Chapter 323

“Ambush Rikong, Ye Su,

They must be targeted at their weaknesses! ”

The four gods did not act recklessly.

Now that the demon said:

Not good at attacking weak and cracked air,

Fight alone Lone Yesu.

The weakness of these two god-level powerhouses is obvious!

The sons of gods decided to use long and short shots,

Destroy them one by one!

“My defense has been hurt by the same level of self-detonation.

The most suitable to deal with the cracked air! ”

On the body of a god child,

Full of scars of horror!

hard to imagine,

What a terrible injury he has experienced.

What’s more terrifying is that

He has survived to this day!

“Yes, you are the enemy of Rift!”

Another god child who is good at defense,

Also take the initiative to invite Ying.

“The two of us won’t die after all battles!

Even if the opponent is a level 970 strong,

Can’t kill us easily! ”

From their point of view,

It is true.

The remaining two are also equipped with special skills,

A god son said proudly.

“My talent can be divided into two,

There is no decline in combat power! ”

It is this talent,

Let him stand out and become a god-level powerhouse!

Another son of God is not to be outdone,

“I have raised thousands of Gu worms,

Each has the strength of a master,

After forming the formation, don’t lose to the demigod powerhouse! ”

He also hid a hand,

Three Gu worms have reached the Demigod level!

Forcibly merge, do not lose to the god-level powerhouse!

Together they are equivalent to four gods!

Besieged Ye Su,

“Do you fight? There are too many people and fewer bullies. It’s too upright!”

The two are full of confidence.

The four sons of God set off,

Looking for Rift, Ye Su went!

“Which is Tyrant?!”

Southeast Catacombs,

A black cloud fell,

There was an arrogant and domineering voice.

A semi-god powerhouse, an invincible master!

They are the gods with the lowest level,

But the combat power is amazing!

“Two, unfortunately, Tyrant is not here.”

A strong human race lifted off,

Holding a spear, I introduced myself,

“Under Su Bai, how can I help both of you?”

The demigod son is proud,

“A guy who is not even a grandmaster,

Also worthy to talk to Gu? Go to hell! ”

Between words,

A terrifying black light shot out, focusing on Su Bai’s figure!


Su Bai was hit by black light,

Even too late to let out a scream,

It became a blood shadow!

The son of a demigod is proud and independent,

He is best at killing enemies by leapfrogging!

There was a terrifying record of beheading a severely wounded god-level expert!

The invincible god son beside him is not weak either,

Has an extremely powerful SS-level talent,

The key is,

The Invincible Son of God contains the top 100 authority!

Once you break through to the demigod,

The strength skyrocketed astonishing!

In the history of the demons,

All beings that hold the top 100 authority,

In the end, they can reach level 990!

In other words,

Invincible God Child, whether it is strength or potential,

They are all first-class existences in the world!

Killed Su Bai casually,

The demigod god child didn’t care,

Said strangely,

“Why are these crows surrounding us?”

The blood shadow of Su Bai’s defeat did not dissipate!

The invincible god child violently retreats!

He realized that something was wrong,

But he didn’t say aloud to remind his teammates!

The dead dao friend is not dead to the poor dao!



The figure holding the scepter broke out,

Step on a demigod god child,

Walking in the void,

Directly cause hundreds of millions of damage!

Even if it is a demigod powerhouse,

The health bar also slipped a lot!

“Are you Tyrant?!”

The son of God was frightened and angry!


The opponent turned out to be only level 699!

Can cause such a high amount of damage!


How dare he attack himself?

Also called himself Su Bai, shameless!

“It’s your grandpa and me!”

When Su Bai spoke,

There is no pause in the hand movement.

Gods Twilight!

The Plague of Blood!

And…the ravens of ravens!

Hundreds of crow emperors swarmed!

Many directly shattered and turned into forbidden curses,

Su Bai in full condition,

Take away the opponent in one wave!(Read more @

In the sky,

Explode colorful fireworks,

It’s like setting off fireworks.

Fireworks made from the ashes of demigods!

This god son died extremely aggrieved!

He just missed the first move.

Su Bai was directly attacked to death!

Hundreds of crow emperors,

Even if it is a 900-level strong,

Enough to eat a pot!

Su Bai has been wandering the battlefield for so long,

Accumulated enough crow emperors!

He did not expect,

The other party will give himself so long!

Could it be a bath and a meal?

do not care,

Let’s talk about it first!

One hit,

Su Bai looked at another enemy.

Although the opponent’s Level is lower,

Only level 799.


He gave Su Bai a greater sense of threat!

“Yes, you are despicable and shameless!”

The invincible god son said with emotion from the bottom of his heart.

“You scold again!”

Su Bai did not expect,

The other party dared to speak up!

He has already thought of nine kinds,

A total of nine ways to raise each other!

“you misunderstood.”

Invincible Godzi explained,

“In our demons, despicable and shameless is a complimentary word.”

cultural difference.

Su Bai does not accept it!

Invincible God Zizhi is proud,

As if everything is under control,

“You are a strong man,

It’s just suitable to be a stepping stone for lonely break open invincible! ”

“Tyrant, remember the lonely name: Dominic!”

Dominic proudly said,

“Can be killed alone,

It is the most glorious thing in your life!

When the name of Gu resounded through the ninety-nine heaven,

You will be killed by being alone,

Leave your name in history! ”

Su Bai:…..

“So much nonsense, look at the gun!”

Su Bai’s spear flicked,

Thousands of crows flew up on the battlefield!

“It’s useless, Tyrant.”

Dominic is confident,

“This is a black iron skill,

Lonely talent,

Skills below diamonds cannot cause damage to lonely! ”


Crow A went up, and the other party was unscathed!

Su Bai thoughtfully.

If the dark iron skills are not good,

Then try forbidden spell skills!

“The hero is here!”

The colossus of justice fell from the sky!

Tyrant Galio!

As Su Bai’s grasp of Tyrant’s authority grows stronger,

Tyrant Galio also becomes stronger!

Invincible God’s face changed slightly,

The colossus of justice in front of you,

Let him feel the pressure!

“Tyrant, you really surprise lonely again and again!”

The invincible god child remains confident,

“If such a colossus, you can summon three,

Maybe the lonely has to avoid his edge! ”

That is impossible!

This kind of forbidden curse, the CD is long and consumes a lot of money.

Summon three?

Could it be that Tyrant has an SSS talent?

Listening to the other person,

Su Bai thoughtfully.

Can you play three?

What are you going to hit ten? !

“Satisfy you!”


Su Bai snapped his fingers.

Nine colossus of justice appeared on the battlefield at the same time,

Surround the invincible god child!

Invincible Son of God: ….

Is it too late to leave now?

He turned around and ran away without saying anything!

Seeing this posture,

He still dare to stay with Tyrant as an enemy?


“Offended Tyrant still want to run?”

Walk in the void!

Su Bai chased after him without hesitation!

I want to run after scolding,

Nothing so cheap!

“Which one of you is Rift Air?”

Two god-level powerhouses who looked like small hills fell,

There are countless scars on their bodies,

At first glance, it is a good player who is good at defense!

Just the number of serious injuries and near death,

Not less than a hundred times!

No matter what means there is,

It is impossible to defeat them in an instant!

Cracked and turned his head,

Looked at the two people with a little face.

“Are you here to die?”

“What an arrogant tone!”

A god child opens all defenses,


“How about I let you three tricks?!”

His talent,

If you don’t die,

Part of the damage can be reflected!

Standing and being beaten is his way of fighting.

The other god son also had the same attitude.

It’s a bit strange in the cracking space,

Are you so lucky today?

The other party sent him to the door to kill himself,

Can this be tolerated?

“Tear the wound!”

There was only one move from Separation,

Two gods, dead!

Looking at the fragments of authority floating in front of you,

Split has never played such an easy fight!


“You are Ye Su!”

At the same time as the split air fights,

The two gods are not nonsense,

Outrageously shoot at Ye Su!

Four god-level besieged one god-level,

They have great advantages!


“Thirteen Apostles!”

Thirteen figures appeared,

The weakest is invincible, the strongest god level!

“It’s hit, run away!”

The two did not hesitate,

Want to escape far away!

“The Wood Realm is here!”

The giant tree fell, blocking their way!

And in the enchantment,

The two gods were easily solved by Ye Su!

Before dying,

They couldn’t figure it out,

“Why… you have the ninth authority…”

Is this lonely lonely Ye Su?

One person divides into fourteen parts,

What is it called solo? !

Outside the bronze coffin,

The first demon was walking inward with the chief god son.

There is no chief god son to unlock the seal,

Even the first demon god,

Can’t break into this place either!

“Although you are weak,

But the attitude is good. ”

The chief god son is about to unlock the last seal,


The look changed!

“Trash! Was killed by Tyrant?”

Feel the disappearance of the demigod god child breath.

The chief god child has a bad feeling!


It’s all dead! !

Six god sons, in less than ten minutes,

All killed!

The chief god son shook his body,

The sea of ​​spiritual consciousness shakes violently,

Began to doubt the devil,

Isn’t it… what’s wrong? !


(The third one will be sent, rush rush!).

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