Chapter 322

“Lone… how long asleep…”

Above the twelve heavens of the crypt.

There is a sky outside the sky.

In the dark clouds,

Dozens of huge bronze coffins are buried,

Engraved with complicated patterns,

The power of the seal resists the passage of time!

Outside the dark clouds,

The figure of the first demon appeared,

Crush a handle of Jade Ruyi.

The nine outermost coffins,

Seems to feel some breath,

One after another began to shake!

A small seam cracked,

Countless streams of brilliance are revealed from the coffin!



It’s like the red wine has been corked,

The nine bronze coffins are unsealed one by one!

Step out of the seven horrible figures,

The shadow of authority is constantly circulating around,

The weakest breath is the invincible master,

There are even strong demigods!

After not knowing how many years of the seal,

Even the strong at this level,

Two also fell!

The children of seven ancient demon gods,

Haven’t figured out what happened.

A burly figure broke into their field of vision,

Kneel on the ground,

Cried bitterly,

“His Royal Highness, the general will finally stay until your Highness wakes up!

The end will… fulfill the mission… Sansheng is fortunate…”

This burly figure,

It is the Red Moon Demon God, the first Demon God!

If Su Bai is present,

I will definitely admire the festival,

“You are all from the acting department, right?

Acting one by one, so skilled. ”

Old coins,

It’s not just Terrans!

The first evil god who was once ten thousand years old,

Even after mitosis,

It is also an old coin for five thousand years of cultivation!

It’s a pity that he won’t be the actor.

Facing the devil’s kneeling,

The children of seven ancient demon gods,

There is no discomfort, but I take it for granted.

The ancient demon god of the crypt fell asleep,

Even the Son of God was sealed together.

Only some loyal but weak guards,

Stay outside and guard.

Waiting for the awakening of the ancient demon!

The children of the seven gods,

Stepped out of the sea of ​​clouds one after another,

Immediately a grandmaster-level servant came forward,

Bathe and change clothes for them, wait for them to wash…

At last,

The children of God are sitting at the table,

Enjoy the delicacy of the catacombs.

The taste buds that have been covered in dust for a long time feel the blood again,


This wonderful feeling.

The seven sons of God met by appointment,

Let out a sigh,

Finally came alive.

“His Royal Highness, there are rat generations making trouble now…”

The first demon was kneeling on the ground,

His face is full of flattering smiles,

Seems to be a dog for the heirs of the ancient demon gods,

It is the greatest glory of his life!

“Shut up, I didn’t see us eating!”

“These little things disturb our Yaxing?!”

The Son of God sitting in seventh place,

Flick your finger,

A power appeared out of thin air,

Pressed on the neck of the first demon,

Make him suffocate.

Authority NO.59: [surrender]!

The first demon is weak like a dual authority demon,

Easy to be subdued by the opponent!

Half an hour later,

The sons of gods finished their meal,

The shackles of authority on the neck of the first demon god was taken away!

The chief god son speaks,

“Why are you alone?”

“Back to your Highness,

There were originally eleven demon gods,

At this time, I was fighting with people and couldn’t get away.

Hope your Highness forgive me! ”

“Let’s talk about it, what’s the problem.”

The seven sons of god,

Overlooking the first demon god at his feet,

The eyes are full of arrogance and arrogance.

This subordinate is weak enough,

I’m afraid it is 900 levels at most.


The ancient god child is the heaven of the crypt!

Only under the ancient demon god,

Whether it is strength or status,

They are above billions of creatures!

So there is the capital to go crazy, go proud!

“Back to your Highness,

The subordinates were ordered to open nine bronze doors…”

The son of God asked casually.

“and so,

Now Earth has been occupied by us? ”

Based on their understanding of the strength of the crypt,

Conquer Earth,

Isn’t it a matter of grasping?

The first demon said with a smile,

“We are only a hundred million points away from success.”

“Oh? Sure enough, it’s all trash!”

“The ones who stayed outside back then,

Are they all rice buckets? ”

The insults of the Son of God,

The first demon didn’t care at all,

He has this kind of self-employed mind!


Go and try to fight against the strongest humans?

Those who don’t know are fearless!

The first demon felt that he could hold on till now,

It’s already outstanding!

The second evil god who once held No. 4 [Speaking Spirit],(Read more @

All killed by the strongest!

Just fled for a hundred years under the pursuit and killing of the dark realm,

The first demon can blow for a lifetime!

These words,

He certainly wouldn’t talk to the sons of God.

The first demon continued to introduce,

“The main reason is that there are several bandits in the human race.

The strength is not bad,

This made me wait for nothing.

Especially the dark domain of a rat generation…”

The son of God interrupted,

“The name of this stuff,

I don’t need to know. ”

“His Royal Highness taught!”

The first demon kept nodding.

“What dark space you are talking about,

How old is it? ”

“A hundred years old.”

The son of God snorted coldly,

Don’t care about the dark field anymore.

Hundred years old?

Even if it’s them,

This kind of genius who gathers the love of heaven,

At one hundred years old,

Only touched the threshold of 800!

This dark space,

Presumably not much stronger!

The son of God sitting in the chief,

Dissatisfied with the attitude of the other six people,

Said in a big brother’s tone,

“Brothers and sisters,

I waited for a long time to sleep,

Outside time passes, there are also arrogances.

Since this dark space can be the leader of Earth,

There must be some real ability, not to underestimate the enemy!

Maybe, the dark field can also resist the next few tricks! ”

In the tone of the chief god son,

Already with a bit of reprimand!

Among the seven sons of God,

He is the strongest,

Mastered nine powers,

Has arrived at level 970!

The remaining six god sons,

No matter whether you are convinced or not,

Be soft on the surface.

God sons got up and saluted,

“What the emperor taught!”

If you don’t do this,

Don’t blame the chief god son for turning his face and not acknowledging people!

In the monster,

Respect the strong!

The power of killing is in the palm of the strong!

The chief god child is very satisfied with their attitude,

Continue to ask,

“How strong is this dark realm,

How much authority,

Report them one by one without any concealment! ”

They are proud geniuses,

Not an idiot.

If the dark field is really strong,

Why should they send it to the door to find death?

First find out the details of the enemy,

Do it again!

The first demon introduced,

“Darkland is above level 940,

The powers at his disposal include: stealing…”

After the introduction,

He did not forget to add a sentence,

“The talent of the dark domain is extremely poor,

Never used it in battle,

Your Highnesses can rest assured! ”

Oh, the talent is extremely poor, and the dark domain is abolished.

After the gods listened,


It was a bit shocked!

A mere dark space, less than a hundred years ago,

Can actually reach level 940? !

“Look, what did the lonely say?”

The chief god son commented,

“Darkland can reach this point in a hundred years,

As far as Tian Zi is concerned, it is only half a point weaker than loneliness! ”

This is a very high evaluation!

The gods nodded one after another…

It’s them instead,

Has a super talent,

There are also ancient demon gods dedicated to cultivation!

It is impossible to achieve such a level as the dark domain!

The chief god son has a heart to cherish talents,

“If this dark realm can enter my command,

I will surely please my father! ”

Now that they have awakened,

So old demon gods,

Will wake up one after another!

“This dark space is good,

Let him live first. ”

The chief god son continued to ask,

“Are there other bandits in the human race?”

“Yes, there are!”

The first demon introduced four more people,

They are:

Not good at attacking weak and cracked air,

Fight alone, Lone Yesu,

Luo Cheng with single authority,

Nothing is drunk!

These four,

In the mouth of the first demon,

It’s like a chicken dog!

“Trash! Are you all trash!”

The chief god child scolded angrily,

“Five people,

Stopped the hundreds of millions of troops in my crypt? ! ”

The rest of the gods also spoke up one after another, angrily reprimanding each other.

They don’t understand,

How did these five weak chickens do it?

The first demon cried,

“Your Highnesses,

We had already broken out the bronze door!

Who ever thought,

I don’t know which bastard got the crimson moon!

Let me wait for the chaos in the rear to be unsustainable,

This was a fiasco!

The crime of non-war, your highness is a clear lesson! ”

Don’t say anything else,

Just relying on the hand of the first demon, ‘I scold myself’,

Su Bai can speak directly to the insider!

The chief god son coldly snorted,

“That red moon,

Even if it is a lonely sight, there are some palpitations!

You dare to insult such a strong man?

Slap yourself! ”



The loud applause echoed.

The first demon god is fighting!

For his ultimate purpose,

He made up his mind to endure the humiliation and bear the burden of humiliation!

Isn’t it just hitting yourself?

What a big deal!

“All right.”

The chief god child wants nothing more than face.

“The matter of the red moon, let alone talk about it,

It’s probably a sign of the awakening of an ancient demon god! ”

“You have to talk to the lonely first,

How is the combat power of the dark domain? ”

Talent, level, authority,

Add up to be the combat power!

What they care about most,

Is it possible to fight in the dark field!

The first demon said seriously,

“The little one swears by his real name at 1.7,

In the past hundred years,

His subordinates fought against the Dark Realm a thousand times,

It has always been a one-sided situation!

One to escape, one to chase and kill!

It’s a pity that there are too many dark domain methods,

The little one failed to find a chance to kill the dark domain! ”

Swear by your real name,

His words are true!

The seven gods nodded,

Believe the other’s words.

The chief was slightly disappointed,

“Oh, I thought,

The dark realm can become a lonely right-hand man.

Now it seems that it is nothing more than mediocrity! ”

“His Royal Highness Mingjian!”

The first demon asked respectfully,

“His Royal Highness, what are your plans next?”

The chief god son said slowly,

“Leave that dark space for now,

Can solicit one or two!

Separated Kong, Ye Su’s generation,

Since you are in the crypt, don’t leave! ”


Under the arrangement of the chief god son,

The two gods dealt with the rift,

The two gods deal with Ye Su,

There are also two gods who have only half-gods and invincible realms.

This kind of garbage,

Also worthy of being called the Son of God? !

The chief god son said impatiently,

“I didn’t mean that there was a kid named Tyrant,

Is the potential good? ”

“You two go and kill Tyrant.”

“Go and come back!”



(Secondly, picture: the status quo of the top ten powers).

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