Chapter 314

“You said my son is worse than a flag bearer?”

Xu Jue Dian was extremely angry and laughed.

“Huhou, come here!”

Xu Jue Dian pointed to a flag-bearer and said,

“You will enter the Baiziying camp today to carry the flag,

You do what he does,

I’d like to see,

Raise this flag if you resist! ”

Xu Juedian did not consult his son at all.

Looking at Gongsun Qi,

Gongsun started,

It was agreed.

Xu Huhou has nothing to do with it.

He is also angry,

I feel that Gongsun Qi is too humiliating!

This weak chicken carrying the flag is only level 500,

How do you compare with yourself? !

that’s all,

One more person in the Baiziying camp carried the flag.

Xu Huhou is really as his father said,

What to do with the flag,

What does he do!

One thing is not much, one thing is not much.

Outside the Baizi Camp training ground,

Xu Jue Dian looked complicated and looked towards the training ground.

Looking at his rebellious son,

Is doing the most disdainful thing in the weekdays.

obey orders,

Follow the command.

He sighed.

“My son, my father can only help you to this point.

The rest of the way,

You still have to go by yourself. ”

I know my own affairs!

His son is hailed as a tiger idiot,

I am extremely eager to fight,

On the battlefield, it seems to be mad,

Fight desperately!

It looks beautiful,


More than once,

Because Xu Huhou did not obey the order to retreat,

Let the federal loss not be small!

Many comrades in arms sacrificed to save him!

After each event,

Xu Huhou after he was sober,

I’m so regretful, I can’t wait to kill myself!

But he just can’t get rid of this temper!

If you step into the master,

Everything that Xu Huhou has experienced,

Including the guilt of the dead robe Ze.

100% will become the demon,

Can’t go further!

Gongsun Qi, Bai Ziying,

Probably the only place to save Xu Huhou!

Thought of here,

Xu Jue Dian felt distressed.

Before Gongsun Qi came out,

The two have already talked about it through voice transmission!

After the two parties had bargained,

Xu Jue made a huge sum of 10 million contribution points,

For his son Xu Huhou,

Bought a chance to carry the flag!

They just played a play for Xu Huhou!

The whole thing,

Only Xu Huhou was kept in the dark.

“10 million contribution points!!!”

Jue Dian distressed.


Gongsun Qi told him another thing.

It seems that I can make some money!

“The war is coming,

Don’t care about face, try it! ”

“You can do whatever you want with money!”

Su Bai looked at the newly arrived 10 million contribution points.

He didn’t expect,

The white camp that has not yet entered the battlefield,

Can earn a huge sum of 10 million contribution points!

“This money is used on the supplies of the Baiziying…”

Su Bai is fair,

Who has the ability to make money on their own,

Spend it yourself!

Those who have the ability to eat meat,

Can’t eat grass!

What surprised Su Bai was that

This 10 million contribution points is just the beginning,

There is a steady stream of money into his account!

10 million contribution points, 8 million contribution points…

To make money,

They are all of the best masters and proud masters!

“What’s going on here?”

Su Bai said strangely,

“Can’t you spend a lot of money?”

Su Bai has a hunch,

this matter,

It must be related to Gongsun Qi!

“Do not miss passing through,

Baiziying bad behavior correction special training course,

Just 10 million contribution points! ”

Xu Jue Dian is working hard to promote the course.

in fact,

Similar problems like Xu Huhou,

There are many strong ones!

Or their relatives,

Or they themselves.

If you can really rely on special training,

Correct these problems,

They are naturally willing to spend any money!


10 million contribution points,

Still a little expensive!(Read more @

“Unsatisfied package refund!”

Xu Jue Dian patted his chest,

Guaranteed in the name of the Great Master.

Gongsunqi said it to him,

Pulled to a head,

Share him 10% of the income!

After Xu Jue Dian persuaded a few people,

I suddenly found out,

Why don’t I develop offline,

Part of the benefit is given to the offline,

Let the offline help you pull people!


This is how an imitation MLM chain was born!

In just half a day,

There are nearly a hundred more people in Baiziying!

On Su Bai’s account,

Also nearly 800 million more contribution points!

Gongsun came up with an idea,

Set up a problem training class,

Directly generate 800 million in revenue!

Su Bai suddenly felt that Gongsun Qi was the leader of the white character camp.

It’s a bit shameless.

He should manage his finances!


Gongsun started to generate 800 million in revenue,

Eight thousand people in Baiziying,

After accounting,

Each person has an extra budget of 100,000 contribution points!

Directly upgrade their entire set of equipment to a big step!

Per capita investment in Baiziying,

They’ve all caught up with the overlord’s heavy cavalry!

Su Bai only cares about one thing:

So many strong men with their own problems,

Does Gongsun Qi live in town?

This money,

I don’t have the ability, but I can’t earn it!

“If there are any violators of military orders, that’s the case.”

“Split a decisive decision!”

Gongsun lifted up the huge sickle,

In front of everyone,

Cut it down!


The head is flying high,

No more breath!

Kill if you say kill, never fake!

“It’s really killing!”

The new Baiziying infantry is still shocked,

The old Baiziying pawns have already begun to prepare the flagpole.

“Hang this person’s head on a flagpole,

Take a look! ”

A head covered with blood,

Hanging on a flagpole, it’s very awkward!

This flag,

Xu Huhou is still carrying it!

Drops of blood flowed down,

Deterrent effect MAX!

“Everyone, practice for an hour!”

Just killed a man Liwei,

Gongsun started to hit the iron with the heat.

Everyone obeyed the orders.

after all,

This master really dared to kill people!

Dare to kill,

It will only shock everyone.

Really want to convince them,

You must also have some real skills!

After one hour of training is over,

Everyone is convinced!

Gongsun Qi,

The talent in foot combat is comparable to SSS-level talent!

“All of them, supper!”

“Huhou, put the flag in, let’s eat.”

Another weak chicken carrying the flag,

The exterminator said seriously.

“I’m not hungry right now.”

Xu Huhou is still very peaceful,

There is no problem communicating with people at all.

“Baiziying rules,

You have to eat if you are hungry.

Otherwise beheaded! ”

Xu Huhou did not expect,

Just behead your head if you don’t eat!

But the one who was killed last time,

Still on top of his head, Xu Huhou’s momentum was weak by three points.

In Baiziying,

Rules are greater than the sky!

The two put the flag in place,

Followed everyone to eat.

On the training ground,

Going back and forth in white clothes.

The head on the banner speaks,

“…Please put me down soon!”

It’s young! The dead man speaks!

Gongsun Qi took off the head,

Put it back on the corpse,

Also handed a towel.

The headless corpse fits perfectly with the human head,

Come alive again!

The fire worm wiped the blood off the face,


“I helped you act out the play,

Don’t forget what you promised me! ”

The head that Gongsun just killed was not someone else.

It is the fire bug!

Relying on the props of the eclipse,

Plus the chain of fire worms.

Even if they act separately,

Fire worms can also live a long time.


Will accompany Gongsunqi to act like this,

He still lost his money!


This will become the black history of fire worms for a lifetime!

“I know I know.”

Gongsun Qi handed over a brochure,

“According to the above statement,

Drilling those geniuses can be done in a small way. ”

Fireworm took the book and couldn’t read it.

No one is around,

Quickly slip away.

Su Bai’s three forces,

Baiziying is invincible on foot,

The Iron Cavalry is on the horse Wushuang,

What about fire bugs?

Like my father,

Are you responsible for shame?

Fire worms are still very self-aware,

Let him train soldiers,

It’s really not this piece of material!

Overlord and Gongsun Qi are far better than him!

Fireworm can only turn to Gongsunqi for help.

The two reached a deal,

He cooperated with Gongsun to act, and shocked everyone.

Gongsunqi helped him train his troops and make plans!

It’s just a deal to get what you need!

Carrying a brochure,

After leaving the training ground,

The fire bug can’t wait to open,

The ink on the booklet is still wet,

It was actually written by Gongsun Qixian!

The preamble reads:

“I think that the future battlefield will win or lose,

No pawns, no heavy rides.

Rather, it lies in the struggle for air supremacy and sea supremacy.

The so-called air supremacy, sea supremacy…”

The pamphlet only talks tens of thousands of words,

But with a posture of transcending the age,

Overlooking the entire battlefield, from the shallower to the deeper, the analysis is concise and concise!

This is no longer a tactical technique.

It’s a strategic trend!

As for how much you can comprehend,

It all depends on the individual!

After reading it again,

The fire worm’s meaning is still unfinished,

Read it again!

every time,

He has new gains!

After reading for a whole night,

Fireworm’s heart gradually became clear,

This group of people under him,

The future development direction is clear!

They want to dominate the sky and the sea!

This is the right direction for future wars!

Maybe in the future,

They will have no reputation and no record.


Fireworm was extremely firm in his heart.


Their journey,

It’s the sea of ​​stars! !


(Sixth, good night, brothers.).

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