Chapter 319

“Open—bronze door!”

According to the time estimated by the Xeon.

at this moment,

The pollution of the red moon is minimized,

The loss of monsters in the crypt has also reached its peak!

at this moment,

It was the time when the overall power of the catacombs was the weakest!

Take advantage of his illness and kill him!

If this time,

Terran does not launch an all-out attack,

The monsters in the crypt will slowly regain their vitality!

of course,

If we stand for a longer time span,

The battle between human race and demons,

In terms of potential,

Terran has an absolute advantage!

Especially in top combat power,

The third card is enough for the demons to eat a pot.

The three known invincible masters,

Basically have the strength to break into a demigod!

Shen Huayun, Master Lu,

It can be regarded as the strongest.

Not to mention Su Bai,

To accommodate the number one authority,

Have the power of an invincible master,

The strongest man!

If Terran only needs to face the crypt,

Just rely on the top combat power to push it over!

Regardless of you are the 33rd heaven,

Still ninety-nine heaven.

The Terran direct dark realm adds splitting air,


It’s a pity that you can’t kill it.

The threat from the Eternal Evil God cannot be underestimated.

Over the hillside,

Even if there are two strong men, Luo Cheng and Yanzhe, staring at them.

Don’t take it lightly!

The reason for attacking the demons of the crypt,

It’s just to hurt and cry the Mozu first!

Hit the Mozu without the strength to do things!

Only one strong man was left staring at the crypt.

The rest are free,

Concentrate on the firepower to attack Cthulhu!

This is also the previous Xeon meeting,

The negotiated strategic direction.

Under the impetus of two proud masters,


The bronze door slowly opened a gap!

The mysterious light showed outwards,

Attempt to spread pollution.

But it was immediately purified by the formation outside the crypt.

Nine crypts around the world,

Open the door at the same time!

Xeon has orders,

Invincible first enter the crypt!

Three caves in the west,

Marco, the traveler,

With two guns on his waist, he broke into one place alone!

The other two bronze doors,

Under the leadership of the Great Master,

There is a constant influx of elite heavy riders!

The crypt of the imperial capital,

A great monk is at the forefront.


Followed by Zhao Zizhen and the young monk.

And an army of tens of thousands!

The Arctic Caverns,

A channel number sounded.

“Fusheng has no bright heaven!”

Behind the old Tao,

Countless federal warriors followed closely behind!

“Xeon, Laozi is here!”

Shen Huayun broke into the bronze door,

Almost stuck in the crack of the door.

“Devil, come and fight with me for 800 rounds!”

He really wants to be Xeon!

Demon’s crypt.

“Liu Wanlou is here!”

Before standing proudly with a sword!

It is the sword energy that stretches for 30,000 li,

A sword glorifies the sword sect of nineteen continents,

Terran is invincible, Liu Wanlou!

Southeast catacombs.

Tyrant strode the meteor into the bronze door.


“The Demon Race’s absolute top, there are as many as there are. “!”

His voice sounded like thunder rolling,

Was magnified countless times,

You can hear it in nine crypts!

Su Bai:…


It has been calculated by the strongest again!

Like Marco and Shen Huayun,

People always challenge the devil.

Monk, Taoist priest, Liu Wanlou,

It is also aimed at the invincibility of the demons.

When I arrived at Su Bai,

Directly lower the grade to the ultimate master,

Blatant abuse of food!

Forget about abuse of food,

Also announced by the whole catacombs!

What a shame!

The sea of ​​clouds in the crypt,

Separation regained his authority,

He is very satisfied,

Tyrant was ashamed again.

Who made this kid shout back then,

See the cracking air once?

As we all know,

The third strongest player never holds grudges!

Will not avenge private revenge!

Ye Su and Likong seem to stand side by side,

Actually gave up half of his position.

Between two people,

Everything is dominated by rifting.

This battle,

Invincible Terran into battle!

Grandmaster did everything,(Read more @

All martial artists above Rank 4 are recruited!


Enter the highest level to prepare for battle!

Everything is based on the total war in the catacombs!

Since it is to make the demons desperate,

It also cultivates more talents for the human race!

The real strong,

Must walk out of iron and blood!

“The doors are all open.”

Cracking the air and bowing his head,

Look at the sea of ​​clouds under your feet!

The four heavens in the crypt,

No, it is already the twelfth heaven!

The ancient demon slowly awakened.

Today’s Demon God,

Each one holds more than double authority!

Among the Twelve Demon Gods,

The strongest is the Red Moon Demon God,

Original Eternal First Cthulhu!

Crack Kong said lightly,

“Kill twelve first,

Kill twelve more. ”

Raised his hand in the air,


Ye Su didn’t let it go,

“Thirteen Apostles!”

“Tear the wound!”

The sea of ​​clouds, instantly boiled!

Submerge the two Xeons!

God battle is on the verge of!

From a hundred years ago,

Terran adheres to one principle:

The strong first!

Every war,

Xeon goes first, invincible follows closely!

Behind you is the proud world!

The strong open the way for the weak,

The strong defend the way for the weak!

This is true in every battle.

I am strong, I am first, I turn the sky!

It’s so domineering!

The three strongest men,

It’s like Dinghai Shenzhen,

In exchange for the human race for nearly a hundred years of self-cultivation and nourishment!

This kind of spirit of the strong first,

No one can understand the demons!

In their eyes,

Can send cannon fodder to death,

You shouldn’t do it yourself!

The strong first,

Human race persisted for a hundred years,

right now,

The strongest are still fighting at the forefront!


A huge gold ingot fell,

Crush the enemy directly into mud!

Shen Huayun’s fat body was shaking,

Out of breath!

He brazenly shot,

Kill a Mozu invincible in seconds!

He also consumes a lot of money,

This consumption is not caused by the shot!

But just now,

The moment the Mozu invincible was killed,

Shen Huayun broke through level 800 for the seventeenth time!

Same as the previous sixteen times,

Stolen by Dark Domain instantly!

Shen Huayun squeezed a word from his teeth,

“If you want to steal, steal more,

Laozi can’t help it! ! ”

The strength is so strong that he is like this,

It’s not that Shen Huayun took the initiative to make a breakthrough!

But the threshold,

He had stepped on it a dozen times a long time ago,

Step on the pulpy!

Liu Wanlou’s distance breaks through,

There is still a long way to go.

Shen Huayun did not!

He was originally like a fairy in the sky,

Was forcibly broken into the world by the great demon king of Dark Domain!

Played seventeen times!

“as you wish.”

Dark Domain shot again.

Steal the day and change the day!

Shen Huayun fell directly to level 798!

The body is weak.

“Coming to fight!”

A Mozu invincible came out again,

Want to get a bargain.

799 level to 798 level, such a big advantage…

The gold ingot dropped again!


There is no change in the result,

Shen Huayun cuts the Demon Race invincible again!

The aura that had just weakened in him soared again!

Back to level 799!

Shen Huayun was sweating profusely, his fat trembling,

“This time I can eat a few more invincibles!”

“… Grandpa is hungry,

The grandchildren are not coming soon! ”

Between heaven and earth,

Shen Huayun is extremely arrogant!

For nearly a hundred years,

Invincible cannot enter the crypt.

The grandsons of the Catacomb really forgot.

The human race back then was invincible,

How did it sweep the wasteland!

The strongest will not let Invincible enter the crypt,

It is scientific pig raising, reasonable plan.

I’m afraid Human Race Invincible will kill Red Eye,

Killed all Mozu Invincible in one go!

“Do you want to dance too?”

The brigade mage holds two guns,

Fight against three invincible demons alone!

As the only invincible master in the West,

His pressure is greater than Shen Huayun!

Even so,

Bullets are like dancing!

Easily penetrate the invincible body of the Mozu!

On this day,

Ma Ke, the brigade mage, severely injured three demons invincible,

Don’t cut one person!

Mozu is invincible, no one dares to fight!

“Everyone, start it lightly.”

The great monk smiled bitterly.

SS-level Talent: King Kong is not bad!

A huge Buddha statue stands between heaven and earth,

Stop a few Mozu invincible!

He is not good at fighting,

No murder in this life!

So his fighting method is also exceptionally unique.

You hit me.

If you can beat me to death, you have the ability!

He is like a wooden stake,

Let the Mozu invincible output!

My Buddha is compassionate and saves the creatures of the Three Realms!

After fighting,

The big monk also took the little monk,

I recite the Great Compassion Mantra together.

For the Federation warriors who are about to die,

Take it home!

“Fusheng has no bright sky!”

The Arctic Caverns,

The Taoist priest swept the dust,

“Dear friends, please stay.”

Four Mozu Invincibles are trapped in the formation!


Can’t return!

Taoist priests looked harmless to humans and animals,

Seriously speaking,

“Pan Dao is most afraid of seeing blood, you guys don’t be impatient.”

“For a while,

Naturally someone will come to send you on the road,

Poverty Road, this is to engrave a monument for you. ”


A huge rock rose from the ground,

The old Taoist began to write the inscription seriously.

Mozu invincible:…

Can the stele be built?


Demon’s crypt.

“Happy! Happy!”

Liu Wanlou holds Willow Leaf Qianren,

With a demon invincible five to five,

The aftermath of the battle tore through the void, absolutely unable to get close!

At his feet,

Federation warriors flooded into the battlefield,

Under the cover of the Great Master, the battle begins!

Southeast catacombs.

Baiziying and Tieqiying are entering the arena in an orderly manner.

And in front of Su Bai,

Encountered a lot of trouble.

Holding a spear,

Su Bai, with the sword of the emperor on his waist, smiled bitterly.

“The first evil god,

Are you a bit nonsense of martial arts? ”

His opponent,

It is not the absolute top of the Mozu, not the invincibility of the Mozu.

But… the first evil god!

Today’s first demon intestine!


(The next chapter is late, don’t wait, peace.).

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