The end of April. Class 1, Class A.

After a month, Higashi-san quickly became friends with the whole class because she was very friendly to everyone.

However, the class also had a tendency to split into factions. The most obvious opposition was between the two factions called Katsuragi and Sakayanagi.

As the name suggests, the Katsuragi faction was led by Katsuragi Kōhei. Katsuragi, who was reliable and looked honest, quickly gained his loyal subjects with his extraordinary intelligence and strong organizational skills.

The other faction was naturally led by Arisu. This girl, who looked frail and ill, but cute and elegant, first gained the favor of a large number of classmates with her appearance.

However, under Arisu's cute appearance, she hid a strong and aggressive personality, which made her look full of majesty. In terms of intelligence, she was much more clever than Katsuragi. Although it was not obvious in the eyes of others, Higashi-san knew how evil this childhood sweetheart was. The two factions were opposed to each other, but they acted together for Class A, which was quite like a two-party system.

Higashikata-san has not joined any faction. As far as his classmates know, he and Katsuragi-san seem to have become like-minded friends, but he also knew Arisu before.

As a classmate who has become very popular at the beginning of the school year, many neutral classmates think that perhaps Higashikata-san is also a good leader.

However, Higashikata-san himself has no interest in this."To lead the class, these two are enough. As for me... I will listen to the decision of the class. At least we are all classmates."

However, as to whether Higashikata-san will stand on the side of one faction, a certain silver-haired girl knows it very well.

‘Ding-ling-ling, the school bell rang, and Mashima Tomoya walked into the classroom, marking the beginning of a new day.

"Before class, I want to inform you that there will be a baseline test today. The content of the test is exactly what you have learned, and I hope everyone will do well."

Hearing that it was just a test, the students in Class A, who had the best academic performance, didn't care. So there was no discussion from the audience.

But Dongfang was thinking in his heart: Is it really just a test? This school has been full of traps since the beginning of the school year. This test...

It's a pity that he couldn't figure it out. After all, his academic ability is very high, and the classmates in the class don't seem to have any problems.

Soon, the test began. Looking at the very ordinary test questions on the test paper, Dongfang felt more and more weird.

‘The difficulty of the test questions was normal, or rather simple. It was basically impossible to tell what the problem was. '

He exhaled, and simply stopped thinking about it, and patiently finished answering the questions.

Mashima Tomoya also took away the test papers in a normal manner. In his opinion, with the level of Class A, it would be difficult to fail. On the first day of May, the students took out their mobile phones, looked at the points on them and whispered to each other.

"Hello, I got 94,000 points"

"Me too"

"me too"

"It seems that it is just as Sakayanagi-san and Katsuragi-san said, our performance will affect our personal points."

"It's all thanks to Dongfang, who reminded us on the first day that the points might be different."

As everyone was talking, Tomoya Mashima on the podium clapped his hands:"Silence!"

The students also shut up and looked at their homeroom teachers.

Tomoya Mashima was also very satisfied with this year's Class A. Not only was there Dongfang Yingyi, who saw through the S system on the first day, but there were also two outstanding talents, Arisu Sakayanagi and Kōhei Katsuragi.

At this time, a classmate raised his hand and asked,"Teacher, can you tell us now why our personal points were deducted? Also, how can we increase our personal points?"

Mashima Tomoya took out two pieces of paper without any hurry and pasted them on the blackboard.

[Class A: 940 points

Class B: 650 points

Class C: 560 points

Class D: 0 points]

After seeing the content written on the left piece of paper, the students in Class A also thought that it seemed that individual points were distributed at a ratio of 1:100.

Then they saw the right piece of paper, which showed the results of a small test in class not long ago.

However, after all, they were students in Class A, and except for a few students, they all achieved very high scores.

"The picture on the left shows the class scores of your four first-grade classes. The picture on the right shows your recent test scores."

Mashima Tomoya looked at the students in the audience and spoke slowly.:

"The initial class points of each class are 1000 points. Your personal points are distributed at a ratio of 1:100 to the class points."

"The points of your class also determine your class number. If the points of Class C exceed those of Class B, then Class C will become Class B. If Class B exceeds you, then you will be Class B."

Before the students in the audience could ask questions, Mashima Tomoya continued on the stage.:

"You heard before you entered school that you can freely choose your career after graduation. You can freely choose the university you want to enroll in. This opportunity is only available to graduates from Class A. The remaining three classes will be abandoned."

"This is the rule of Advanced Training Middle School."

After hearing what the teacher said, Higashigashi and Arisu were mentally prepared. Although it was the first time for Katsuragi to hear this, he quickly accepted the reality.

As for the other members of Class A, they were perhaps surprised and felt as if they had been cheated. However, they remembered that they were originally in Class A, so they did not get angry, but were slightly agitated.

Then, Katsuragi also stood up and said to the whole class::

"Everyone, although the school did not explain this rule before. But it is not too late to know it now. We are Class A, and the point gap with other classes is obvious. As long as we hold on, the future is ours!"

After hearing Katsuragi's comfort and encouragement, everyone in Class A returned to their previous state.

Seeing that the classmates' originally restless mood had calmed down, Mashima Tomoya also looked at Katsuragi with admiration.

"The picture on the right is your test results. According to the rules of Gaozuoyucheng Middle School, if you score less than half of the class average, you will fail."

"Congratulations, even the lowest score is far above this"

"But don't be too happy too soon, because the midterm exam will be in three weeks. Students whose midterm exam scores are below the passing score or are lower than the scores of this quiz will be expelled."

Everyone who had calmed down became nervous again when they heard that they would be punished if they failed the next exam.

Although it is unlikely that everyone will score below the passing score, it is hard to accept that they will be expelled if their scores are lower than the quiz.

Dongfang classmate also thought to himself: They actually set a trap here... Thinking of this, Dongfang classmate raised his hand.

Mashima Tomoya looked at this once very impressive student,"Please speak."

"Teacher, since points can be used to buy everything, how many points should the midterm exam papers be sold for?"

After hearing Dongfang's question, the students in the audience were also very surprised.:

"Eh? Is this still possible?"

"Yes! I remember that points can buy everything. Although my score is not low, it does not guarantee that the next test score will be higher than this time."

"Higashi-san is amazing!"

Katsuragi patted his head when he heard what Higashi-san said, 'I actually forgot the rule that points can buy everything.'

Mashima Tomoya on the stage also looked at Higashi-san with admiration, 'Amazing' was all he could think. However:

"Dongfang, points can indeed buy everything, but I don't have the test paper you want."

At this point, Dongfang also heard the hidden meaning in the teacher's words, and replied:"Okay, thank you teacher."

Mashima Tomoya was even happier. This student did not disappoint him and heard the hidden meaning in his words.

"No, no? Then what should I do?"

"Dongfang, is there any other way?"

Faced with the students' questions, Dongfang glanced at Mashima Tomoya on the stage. However, Mashima Tomoya, who was always serious, rarely showed an absent-minded look.

It was obvious that he was saying:"Please speak quickly, I will pretend that I didn't hear you now."

Dongfang got the hint and answered the students' questions.:

"The teacher said he didn't have any test questions. But others should have them. For example, seniors who were also in the first grade..."

"Oh, is that so?"

"It's hard to understand what adults say."

"Well. After all, he is a teacher, and he can't openly help us with these shady tricks."

As there is already a way to solve the problem, everyone is no longer worried. In fact, with the academic ability of Class A, there is no need to worry about the so-called exam. It's just that everyone is also afraid that if they don't exceed the test score, what they need is just a backup.

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