black girl with long straight hair, the red-haired D-class student who was mocked by this group last time, and the arrogant Ayanokouji with a flying fish hairstyle.

As for the bad boys on the other side, Dongfang also knew that they were students from Class C.

It seemed that the entire Class C was basically made up of bad boys, so they were easy to identify.

"Could you please be quiet for a moment? This is the library, a place for study. If you are going to quarrel, please leave here."

Just when the boys in Class D were unwilling to be ridiculed and were about to retort, Katsuragi and his classmates came over.

"What does this have to do with you? Which class are you in?"

"1st year Class A. Remember this, you bunch of scumbags."

Before Katsuragi could speak, Totsuka Yahiko, the core member of the Katsuragi faction, answered them first, and then looked at the students of Class C and Class D with contempt.

"Who are you calling trash?"

"You guys are the worst in the whole grade."


Katsuragi stopped Totsuka Yahiko from continuing to mock, but after all, the latter was his classmate and the one who supported him the most, so Katsuragi decided to educate Class CD first.

At this moment, a girl with long pink-blonde hair also approached with a group of students,"This is a library, you can't cause trouble for others. You have already affected other students, this is wrong."

He looked in the direction of Katsuragi and Totsuka:"Katsuragi from Class A, I think your friend's behavior of insulting other students is also very inconsiderate. We are all classmates, why can't we communicate properly?"

"Ichinose"Katsuragi and the delinquents in Class C looked at the newcomer and could not say anything. After all, what the girl said just now was all right.

But after all, they were delinquents, so they still said something harsh:"Humph, we want to study hard, but these people in Class D are really too much of a nuisance."

Seeing that both sides were about to fight again, the girl in Class D with long black hair stood up and said in a cold voice:"Enough. Let them say whatever they want. If you don't study hard, you will definitely drop out of school in the next exam."

"They actually have the energy to quarrel when the situation is critical. How childish."

Class C lost interest in the scene and simply walked out of the library. After all, they were not here to study.

"Let's go back too, Yahiko." Katsuragi looked at the scene in front of him and decided to take the Katsuragi faction back to study hard. When Higashio saw Ichinose, he felt that she looked familiar, as if he had seen her before, but he didn't have a deep impression. Let's put it aside for now, but when he saw that there seemed to be something wrong with the scope of the D class's exam, he took the initiative to walk over.

"You seem to be distressed."

"Huh? Which class are you from?"

The tall red-haired boy obviously had no good feelings towards students from other classes. His tone was full of rejection.

Ichinose also followed the voice and saw Higashikata-san. He subconsciously wanted to call him, but he opened his mouth but still couldn't say anything.

"What's wrong, Ichinose?"

""No, nothing. Let's go, Xiao Mazi."

Ichinose called the girls around him and left together. When leaving, he looked back in the direction of Dongfang, but no one noticed.

Dongfang also heard the name of this boy from the students in Class C, Sudo. Not caring about the other party's bad attitude, thinking about his future student council president vote, he decided to take the initiative to make friends with Class D.

"I have a method to get through this exam, I wonder if you need it"

"Huh? Are you serious?"

"Classmate, is this true?"

And the cold black man with long straight hair also asked:"Do you really have a way?"

"Yes, but I need 20,000 points to tell you."

"Twenty thousand? What if you cheat us?"

"The school does have something called a contract. Once signed, no one can violate it, otherwise there will be unexpected consequences."

At this moment, the students in Class D felt very unfamiliar with what Dongfang proposed.

"Contract? Is there such a thing? Do you know anything about it, Kikyo-chan?"

The girl called Kikyo-chan was as cute as Ichinose just now. She just shook her head and said,"Sorry, I haven't heard of it either."

"Contract. If what you say is true, I am willing to trade with you."

In the end, it was the self-righteous girl with long black straight hair who made the decision.

"But if you dare to lie to me, I will make you pay the price."

"Ah, sure."

I knew this girl's EQ seemed to be negative, but Dongfang's Qi cultivation skills were also first-rate.

So after signing the contract, Dongfang also received a transfer from this classmate named Horikita Suzune.

‘Horikita......No way. The EQ of these two people doesn't seem to be...Forget it.

Dongfang didn't think about whether the two people had some kind of relationship. He just sent the test questions he had just received to the other party.

"This is the midterm exam question. The questions for the first midterm exam of the first academic year in the school are the same. This should be enough to help you get through the difficult times."

"Test questions? I actually bought the test questions? Now I can pass the test easily, right?"

"There is such a way, Horikita-san, please show us the test paper."

The students in Class D did not think that these were the test papers that Horikita bought, and there was no need to show them. They just thought that since the other party had a method to pass the exam, they should hand it over.

At this time, the girl called Kikyo came over:

"Um, thank you very much. My name is Kikyo Kushida. Can we be friends?"

"Ah, Class A, Grade 1, my name is Dongfang Yingyi"

"Dongfangjun, can I call you that? I actually have a little dream, I want to make friends with all my classmates. Does it sound childish?"

While saying this, she tilted her head at a 45-degree angle, flashing a pair of cute big eyes. I guess she is very good at understanding boys' psychology.

"Well, it's a good dream." Dongfang thought that this girl was a green tea, and that if someone had this dream of 'making friends with everyone', they would have other reasons if they were not as pure as a blank sheet of paper.

However, since they were going to establish a relationship with Class D, and this classmate seemed to be very popular, maintaining a certain friendly relationship with her would mean that this action was a success.

"Hehe. Dongfangjun is indeed a very smart boy. He actually thought of buying test papers for other grades."

"Thanks to other students for reminding me. Although I don't know why there might be some problems with the exam scope of your class, I think it's good to be able to help you."

"Ah, it's getting late. Goodbye, Dongfangjun."

"Goodbye, Kushida-san"

‘As expected, she is a green tea... This rules out the possibility that she is a blank slate. It seems that all the students in Class D have some problems. Whether it is the self-righteous Horikita, or the easily irritated Sudo, the masses in Class D who think they should be served, and the mechanical puppet...---Ayanokouji Kiyotaka."

This school is really not boring no matter how you look at it.

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