Chapter 315

“Yan Eclipse, you can’t die!”

On the Shadow Island,

Luo Cheng smiled,

It’s almost time to release the BGM of “Good Day”.

“what happened?”

Su Bai didn’t come for a day,

I saw the eclipse lying on the straw mat,


Su Bai is puzzled, where is this trouble?

Luo Cheng said solemnly,

“The ghost knows where the sword aura comes from,

Directly slash the strongest Yan eclipse into serious wounds! ”

Yan Eclipse: “I know…”

“Know that you don’t say anything?”

Luo Cheng kicked directly.

Anyway, the third child’s life is hard,

It seems that it won’t die for a while.

“You didn’t ask either!”

The flames eroded like a gossamer,

The voice still has endless weakness,

“Remember that I told you,

Do you swear by the real name of Darkfield? ”


Luo Cheng and Su Bai nodded.

The dark realm relies on the effect of “words without faith”,

Dare to accept any real name contract.

“Everything comes at a price.”

Yan Eclipse seemed to have only one breath,

“for exchange,

During the battle, the dark field will use ‘stealing the sky for the day’,

Transfer the enemy’s attack to us.

That’s how this sword qi comes from. ”

Luo Cheng:? ? ?

Is the dark field such a dog?

When the Xeon is strong, you have to help the dark domain bear the damage!

The strongest,

Who loves to be whoever is!

Co-authored the people of the dark domain to show the saints

After the four of them suffer?

Take the bamboo shoots!

“So Liu Wanlou’s sword,

Was you resisted? ”

687   Su Bai did not expect,

Liu Wanlou’s sword is so powerful!

Yan Lu said intermittently,

“Yeah, I’m dying,

Only the spring of life can save me. ”

Su Bai:…

Around this big circle,

Is it for the spring of life?

“You want the spring of life,

Just tell me no! ”

Yan Eclipse: “Will you give it to me after I said?”

“will not.”

Su Bai looked serious,

“Add money.”

Deal with these white prostitutes,

Can’t get used to them!

Su Bai drafted an agreement on the spot,

“Come, sign this agreement,

You can get 1,000 drops of life spring water! ”

Yan Eclipse took over the agreement,

It turned out to be about the salary agreement for his son’Firebug’.

Su Bai paid 1,000 drops of life spring water,

Fireworm has worked for Su Bai for five hundred years.

Said it was an agreement,

In fact, it is a deed.

“If I sign this kind of thing,

Isn’t it cheating my son? ! ”

The scorching flames are awe-inspiring,

Immediately took out a pen to sign.

“That’s how my son is cheated!”

Yanzhe also asked Su Bai,

“I also have a son named Shen Xiu,

Can you also get him a deed? ”

“I don’t want to hear your complicated ethical stories.”

Su Bai accepted the agreement,

His face turned dark.

“What did you sign for?”

Agreement signing office,

Absolutely written: [Darkland] Two big characters!

“Sorry, sorry, I’m used to it.”

Yan Xi signed back his name.

Su Bai took out 1,000 drops of life spring water,

He is very curious,

What the hell is Yan Eclipse doing?

Get the life spring water,

Yan Eclipse, who was immediately resurrected with blood, laughed and said,

“I wanted to make wine with this thing a long time ago.

The wine made from the spring of life,

That tastes hey…”

Su Bai and Luo Cheng cursed in their hearts at the same time,

“Bah! The shame of the strongest.”

Su Bai is here and has business to do.

“A full-scale war in the crypt is imminent,

I want to have the resources at hand,(Read more @

Transform into legion combat power as much as possible! ”

Splitting the air, Ye Su in the crypt,

Su Bai has no way to ask for advice.

if not,

Su Bai is more willing to find the tool man, Crown Shuren.

The trail in the dark is hard to find,

Only for him to find Su Bai,

No one knows what he is up to.

Luo Cheng and Su Bai are friends at the end of the year,

Yanzhe’s son worked under Su Bai again,

Come to Shadow Island for help,

Obviously the best choice.

Now he,

The demand for equipment is very low,

Enough means by itself.

A lot of things that are not needed,

Naturally, it can be assigned to the subordinate military regiments.

They are stronger, the record is stronger,

The stronger Su Bai’s anchor,

It is also a disguised enhancement for Su Bai!

The two Xeons are also unambiguous,

“Look at what your kid has first.”

Su Bai listed all the supplies on hand.

“8500 drops of life spring water,

12 branches of the world tree,

1 Wisdom Fruit, 10 Mass Killing Regiments…”

Good things in Su Bai’s hands,

Most of them come from [World Tree Secret Realm] and [Killing Secret Realm].

The air of killing,

A special product of the Secret Realm of Killing, which can produce 1 group per week.

After use,

Can get a state of killing,

Increase real damage by 5%!

Su Bai has a killing field,

I don’t need this thing.

The two strongest men are both veteran strong men who have spanned over a century.

The vision is top in the entire federation.

They are best suited to help make suggestions.

“Life spring water can be made into medicinal wine,

The treatment effect is stronger, and there is no waste. ”

A drop of life spring water,

Can make Grandmaster Ao Shi resurrect with full blood.

It would be too wasteful to give to the military of the legion.

Dilution directly with water,

It will also dilute the effect of many life springs.

Yan Eclipse uses the authority of [good wine],

Help Su Bai put three thousand drops of life spring water,

Directly transformed into 30,000 jars of life medicinal wine!

Twenty liters of medicinal wine per jar,

Can be divided into two thousand bottles of potion!

60 million bottles of potion,

The top restoration effect,

One bottle can hang the life of a fifth-grade warrior!

Both internal and external use are acceptable.

“The air of killing can be incorporated into the banner,

In this way, within the effective range of the flag,

+5% true damage to all friendly units…”

“This can be used to make magic scrolls…”


The two strongest men spare no effort,

Help Su Bai maximize the use of all materials.

These pointers,

It’s hard for ordinary daughters to change!

There is only the relationship between Su Bai and the two,

In order to be able to tell the two to help.

“Okay, that’s it!”

All output is divided into three parts.

Like potions and flags,

Su Bai is a bowl of water,

All three.

In addition to these basic supplies,

Some good things,

Special products that are not in circulation at all on the market.

Su Bai won’t give it in vain!

According to the military merit statistics within the military corps,

Converted into military merit points,

Redeem internally!

Want to eat meat?

Prove that you have the ability first!

Maximize the use of resources at hand,

Su Bai began to improve his strength.

All his skills are integrated with new rank skills,


The upper limit of skill level has been improved a lot.

ID: Tyrant

Containing authority: [Tyrant], [Killing], [Destroying Fragments]

Tyrant effect (15%): [Gift], [Invincible Abuse]

Attributes, skills, status: omitted (see picture)

Collapse the properties panel,

Su Bai’s strongest method today,

Not skill, not talent, but authority.

Killing authority,

Su Bai hasn’t used it yet,

The effect needs to be explored for the time being.

Tyrant’s authority is very fast,

Has come to 15%,

Not far from unlocking the next effect.

Mainly there is a 40% boost speed bonus!


Su Bai returned to Earth,

Give the first batch of supplies to Pi Broken Leg and let him distribute it down.

Until now,

15,000 people under Su Bai,

It also belongs to the Golden Swallowing Beast, which can only enter and cannot exit.

Once all-out war starts,

It’s when they show their fangs and attack the city and land!

Get this done,

Liu Wanlou went to Su Bai,

Speaking of things about Musha University in Hyakukawa City.

“Let me be the principal?”

Su Bai asked seriously.

“Which identity?”

Liu Wanlou: ….

You have a showdown like this?

Don’t cover it up anymore.

“Ahem, out of anchor considerations.

We recommend Tyrant as the principal.

Baichuan Crow served as the honorary principal. ”


As the strongest existence of the entire eternal new generation.

The establishment of Musha University in Baichuan City,

It’s all because of him.

There is nothing wrong with being a principal.


Su Bai agreed.

It’s not a big problem to show up with a mask anyway.

“There is another thing.”

Liu Wanlou faltered,

I don’t know what to say.

“That… I actually have a question…”

“Why do I urge martial arts authority,

No feeling of being contaminated? ”

Su Bai:? ? ?

The martial arts authority of the invincible master class,

No divine pollution? !

There are only two possibilities,

1. Liu Wanlou has been completely polluted.

2. The power of martial arts is invincible and strong,

Maybe… there really is no divine pollution!


(For information such as attributes, check the pictures and save some money.

The first one is sent, rush rush rush! ).

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