Chapter 168

“Come on, open your mouth and eat fruit!”

Redundant words, disgusting.

Su Bai threw half an apple to Qin Lin,

Lie on the lawn with grass roots in his mouth.

“Dabai, eating this food can really increase your intelligence?”

“When did I lie to you!”

“every day.”

The credibility of some people is just that-worthless…

“Oh, idiot, do you think this is the wisdom fruit of the world tree? Can you increase your intelligence if you eat it?”

Luo Cheng said contemptuously.

Qin Lin just remembered that he still has a teacher.

“Teacher, I haven’t brought you anything good when I walked to the grave these days.”

Qin Lin handed half an apple to Lao Luo.

“How about you eat it?”

“Why did I accept you such a stupid apprentice!”

Luo Cheng hates iron but not steel.

“You accept me, doesn’t it mean you need to replenish your brain?”

Qin Lin’s operation opened Su Bai’s eyes.

That’s it!

The reason why Qin Lin restrained Luo Cheng,

Relying on a self-detonation attack!

First drag yourself down the low IQ depression, and then drag Luo Cheng down,

With his rich combat experience,

Conquer Luo Cheng easily!

I’ve learned it, I don’t want to use it at all…

“Eat yours!”

Luo Cheng put half of an apple into Qin Lin’s mouth,


“Even if you eat the fruit of wisdom, your intelligence will not increase!

Wisdom fruit has two functions.

One, repair the trauma of the brain and even the soul,

This process is extremely warm, and the personality of the person after the restoration will be more optimistic.

Second, prevent mental decline.

If the intelligence attribute is to be lost after death, part of it can be offset. ”

“Lao Luo, you know so well, have you ever eaten it?”

“I have eaten one-third of wisdom fruit, and I want to show it off to you?”

You are clearly showing off, and you haven’t stopped at all!


Under the lantern Luo became mad,

The whole Federation tried to cure him.

Even the treasured wisdom fruit has been arranged for Luo Cheng.

It is by the fruit of wisdom,

Luo Chengcai can stay in the cemetery without being completely destroyed by the demons.

Qin Lin gnawed at the apple.

Luo Cheng asked casually,

“Smelly boy, is this really the fruit of wisdom?”

“Yes, I can’t lie to Qin Lin either!”

Qin Lin, Luo Cheng: …

This always feels weird!

Luo Cheng reacted abruptly.

If it was a fruit of wisdom, Qin Lin would eat half of it, which would be a waste! !

“Qin Lin, where’s Apple?”

“It’s finished, hiccup—”

“What about apple cores?”

“I thought about all good things, and swallowed them together.”

Can a normal person do this? !

Worthy of being a man who drinks [wood a walnut] to replenish your brain!

Luo Cheng looked at Qin Lin’s stomach,

Now if you break open your stomach, you can still rescue it from the stomach, right?


Luo Cheng gave up the idea of ​​the devil.

Said to Qin Lin fiercely,

“From today, all shit will be left in the cemetery!”

“Don’t pull the apple core clean, I’m never finished with you!”

“That thing can grow a smart apple tree, a good thing that can really add intelligence!”

After hearing Luo Cheng’s words,

Su Bai thoughtfully,

There are 9 apple cores in his pocket!

Don’t bother Luo for such a trivial matter!

Let him play Qin Lin’s Xiang!

Luo Cheng seemed to have guessed what Su Bai would use the wisdom fruit for.

He reminded,

“Wisdom fruit protects people, to some extent,

People who have eaten Wisdom Fruit will be a little disrespectful, ahem, and a bit stubborn…”

Su Bai looked at Luo Cheng and expressed his understanding.

Don’t you look like this!

“It’s hard to save it.”

Zhao Zizhen walked between the wards,

Xiaohu and the middle-aged man followed.

As a healer, he participated in the treatment of 97 heroes throughout the whole process,

Zhao Zizhen is very pessimistic,

“They have been tortured for too long, the shortest one is three years, the longest one is seventy years!

During this period, many psychotropic drugs were used, and they developed strong drug resistance.

Now there is nowhere to start treatment! ”

Zhao Zizhen looked sad,

Xiaohu smiled often.

“With your words, Lao Zhao, my little tiger is relieved!”

Zhao Zizhen has learned to shield this annoying guy,

The clown who doesn’t believe in science!

Zhao Zizhen continued to introduce,

“Our 6 master healers gave the final treatment plan,

Only with wisdom fruit treatment can there be hope of recovery,

Doesn’t the Federation still have two-thirds of wisdom fruits? ”


The middle-aged man interrupted,

“Wisdom fruit, I will think of a way and see them.”

When it comes to the word ‘them’,

The middle-aged man has a calm personality, and his voice is trembling slightly!

Invincible cannot enter the cave.

but,(Read more @

When the crow rescued ninety-seven prisoners,

After reading their information,

After understanding the torture that everyone has suffered.

The middle-aged man can’t wait to destroy his foundation,

Smashed into the crypt with a pinnacle posture, stirring him upside down!


Everyone gets punishable! !

“From two hours ago,

Their condition has stabilized, and perhaps the stress response has passed.

Occasionally, I would say that name. ”

Zhao Zizhen reminded,

“Don’t pretend this name before them!”

The two nodded.

They knew that it was the name of the crow.

Came outside the ward,

Looking inside, the three of them were surprised to find that the scene was very harmonious!

An old man is holding the TV upside down,

When I saw excitement, my feet clapped and clapped.

Another old man is reading a math book,

The desk is full of textbooks and exercises.

I also carved an inspirational banner for myself:

“The college entrance examination counts down to 93 days. You will learn mathematics, physics and chemistry well, and you will not be afraid to travel all over the world!”

The three sighed helplessly.

This madness will not heal for a while.

Everyone knows that only by playing good games can you travel all over the world without fear.

Mathematical Chemistry…

Alas, let them go.

The three of them looked at a few more wards,

“This is not the absolute top…”

Xiaohu was a little surprised, doubting his own eyes.

In front of the three,

A great master, without pretensions, is coaxing an old man.

Compared with other people, the old man can barely say a few words to express his thoughts.

“Lift high!”

So the Great Master lifted him up like a kid.

“Stand high!”

The old man stood on Jue Dian’s shoulders, his feet slipped, and he rode directly on his neck.

Jue Dian did not have any impatience, nor any embarrassment.

Patiently accompany his lost father,

Even if the other party no longer recognizes himself.

“Riding a horse!”

Jue Dian knelt down, like a wooden horse, carrying the old man, making him laugh!

He also showed a rare smile.

Smiling and laughing, the mouth is a bit salty.

The three people outside the house left silently without disturbing the father and son.

The scene I just saw,

They will not mention it to anyone.

That is the ultimate master, only one step away from invincibility, two steps away from the strongest existence!

Facing the strongest, they don’t have to kneel down!

If Jue Dian wants to take refuge, the Devil God and Cthulhu will definitely open their doors!

It is said that men have gold under their knees,

Absolutely under the knee,

More than billions of gold!

They come and go freely, their strength is superb, and there is nothing in the world that can restrain them!


In order to satisfy the old man’s desire to ‘ride a horse’,

He knelt down without hesitation, patted his back and said,

“Sit down!”

On the battlefield, Jue Ding was furious, and smashed hundreds of millions of dead bodies!

In the ward, be a cow and a horse, calmly!

“Father is kind and filial!”

The middle-aged man said with emotion,

Crow, even if you rescue people, there is no way to heal them.

Also did a thing that benefited the Federation infinitely!

The Federation owes the crows,

I’m afraid it’s unclear long ago!

· ·········Ask for flowers···············

“Talk to them,

The 1% income of the Misty Forest is too stingy.

My Federation hero is worth this amount of money? ”

The middle-aged man ordered and said generally,

“9.7% of the proceeds go to the crow,

Forget it, round it up, 15%, not 20%! ”

Invincible speaks, I dare not fail!

The Federation soon followed his will,

The arrangement was changed.

Su Bai owns 100% of the development rights of the Misty Forest.

One step closer!

“Dad, I am busy with work now, and I will play with you next time!”

The Great Master is bidding farewell,

He has been playing with his father for more than three hours.

It is really necessary to sit on top in the crypt,

He was forced to leave.

Instead of being tired and bored.

I heard him say he was leaving,

The old man who originally looked like a child,

The smile on his face suddenly froze.

“Don’t cry or cry, let’s not cry!”

The Master Jue Dian was in a hurry and didn’t know how to coax him.

Let him kill, he will,

Let him coax the child, how can this be!

The old man did not cry,

Instead, he walked to the bed and sat down,

At this moment, the Great Master felt that

My father seems to be back.

The old man said in a concerned and patient tone,

“You are about to take the college entrance examination. Playing games is important. Don’t hate playing games.

…… ……. …….

Recently I read the weather forecast and it is going to rain. Remember to bring an umbrella when you go out.

Add more clothes in the morning and evening, and pay attention to safety when you go to school. ”

The Master Jue Dian was speechless, just nodding his head heavily, and a sound like a bad cold came from his nose.


He turned around, afraid to face the old man.

Tears have already burst into tears.

“Dad, I have graduated for more than 60 years…”

“Your son is a great master now…”

These words,

He couldn’t say a word.

Dad, it’s nice that you are still alive.

This is enough.

In the first half of my life, you sheltered me from wind and rain.

For the rest of my life, I will support this sky for you!

In the ward,

The old man seems to remember nothing,

He returned to the appearance of a three-year-old child with a wooden sword dancing in his hand.

“Fighting, I want to play the dark domain of the strongest!”

“I want to play the dark domain too!”

Soon, most of the old people in the whole building,

All joined this small simulated war.

They collided like cockfighting.

Their physical fitness is very good,

There are still unknown remnants of healing artifacts in the body,

Even if you are injured, you will soon heal.

Therefore, the doctors and nurses are also watching.

More interaction will help them heal.

In a simulated war,

They talked quietly in a voice that no one else could hear,

“Laozi knows you are not crazy!”

“Everyone eats apples, don’t pretend everyone!”

“You bb again, I’ll report you all!”

Someone sent out soul torture,

“Why don’t you say you are better?”

“Is it good to say? Now take care of food and stay, isn’t it fragrant?”

“My family is dead, it’s the same everywhere.”

“I’m crazy. I can learn mathematics, physics and chemistry. This is my dream before!

If I am normal, I will lose my dreams! ”


Everyone has their own reasons.

Under Wisdom Fruit’s “Old Urchin” buff,

At the same time, they chose to hide the fact that they had regained their sanity.

Because… they find it fun!

For so many years,

Have experienced everything,

Fun things are getting less and less.

If you have encountered it, cherish it!

Especially between each other,

Although it is disgusting,

But after so many years of staying together, even a piece of wood has feelings!

Wisdom Fruit cured them,

But it was not completely cured.

The happy hour that belongs to them continues.


(The first one will be sent, rush rush rush!

Today’s time is tight and the task is heavy, code word machine mode, start! )corpse.

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