Chapter 258

“We will follow Tyrant’s orders!”

The black shadow left the prison of the dragon deep.

All the dragon prisoners slowly calmed down.

They are trapped in this abyss,

I don’t know how many years.

Just to wait for someone to arrive:


In the prophecy,

After Niederhogg met Tyrant,

The clock of extinction began to swing,

All prisoners will be free in the flames!


Even as strong as a master,

Things they can’t get either!

There is only Niederhogg’s level,

You can leave your prison at will.

What trapped him was the illusory prophecy!

Tyrant’s command is very simple,

Let them swear by their real names,

All the cubs thrown down by the dragon in the future,

Are nurtured by these dragon prisoners,

Take care of them instead of Niederhogg.

In return,

Tyrant’s messenger left a lot of food and water.

This is exactly what the Dragon Abyss Prison lacks!

Even if the life level reaches the master,

Don’t need these things,

But creatures are still willing to retain their instinctive needs.

What is missing,

The more I want.

Things that are originally worthless,

Very precious here!

Just like in some prisons,

Instant noodles are also hard currency, the kind that is harder than chrysanthemums.

With the assurance of six top prisoners,

Su Bai is relieved to leave.

The matter of Dragon Abyss Prison came to an end.

Above the Dragon Abyss Prison,

A new storm is brewing!

“Elder Jakiro, you are late.”

The small world of dragons,

On the cloud,

An emergency meeting of the highest level was convened.

The elder Jakiro, who is in charge of foreign affairs, was the last to be there.

“Sorry, something was delayed.”

Jakiro stood honestly at the end,

Same as his status.

Foreign affairs,

This is the least important thing for the dragon clan.

Even if Jakiro has the ultimate strength,

Because his identity is a bit special,

The status is not even as good as some proud masters!

This emergency meeting,

Being watched by the Dragon God,

It is presided over by the great elder of the dragon clan.

The Great Elder, the invincible grandmaster who is infinitely close to the demigod!

In addition to the dragon gods,

The strongest existence!

After the people arrived, the elder slowly spoke,

“This meeting is only for discussing one thing:

The dragon god descended the oracle,

That taboo existence has left the prison of Dragon Abyss! ”


The dragons were shocked,

How could that one escape.

Destroying the world, is it really about to begin? !

“Don’t panic! The Dragon God is on, so what kind of decent you are waiting for!”

Looking at the many dragon elders in panic,

The crutches in the hands of the elder slammed hard,

The scene was instantly held by him.

“Look at what you look like. Does it look like a dragon!”

“Search for that forbidden existence,

After finding it, bring it back to the Prison of the Dragon Abyss, if you don’t follow it, kill it on the spot! ”

The Great Elder speaks,

Although the elders calmed down, the panic in their expressions could not be concealed.

“The Great Elder,

That talent can cause ten times the true damage to the same race,

We, we can’t win! ”

Why is Niederhogg called the existence of taboo?

It is not because it is accompanied by the authority to destroy the world.


Niederhogg’s talent completely restrains all dragons!

Ten times the real damage,

Even the invincible master,

In front of Niederhogg, I can’t stand up!

“It’s okay, Dragon God has a countermeasure!”

The great elder is confident,

“I just need to find that one,

If you really want to do it,

Now there is a genius named Su Bai in Human Race, who is lustful and profitable!

It is said that Su Bai once was in the Demon Crypt,

Take away the demon prince’s family concubine! ”

Listening to the introduction of the great elder,

Jakiro was a little strange,(Read more @

Is this the Su Bai you know?

Is something wrong!

Su Bai led the team to make trouble in the Devil Emperor City of the Caverns,

Disappeared the demons.

In order to save face,

They can only throw sewage frantically on Su Bai,

Make up something to slander Su Bai.

of course,

[Add money] This matter,

They did not wrong Su Bai.

100% real,

Anyone who has worked with Su Bai,

Both can be guaranteed by personality.

As long as you add enough money,

Even if the enemy is an evil god,

Su Bai can go up there!

all in all,

Under the propaganda of Mozu,

The image of Su Bai and Cao Thief gradually overlapped ingeniously.

Su Bai: Cao Thief was me?

After the great elder introduced Su Bai,

With a light cough,

“Although this son has many problems,

But the strength is sturdy, the weakness is also obvious!

As long as we dragons show enough sincerity.

It will definitely impress Su Bai!


The teacher behind him, Baichuan Crow is also willing to help! ”

The elder is very confident,

“Money, what we have is.

People, it’s a big deal to grab a few more princesses. ”

The plan of the great elder,

Immediately received the approval of many elders.

There are also objections,

“Didn’t you say that Su Bai is a good wife?

Why are you stealing the princess? ”

I don’t know how young a young woman is,

Lao Long has certified Su Bai as a fellow dragon.

“Stupid dragon!

Grab the kind of princess who is in a marriage contract and hasn’t married yet,

It’s double happiness, don’t you know? ”

When the great elder spoke, he was the old Cao thief.

Maybe everyone is a thief.


“Why didn’t I expect it before!”

“Simply grab the queen together!”


The topic of the meeting gradually became crooked.

Over the dragon world,

Has been paying attention to the dragon god here,

Gradually retracted his gaze.

Forbidden deep in the sea,

In the kingdom of the twelfth evil god,

Throw the power of [Dragon God] aside,

The twelfth evil god withdrew his gaze.

“Very well, everything is going according to plan…”

“We are one step closer to gathering the authority to destroy the world.”

While talking,

He paced back to his god seat.

Su Bai has always been curious,

Why is there a dragon god,

Dragon Canyon can also be polluted by Cthulhu.

That’s because he didn’t think about it,

The power of the Dragon God has long been stolen by the Cthulhu!

What is the pollution of the mere Dragon Canyon?

As long as he wants,

The entire dragon world can be contaminated!

The twelfth evil god!

The first evil god ten thousand years ago,

Was seriously injured by the killing demigod that year,

Snail has occupied the position of the twelfth evil god for thousands of years!

He is also the Cthulhu that has been underestimated, even ignored!

The rise of the three strongest humans,

In this process,

Countless bloody storms have been set off,

Invincible Grandmaster, Demigod Powerhouse,

I don’t know how much it has fallen!

Don’t say far,

The sixth evil god just because he has the power of war,

He was designed to ambush by the two strongest humans!

The first evil god is also,

Have been hunted down by the Dark Realm for many years!

strictly speaking,

Cthulhu is a profession that is even more dangerous than the emperor!

The casualty rate is too high!

Who would bully the Cthulhu at every turn!

Trembling with air,

When will Cthulhu stand up!

Even so,

The twelfth evil god has been lingering in an inconspicuous corner…

People only know that He holds two waste powers:

[Gluttony], [Lazy].

It’s easy to target,

The Federation is doing very well in Earth,

Guide the social atmosphere and prevent people from overeating,

It will also arrange work and entertainment for people.

Let laziness fail to take effect.

It directly blocked the Twelfth Evil God’s path to becoming stronger!


No one knows that he has stolen the authority of [Dragon God] long ago!

And… [Destroy the World] Fragment of Authority!

No one knows what his plan is!

Sit back to your god seat,

God seat left armrest,

Inlaid with a huge dragon skull,

The tentacles flicked,

The twelfth evil god whispered in God’s country,


Your grandson carries fragments of the authority to destroy the world,

Tyrant ran away before waiting.

The prophecy that you exchanged with your life back then,

It’s invalid. ”

“The master of the fragments of world-destroying authority,

1.7  cannot be enemies with each other,

I can’t kill your grandson with my own hands,

But I will kill the dragon by borrowing a knife…”

God’s country,

The candlelight shook,

The ownership of the twelfth evil god,

Slowly circle around him.

Not two,

It’s not three.

But… a total of 8 powers! !

The fragments of the authority to destroy the world have not yet been counted!

The first evil god ten thousand years ago,

Real strength,

Beyond everyone’s imagination!

Solved the troubles of Dragon Abyss Prison,

Su Bai watched as Niederhogg was also listening intently.

The overlord broke his leg with the skin,

Begin to select suitable mounts from dragon creatures.

The harvest of this trip,

Exceeded all their expectations!

Overlord seems to have seen,

The scene of the cavalry galloping in the crypt!

Su Bai is going to level up,

A brief report of the catacombs,

Sent to him:

“The old and new demon emperors are fighting, and the Emperor Xuan is missing!”

“Emperor Dove gathers the power of the Black Emperor!”


(The third delivery, meal, code, red!).

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