Chapter 217

“How can Baichuan Crow be here!”

Barlow was frightened to death.

Shadow shot and trapped him,

Baichuan Crow~’s attacks followed one after another.

These two people set up for themselves? !

Barlow was stunned by the crystal arrow-not long after the stun,

He was about to run away regardless of the cost,

A piece of willow leaf sealed the place!

“Liu Wanlou! Shadow! You guys-dare to join hands!”

Barlow’s bones were about to split, and he roared,

“Are you not afraid of the Demon King discovering it and condemning it?!”

Shadow was dumbfounded.

Single-round combat ability,

He is not as good as Liu Wanlou, not as good as Barogu.

Liu Wanlou even sneered again and again.

“Laozi is a human race, the Demon Emperor can’t control Laozi!”

“Do you think Laozi did this for the first time?!”


Barlow bones have already burned their lives,

Realizing the moment when Baichuan Crow appeared,

Barlow wanted to escape with all his strength,


The crows were unpredictable, the shadows were hard to come by, Liu Wanlou blocked most of the directions!

Barlow bone will naturally escape the direction,

Lock in the direction of Shura!

“Even if you insist on resisting other people’s ultimate moves,

Also tear a hole from Shura! ”

Among the four besieged,

Shura is the weakest with only half a step!

“Want to escape?!”

Liu Wanlou’s intention to see through Baluo’s bones!

The willow leaves fell down,

Barlow’s blood volume dropped rapidly,

Shadow is not limited to restraint, take the initiative to attack!

Even so,

Barlow also slammed his head in,

He has a secret method,

After the blood volume drops to 8%, it can be activated!

By the time,

Balo bone doubled his combat power and had a second life,

Just hit Shura and broke through from Shura!

In order to ensure that the blood volume can activate the secret method,

Barlow also took the initiative to let go of some of his defenses!

almost! almost!

The health drops rapidly!

12% left!

Shura is right in front of you!

Shura with a gun, as if frightened by Barlow’s actions,

Stayed in place and didn’t move!

Barlow seems to have seen it,

The scene of successful escape after urging the secret method by yourself!

By the time,

The matter of Shadow’s betrayal will definitely be known by the Demon King!

Raise this fellow Shadow!

The hope of escape is here!

Barrow bone is about to activate the secret method,



An arrogant, ancient, and profound aura rose from Shura’s body!

Shadow Assault!

Wind slasher!

The gun was shot like a dragon, and it pierced Barlow’s throat!


The tip of the gun pierced the body, and Barlow’s blood volume just dropped to 8%. He was about to activate the secret method.

To discover with horror,

His blood volume has been emptied! !

Even if it was Liu Wanlou’s full blow, it couldn’t be done!

“Sura, you…”

The ancient dragon soul effect is activated!


Barlow’s body twitched twice on the tip of the gun.

The vitality is completely cut off!

The ultimate master, there are countless cards that are useless!

By Shura,

One hit kill! !

The shadow figure retreated violently,

Barlow is dead, he doesn’t want to follow in his footsteps!

As the ultimate master,

He is too aware of the changing timing on the battlefield,

Someone who was just a teammate,

Next second,

May become an enemy!

If you can kill one more great master,

Liu Wanlou is absolutely willing to laugh at it!

“Want to leave without leaving something?”

A piece of willow leaf was scraped,

The shadow body is divided into two, very smooth,

Flee in two directions!

Even Liu Wanlou,

Don’t even think of stopping him alone!

Shadow thought so.

Until he saw Shura appearing in front of him out of thin air!(Read more @

“Leave all the net worth, get out!”

Shura said,

The shadow trembled with fright.

He just saw it,

Shura killed Balo with a single shot! !

This is something beyond the absolute recognition!

To know,

The talent of Barrow bone is determined, the lower the blood volume, the stronger the strength!

Barlow bone in the strongest state,

They were all shot and killed by Shura!

Facing the enemy head-on, Shadow is not as good as Barlow bone! !

There is no fluke in Shadow’s heart!


The dignity of being the ultimate master,

Make him unable to do such a humiliating thing!

Who do you look down on if you buy money for life? !

“It seems you really want to die!”

Liu Wanlou held willow leaves,

Slashed hard,

The shadow avatar was completely shattered.

“Ah, how can I be beaten by you with my storage ring with all my wealth!”

In the remaining half of Shadow’s body,

Fly out a ring,

His body fled in the opposite direction!

“Damn it! I will definitely be back!!”

This time,

No one stopped him.

Looking at the shadow of the escaped birth,

Liu Wanlou has some regrets,

“Really don’t kill him?”

If I just joined forces with Su Bai,

With 60% certainty, leave the shadow here!

The premise is,

Su Bai was able to use the shot that killed Barlow.

The ancient dragon soul BUFF disappeared,

Su Bai removed his disguise, took off the bone ring,

“Can’t kill.”

“Moreover, a guy like Shadow is better for us to live!”

Some dog legs,

Stay in the enemy camp,

More destructive!

Liu Wanlou laughed loudly.

It is already the biggest victory to get Su Bai back in this battle!

Killing an absolute leader of the Demon Race is even more unexpected.

He waved his hand, extremely domineering.

“Go, let’s go home!”

A thousand kilometers away,

The warrior legion where Ye Liangchen is,

Push forward at the fastest speed!

They received the order:

Meet Liu Wanlou, and… Su Bai! !

“Two rat generations! I was not fooled by me!”

After the shadow successfully escaped,

Very arrogant, cursing constantly.

“Do you think you left all my net worth?”

“Actually only 60%, hahahaha!”

Back to the City of Souls,

The shadow with a faint breath returned directly to the mansion, thanking the guests behind closed doors!


A few explosive news,

Spread in the City of Souls,

·· 0 Seeking flowers·····

“Baichuan Crow and Liu Wanlou joined forces to make the game,

Assault and kill the Great Master Balogu! ”

“The shadow of the extreme peak hit Liu Wanlou badly, and he was slightly injured. Return to the city to cultivate!”

“My clan genius Shura, chase Baichuan crows with guns!”

These few news,

Each one is extremely shocking!

The entire city of Reaper is discussing this!

Absolute top,

That is the top existence on the battlefield!

Actually… was assassinated by Baichuan Crow? !

On the shadow mansion,

He was kneeling, reporting to the Emperor Dove!

When Emperor Jiu listened to the report,

Especially when I heard,

When Shura teamed up with Liu Wanlou to attack the Shadow,

He stroked his palms and laughed.

“Wonderful! Great!”


Wonderful melon seeds, your fairy ancestor!

“Brother Shura, really a great talent!”

Jiuhuang said triumphantly,

“Did you not find out, Baichuan Crow is actually my good brother!”


Shadow had previously only tried to flee for his life.

…….. ….. …….

Did not take this into account at all.

At this time, Emperor Jiu mentioned,

He just realized.

Baichuan Crow, turned out to be Shura, the genius of my clan?

No wonder, no wonder the crows are so addictive!

It turns out that he is of the blood of the Demon King! !

Terran, self-thinking genius and leader, is actually my demons!

Thought of here,

Shadow giggled and laughed!

“Congratulations, Your Majesty! Prince Shura counts as an exhaustive plan, God Bless Your Majesty!”

I ate a few rainbow farts,

Emperor Jiu continued to laugh,

“They teamed up to hurt you, but they could kill you but they didn’t. Do you know why?”

“The minister is dull.”

“Just for the show,

Aiqing, you are wronged!

You have to be hit hard, leave all your wealth behind, and escape.

If you say it, the rebel will believe it!

Even if he asks you to swear by your real name, you have no fear! ”


Can I be reimbursed?

“The minister still has one thing unknown,

Since Prince Shura is already so powerful,

Why not leave to conspire with big things,

Want to return to the ground instead? ”

Shura and Liu Wanlou left,

Shadow guessed that the human race knew Shura’s true identity,

Just use him as a knife!

Yuhuang said with a smile,

“Do you even understand this?”

“Is that adversary grandson who doesn’t want to go back to the crypt?

Yudi must be looking for that unfilial son and grandson! ”

“I have a hunch,

Next time the imperial brother comes back,

I can see my grandson! ”

Emperor Jiu had already imagined the scene where the grandfather is kind to Sun Xiao,

“By the time,

I want him to take a good look,

How perfect the hands of the Demon Emperor are!

Pull the ear scraper, how powerful! ”

Liu Wanlou, Su Bai and Ye Liangchen’s department successfully merged.

Nearly ten thousand warriors uttered an earth-shaking cheering sound.

A very exciting news,

Into the top of the federation:

Su Bai, came back alive!


(The second update is sent, a bit of kavin, today is still eight!) Again.

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