Chapter 320

“Darkland save me!”

Su Bai did not hesitate.

Shake people directly!

Even if the strength is improved so much,

Su Bai still does not forget his original intention,

Any opponent who can’t win will directly shake people!

He not only shakes the dark domain,

The names of the other four strongest were all called out!

This is really the first demon god,

Hold at least four powers,

A god-level powerhouse who has integrated the catacomb moon!

Shen Huayun turned around and fled when he saw it!

The Dark Realm has hunted and killed for a hundred years,

The existence that couldn’t be killed!

Su Bai does not shake people,

Waiting to die? !

Shaking people,

Su Bai also took out a magic mirror,

Hold it in the palm.

Although I don’t know what this horrible thing is for.

Anyhow, it was given by Dark Domain.

If the first demon really makes a move,

Regardless of three seven twenty one,

Su Bai throws the mirror out first!

The first demon is slightly surprised,

“Darkland is willing to give you this mirror?”

“It seems that he does value you very much.”

The first demon did not make a move,

Instead, it isolates the surrounding world.

Let the conversation between the two,

Will not be disturbed by anyone else.

“Tyrant, don’t panic,

I just talked to you for a few minutes. ”

Su Bai looked suspiciously at the first demon.

What is there to talk about?

Su Bai did not hesitate to turn on the awkward chat mode,

“have you eaten?”

The first demon replied earnestly.

“Eat three demon gods,

Reluctantly maintain the strength at half of the peak. ”

Su Bai:…

Do you usually chat like this?

“See you later?”

Su Bai wants to go,

The first demon will not let go.

“I made a deal with Darkfield.”

The first demon said to himself,

“He helped me kill the first and twelfth evil gods.

In exchange,

I told him the coordinates of the ninety-nine heaven. ”

Su Bai was confused.


690 is ninety-nine heaven?

For the human race,

This is undoubtedly bad news!

Su Bai is even more strange,

Why do you want coordinates in the dark field?

Send a nuclear bomb over, polite and polite?

have to say,

Su Bai walked this way,

In this matter,

Su Bai only serves the dark domain!

This guy can do things better than himself!

The chessboards of the two sides are different,

The level of the opponents is also different.

Since the first demon didn’t make a move on himself,

Su Bai was relieved a lot.

“and then,

Why are you looking for me? ”

The first demon asked abruptly,

“Do you want to be the thirteenth evil god?”

“Ugly rejection!”

“Listen to me,

It is never too late for you to refuse. ”

The first demon said seriously,

“The thirteenth evil god is a very evil existence.

Everything about him,

He was the second evil god who had the authority of [Yanling] back then,

Proactively disseminate information! ”

The first evil god once said that the thirteenth evil god is evil,

Su Bai thinks this is too interesting,

It’s a pity that I can’t laugh.

The first demon continued,

“When I was separated from the first evil god,

The loss in strength is greater,

Some memories are unique to me. ”

Su Bai looked at each other suspiciously.

Logically speaking,

The loss of strength is greater, and the memory is less.


The first demon still tells the truth,

“When I was split,

Let Dark Domain steal these memories specifically. ”

Su Bai:? ? ?

Is Darkfield’s business scope so wide!

The first demon has mitosis,

He wants to mix it up too?


Su Bai feels that the dark space is especially like a shit-cutter.

Stir everything up.

of course,

This metaphor Su Bai would not say it.

Will be beaten by the dark domain.

“So the current first evil god doesn’t know,

Become the thirteenth evil god,

There is a third way! “(Read more @

Su Bai rolled his eyes.

No matter how many ways there are to become the thirteenth evil god,

It has nothing to do with Su Bai!

He doesn’t walk along dry roads and waterways!

The thirteenth evil god?

What kind of rubbish is that!

Su Bai didn’t even look at it.

“Just kill the first evil god and the twelfth evil god one after another.

Steal all the anchor points of the thirteenth evil god and hold the authority to destroy the world.

Can become the thirteenth evil god! ”

Ah this!

Su Bai was almost unable to complain.

Why is it so troublesome for the thirteenth evil god to be on duty?

Other evil gods,

Just bow your head to authority.

The thirteenth evil god is special!



One third of the power to destroy the world is in the hands of Su Bai,

In other words, as long as Su Bai does not die,

The thirteenth evil god will never be born!

Useless knowledge has increased!

“I refuse, is there anything else?”

Was continuously rejected by Su Bai,

The first demon hasn’t given up yet,

“Where is the Crypt Demon God?

I can swear by my real name…”

“I can’t beat the dark domain, how about you?”

Su Bai said,

All the recruits of the first demon god have been blocked!

Su Bai couldn’t beat it,

Can’t beat the first demon!

For Shen Huayun and Ma Ke,

The dark field is an insurmountable mountain!

Then treat the enemy,

The dark realm is a strange and unpredictable storm!

The kind of storm that eats gods!

Once the first evil god,

It was thrown into the crypt by the dark domain design.

It fell into a tragic end divided into two.

The two identities were also provoked by the dark realm,

Betray each other!

The current eternal first evil god is good,

The first demon god in the crypt,

They must kill each other to go further!

Otherwise, the strength can only stand still!

The pressure of being an enemy of the dark realm,

It’s too big!

The first demon changed the subject,

“Give me the mirror,

I will separate the fragments of Lingling authority to you. ”

Su Bai is not stupid,

“No, I don’t make a deal with the Demon God.”

“The last thing, after talking with you,

I will mobilize the power of natural disasters,

Let the Scourge come. ”

Su Bai was taken aback, and heard what the other party meant.

He said immediately,

“Brother, why don’t we continue the clock?”

“Actually, I am particularly interested in the thirteenth evil god,

Talk more!

I always admire you, and I can talk a little longer! ”

The authority of natural disasters,

Although I don’t know what it is.


Based on Su Bai’s understanding of the strength of the first demon,

The power of natural disasters must be very strong!

This kind of thing,

If you can start it later, it will be later!

Best not to start!

In other words,

Su Bai is now pinning the first demon!

He exchanged one with the first demon!

Such a result,

Which power is more advantageous,

It’s obvious!

The first demon god has no nonsense,

“This is a map of the catacombs,

How much you can write down depends on your own ability! ”

An extremely magnificent panorama appeared in front of Su Bai.

The scope of human involvement,

It only occupies less than one tenth!

Except for the Ninety-Nine City in the Underground

Going deep into the cave, there are grasslands, the sea…

There is too much information on this map,

Even if Su Bai’s intelligence exceeds one million,

Can’t in such a short time,

Write down all the information!

Crypt map,

It’s part of the deal between Dark Domain and the First Demon God!

The first demon will only give Su Bai 60 seconds,

In his view,

Su Bai jot down at most one-third of this map!



Su Bai took out a DSLR and started taking pictures.

The first demon:…

“Ahem, I am a fan of Teacher Chen,

Take a SLR with you on the battlefield,

It’s normal too. ”

Su Bai took hundreds of photos in one go.

I didn’t miss every detail!

The first demon forgot,

Terran also has an industry called technology.

After a minute,

The map of the crypt was put away by Him.

Don’t talk nonsense with Su Bai, return directly to the red moon!

Su Bai breathed a sigh of relief.

The back has been wet with sweat!

Facing the pressure of the first demon,

Bigger than Su Bai imagined!

Su Bai knows,

If there is a chance,

The other party will not hesitate to start with himself!

“Good job.”

Sure enough, Dark Domain came to Su Bai at the first time.

“Encountered something,

Know the first time to find the strongest call for help.

You really have a strong posture. ”

Su Bai rolled his eyes.

Throw the SLR camera to the dark domain.

“This map is estimated to be real now.”

on the battle field,

The map itself is an extremely valuable strategic resource!

The first demon took the map for trading,

It is a betrayal of the core interests of the catacombs.

But it’s not that simple,

Will definitely go back and change the terrain!

In other words,

The timeliness of this map is very short!

The SLR in the hands of the dark field disappeared,

Sent to the Federation Commander,

Distribute to the lower level!

“I’m looking for you for another thing.”

Dark Domain said seriously,

“While you are in the crypt,

There will be no demons against you,

You can’t make a shot below invincible. ”

Su Bai nodded, this is the old rule.

Those who are strong with each other constrain each other,

Leave the battlefield to middle-to-high grade warriors.

Both sides want to use the other side to sharpen their swords and cultivate new powerhouses!


Su Bai will not spend his money on Iron Cavalry Camp and Baizi Camp.

“and also,

The sons of the ancient demon gods are awakening,

Their goal is also you. ”

After saying this,

The dark domain disappeared again.

All-out war started,

He is going to be busy too.

Take note of the warning in the dark,

Su Bai took a deep breath, full of energy!

Come on!

Can’t beat the first demon god,

I still can’t beat the god son?

Su Bai is no longer mere promise,

Hit hard!


(Sixth, it’s sleepy at three in the morning.

Good night, brothers.

Seeking flowers! ).

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