Chapter 216

“Sura, the City of Soul Reaping, join the battle against Liu Wanlou, the top of the human race!”

After the news spread,

Shadow has a new understanding of Shura’s strength.

“Your Majesty, can Prince Shura really win the battle?”

Yuhuang said that Shura is his own brother.

I didn’t believe in killing the shadow!


The Emperor Dove said that it was!

In the mouth of the shadow,

Su Bai became the prince of Shura.

Emperor Jiu snorted coldly.


Shura’s strength,

The Emperor Dove observed it up close, half a step beyond his reach,

If the devil blesses,

In a short period of time can be extremely strong.

“Then what is the adventure of Prince Shura this time?”

Jiuhuang looked scheming,

“I didn’t think about it at first,

Later, I discovered how sweet my imperial brother is! ”

Yuhuang said solemnly,

“His goal is not the ultimate human race!

It’s the best of my clan in the city! ”


Shadow was shocked, so good, why kill his own people?


Emperor Jiu saw the doubt in his heart,


“Brother Yu, this is to create opportunities for me!”

“Killing dozens of proud masters is just an appetizer!

Killing a superlative person and replacing it with his own will be useful for my major event! ”

Emperor Jiu saw through Su Bai’s strategy,

Tell the shadow what to do.

That night,

Shadow feasted two great masters,

Ask the other side to help out in the battle of Asura Liu Wanlou!

The two Jue Deng did not dare to make a move,

That’s Liu Wanlou! 857

Killed more than one terrifying existence!

“This matter is not trivial!”

The shadows speak for themselves,

“Asura’s breakthrough is imminent, there is no battle of life and death.

Only by fighting Liu Wanlou can we break through!

I just need to squeeze nearby,

There is absolutely no danger to life!

If something goes wrong, you can retreat at any time! ”

A great master,

Promised in the shadows,

Give 60% of his subordinates’ property to the other party,

Only then reluctantly agreed to the matter.

That night, the news spread in the City of Reaper.

Two great masters,

Escort Shura to the battle of Liu Wanlou!

Su Bai who is hanging out,

After hearing the news, I couldn’t help but froze for a while.

“There is such a good thing?”

“I haven’t had time to calculate Jue Dian, Jue Dian will send it to the door by myself?”

Because of the contract between the strongest and the devil,

Any crypt battlefield,

The unilateral limit is three absolute tops.

Liu Wanlou was able to stand up to the top three by himself,

Su Bai is here to help,

Innately invincible!

As for what to do later,

Su Bai can only go one step at a time.

Wait until the decisive battle tomorrow,

Plan again!

“Lao Liu, are you ready?”

Xiaohu looked at Liu Wanlou who was about to leave.

The time for the appointment is just one hour later!

Meeting place,

It’s between the Southeast Catacombs and the City of Souls,

It is 3000 kilometers from the Southeast Catacombs and 2800 kilometers from the City of Souls.

A relatively remote valley.

Since Yeyou City fell into the hands of the human race,

Liu Wanlou briefly left the Southeast Catacombs,

There is no need to worry that Mocha takes this opportunity to make trouble.

“What can I prepare?”

Liu Wanlou said strangely,

“Am I just going to get Su Bai back?”

“Aren’t you stupid!”

Xiaohu has been so tough recently that even Liu Wanlou dared to scold him.

“Su Bai doesn’t have long legs?

Wouldn’t you come back by yourself, and have to fight with you? ”

“That is?”

Liu Wanlou really didn’t know.(Read more @

What else can I do besides picking up Su Bai back.

“This kid has a bad stomach,

It must be calculated! ”

Little Tiger threw a bunch of magic scrolls,

“These are all skills that block sight and hearing,

After you fight Shura, create chaos!

Then listen to Shura’s arrangement! ”

Liu Wanlou nodded frequently.

Listen to Su Bai’s command,

He is familiar with this!

“lets go!”

Liu Wanlou was alone, rushing to the place of the battle.

at the same time,

The southeast crypt defense line, the magic capital crypt defense line,

Enter the highest level of preparation.

All the top masters are in place!

If there is any abnormality,

They will even take the initiative to try to contain the Demon Race!

The top of the federation passed an order,

at all costs,

Also contain the demons to ensure that the battle between Liu Wanlou and Shura goes smoothly!

On Yeyou City,

The elite warrior army stationed here changed defense,

Ye Liangchen brought the most powerful army of warriors,

The soldiers pushed forward thousands of miles,

Drive out all the scattered monsters around!

Only for the first time to respond to Liu Wanlou!

They didn’t know that Shura was Su Bai,

I don’t understand why Liu Wanlou fought,

Make such a big noise.


Commands are commands!

They are responsible for execution!

Before the decisive battle in the valley,

Su Bai single shot, waiting for Liu Wanlou to attend the appointment.

Shadow and another demon’s supreme Barlow bone,

Helping to line up 100 kilometers away.

“Don’t worry, Liu Wanlou is a martial arts master.

Fighting him is a good way to fight one against three.


If you want to trap the two of us, that’s a foolish dream! ”

In the case of Shadow,

It made Barlow’s heart settled a bit.


As long as Jue Dian wanted to escape, it would be difficult for Liu Wanlou to stop him!

not to mention,

The two sides are separated by such a long distance!

Barlow’s heart has already begun to calculate,

This time, eating 60% of the worth of the shadow,

In the future, he will be the richest and strongest in Imperius City!

“Liu Wanlou is here!”

“Sure enough, there is only one person!”

Barlow is not at ease,

Use skills to view the radius.

Only four people!

However, there is one anomaly that he cares about.

“Does this valley usually have so many crows?”

The name of Baichuan Crow,

Let the master of the crypt be frightened!

Even if it’s the best,

Also a little scared.

“do not worry!”

Shadow said vowedly.

“The Devil Sovereign has sent someone to investigate,

The skill range of Baichuan Crow is only 30 kilometers!

There are only you and me, Shura, and Liu Wanlou in this area!

Baichuan crows can’t be here! ”

Shadow also joked,

“Who is the crow, you and me, Liu Wanlou?

It can’t be Shura, a genius of my clan! ”

With these words,

Barlow’s heart settled down completely.

He also knows the skills of the crow,

Shadow told the truth.

Shura’s magic flame is more authentic than himself,

How could it be a crow?

Put your heart back to your stomach,

Barlow said suddenly,

“It’s time to do it!”


Shura and Liu Wanlou did not talk nonsense,

Fight into a group at once!

The whole valley is flying sand and rocks, the earth is shaking and the mountains are shaking!

Tacitly, the two passed by.

“Su Bai?”

“it’s me!”

Ping pong pong!

Sand and gravel block the line of sight,

Liu Wanlou did everything he could to create movement,

At the same time, discuss with Su Bai.

“The two demon races, what shall we do now?”

“One is called Shadow, and the other one I don’t know.”

Su Bai said,

“For the other one, Shadow may have its own plan!”

“it is good!”

Between words, the two played against each other for several rounds.

In the valley,

Shura suddenly looked up to the sky and screamed.

The shadows lifted their spirits,

This is a signal to yourself!

He understood it, and the plan he had prepared for a long time came to his mind.

“Barlow, look! What is that!”

Shadow pointed in a random direction and exclaimed.

Barlow looked down his fingers,


The body sank!

“Shadow! Are you crazy?! Shoot me!”

Barlow suddenly found out,

He was restrained in place by the shadow shot!

Such a close distance,

Was bound by an extraordinary sneak attack,

Even if you want to break open, it takes a few seconds!

“Shadow, just because you want to kill me?!”

Barlow bones are strong in their own right,

Shadow can only cause him a little trouble.

Liu Wanlou is a hundred kilometers away,

As long as Balogu breaks free, he will be able to escape!

“Not enough shadows, what about me?”

Over the valley,

A familiar voice sounded.

Triggered the memory deep in the soul of Barlow,

Baichuan Crow!

He stiffened slightly,

When did the Baichuan Crow come?

Before he got back to his senses,

A huge jackdaw crystal arrow,

Infinitely enlarged in the pupil of Barlow bone!


Smashed it down! !


(The first one is sent, I overslept, and the rich woman in my dream didn’t let me go.

Chong Chong Chong! ).

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