Chapter 257

“Try it!”

Niederhogg is grinding his teeth,

Ready to start with the roots.

He will gnaw at the roots of the world ~ the tree of the world in the future,

Now practice your hands with this tree,

This is the honor of the other party!

Unexpectedly, it was stopped by someone.

A crisp voice sounded behind him.

The little tree appeared out of thin air,

The little face was full of anger.

Su Bai told her about Niederhogg’s situation in advance.

Xiaoshu relying solely on his own ability,

I am afraid that Niederhogg cannot be counterbalanced.

Just show up with the authority of war,

After shrinking the Indomitable Spear, she was carried by her,

It looks a little funny.

The little tree is very angry,

Very serious consequences.

This black dragon wants to pull the root of the tree!

“Your mother never taught you,

Be polite when you visit someone else’s house.

Can’t you mess with things! ”

The little tree issued a soul torture.

Niederhogg: “My mother is dead.”

Little tree: …..

“Then you know now,

This is polite! ”

Niederhogg sat down obediently.

Don’t let it go! Don’t let it go!

Why are you waving that toothpick,

Don’t you think you are holding the power of war?

Niederhogg decided not to care about him.

After changing the environment,

Everything is so novel.

Niederhogg kept peeking around,

He hasn’t waited for his freshness to come.

What Su Bai said [teacher] is here.

A weak human being,

The kind that can be killed by a sneeze,

The cook is like an extraordinary master.

Niederhogger decided to converge,

So as not to accidentally kill the other party.


Niederhogg also ordered his World Destroying Dragon Group to keep quiet.

They are fixed on the tabletop like sculptures,

No abnormality can be seen.

Niederhogg patiently waited for the teacher to teach,

It is said that today’s theme is:

“The Deduction of Ten Thousand Ways to Destroy the World”

Am looking forward to! !

It is said that the teacher’s name is…Zhao Zizhen?

It sounds delicious.

Xiaohu is voluntary.

Zhao Zi was really forced.

Forced by Xiaohu,

Catch Zhao Zizhen on the shelf like a duck.

Giving lessons to Niederhogg,

I don’t know why it fell on Zhao Zizhen!

“Old Zhao, the safety of the Federation,

It’s on your mouth! ”

Xiaohu has confidence in him,

“Don’t worry, go boldly,

These manuscripts have been written for you,

Just read it! ”

Zhao Zizhen: I’m so angry, I can’t beat it again!

I really want to shake the crow to beat up the little tiger!

no way,

Zhao Zizhen walked into Niederhogg’s VIP cell,

Started the first class.

“What I’m going to talk about today is,

Niederhogg’s prophecy of how to destroy the world,

He will definitely burn the entire eternal continent with flames…”

Separated by a glass wall,

Seeing Zhao Zi really in class,

Xiaohu nodded in satisfaction.

“As long as the old Zhao said the method of destroying the world,

I’m afraid Niederhogg will never do it.

Really feel more at ease! ”

Use causal weapons flexibly,


Poisoned milk has also become a weapon!

Zhao Zizhen, who is giving a lecture,

Gradually also entered the state.

Niederhogg was not as terrible as he thought.

of course,

It may also be that Zhao Zizhen is too good,

Can’t feel the authority of the other party to destroy the world.

In short,

Zhao Zizhen slowly adapted to getting along with Niederhogg.

During the break between classes,

Zhao Zi really glanced across the table.(Read more @

It was filled with figurines like figurines.

All of them are hideous and weird!

Just a few glances,

Will make Zhao Zi really have lingering fears.

“Fortunately, it’s just a statue, not alive.”

“If these are alive, they won’t have much combat power in this small size!”

As a master, Zhao Zizhen still has a certain vision.

Dragon creatures,

Body size has always been used to determine combat effectiveness.

Zhao Zizhen sighed with emotion,

Zhao Zizhen continued to teach Niederhogg.

One dares to go, the other dares to learn.

“right here.”

The dragon elders landed slowly,

Flapping wings,

One hundred thousand dragon creatures landed steadily,

Pi Broken Leg and Overlord also landed from the air.

“That little friend named Su Bai,

It should have been resurrected at the resurrection point, right? ”

After the dragon elder watched Su Bai jump down,

He turned around to help deliver the goods.

Everything that happened in the Dragon Abyss Prison,

He is not clear.

“Su Bai, say you and you are here!”

The dragon elders are very enthusiastic.

Su Bai heard this,

The smile gradually solidified.

Say Su Bai, Su Bai arrives?

So what’s the difference between me and Cao Thief? !

“Elder, there is something else to trouble you.”

Since Su Bai flicked Niederhogg over,

I still have to be responsible to the dragon,

“Those creatures that dragons plunged into the abyss,

Can they all be delivered to me in the future? ”

Niederhogg said nothing.

Su Bai knew,

The other side still misses these little guys.

after all,

His World Extinguishing Dragon Group needs fresh blood.

This is just Niederhogg’s excuse.

In order to let the other party stay completely at ease,

Su Bai decided to help the dragon to the end.

“No way.”

The dragon elder decisively rejected Su Bai’s request,

“I know what you are thinking,

I am considered the dragon in the dragon clan who has the most contact with the outside world.

Some prejudices,

The efforts of one or two dragons alone cannot be eliminated. ”

After being rejected,

Su Bai is not depressed either.

This road is blocked, just change another road.

Anyway, things like card bugs,

Su Bai is best at it.

“Nothing else, I’m leaving now.”

Before the dragon elder left,

Do not forget to warn,

“The hundred thousand dragon creatures handed to you,

Don’t look very honest now,

That is what I suppressed with Longwei!

If they make any trouble, don’t say I didn’t remind you! ”

· · Ask for flowers · ·······

In the blood of the dragon race, there is a violent factor flowing.


The dragon elders once again changed back to their original form,

Soaring in the sky.

Leave the entire Misty Town behind.

He didn’t see it,

When one hundred thousand dragon creatures came to the world tree,

They don’t have any dishonesty!

They are proud as dragons on weekdays,

At this time standing respectfully not far from the world tree,

Kneel down one by one!

as if,

There is an existence like a dragon emperor ahead!


In the world tree,

Nidhogg yawned.

The lesson taught by this teacher,

There was some interest at first.

Later it became more and more boring.

Niederhogg has made up his mind,

Any method of destroying the world that the other party said,

Don’t use it yourself!

There is a way to destroy the world, I don’t need it, alas, just play.

Niederhogg, he will definitely find his own way to destroy the world!

Zhao Zizhen is still sticking to his duties,

…… ….. …

“Turn the book to page 72,

Next is the seventh kind of extinction, the flood submerged the earth…”

The world-destroying classroom in the world tree,

It’s in full swing.

A figure,

Through the Dragon Canyon,

Returned to the Prison of Dragon Abyss!

He wears a mask,

Can’t distinguish appearance and temperament at all.

“It’s the mask of that bastard in the dark field!”

A cellmate exclaimed,

In just a few words, he shouted infinite resentment.

It seems that there were no less pit dragons in the dark field.

The inmates of the entire Dragon Abyss Prison,

Eyes are locked on the black shadow,

Once the other party says something wrong,

They will swarm them and tear them to pieces!

This kind of outsider,

Especially from the existence of taboos,

Keep all dragon prisoners on guard!

“This is the holy thing of His Highness Niederhorn!”

A black scale appeared in front of the dark shadow,

All eyes are locked on the scales,

It’s indeed… the lord’s!

The hostility in his eyes dissipated,

There are only endless doubts and puzzles.

If that adult wants them to do something,

Can you just say no?

The next sentence of the shadow,

Almost let the whole Long Yuan run away!

“By Tyrant’s order…”


All the master creatures began to restless, roar, and want to step forward!

The chains on them began to take effect,

Exudes golden light,

Nail them to the spot, not to leave an inch!

Even so,

They also celebrated in every way they could think of!

The body kept hitting the mountain wall,

The whole Longyuan is shaking!

They are celebrating, roaring, venting,

That lord… met Tyrant! !

Annihilate the world,

It’s finally about to start! !

They are not far from the day of freedom!


(Secondly, the code word, rush rush rush!) A few.

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