Chapter 167

In no hurry to enter the city,

Su Bai first checks his status.

Complete the third job transfer,

Become a quasi-magister of the fusion of gods,

Because of the long-term use of crows to increase the upper limit of blood volume,

His blood volume has exceeded 100 million, approaching 200 million!

In the third job transfer, only a small increase in attributes was rewarded with a few skill points.

Compared with the level 100 transfer,

The improvement of Su Bai’s strength on paper has actually been smaller.

Click on the properties panel:

ID: Tyrant

Level: 200

Title: God Killing Fanatic

Occupation: Killing Gods and Fusion of Quasi Magisters

HP: 175 million / 175 million

MP: 21 million / 21 million

Attack: 1.62 million

Defense: 980,000

Talent: Full firepower (Tier 2)

Attributes: Strength 190,000, Intelligence 520,000, Spirit 200,000, Agility 190,000, Lucky 8.

Skills: Raven Eating Crows LV.100, Death Scourge LV.40, Magnetic Flame Fire Lotus LV.15, Fusion, Unstoppable LV.100, Recovery Monsoon LV.40

Status: Killing domain (full rank), proficient in water system, Gandalf’s blessing, 16 levels of god killing effect

Skill points: 231

First-rank and second-rank martial artists,

Just an excess.

The quasi-magister has only one-tenth of the power of the magister!

Many first-class peak martial artists can easily defeat second-class martial artists.

What really widens the gap in strength:

First product, third product, fifth product, seventh product!

Once these four thresholds are crossed,

Will bring a huge improvement!

First product: Job transfer brings high attribute rewards, and skill damage is linked to attribute.

Third grade: You can learn legendary skills!

Fifth product: You can learn forbidden spell skills!

Seventh grade master, 673 has another mystery.

Su Bai’s biggest breakthrough in this upgrade:

The talent has evolved to the second stage!

Full firepower (second stage): Reduce the skill cooldown by 60%, and return the cost after casting the spell.

Full Fire (Offensive): Each time you release a skill, 20% of the damage consumed by Mana will be added.

Full firepower (defense): Each time you release a skill, you get 20% of the shield value consumed by Mana, which can resist all damage except real damage. The shield exists for 60S.

Su Bai did not expect,

SSS-level talent and status switching!

Follow this progress,

When unlocked to full body, can the talent be upgraded by itself?

Offensive or defensive,

Only one of these two stages can exist at the same time.

Su Bai’s skills now consume Mana in millions.

Additional damage or shields are also millions!

According to the frequency of his seven or eight skills thrown out every second,

No matter which form, Su Bai’s combat power will be greatly improved!

Before Su Bai,

Eternal only has 3 SSS-level talents,

And all achievements are Xeon!

It’s because as the Level increases,

SSS-level talent is getting more and more heaven-defying!

Completely leave the gap with enemies of the same rank!


I want to unlock to the third stage with full firepower,

It’s not so easy.

Unlocking conditions: Kill 100 Cthulhu vassals, and the strength is not less than Rank 7!

100 Cthulhu Masters!

So many Heretic God Masters,

Apart from the Taboo Sea, there is no other place to go.

With Su Bai’s current strength,

If you dare to go to the Forbidden Sea, there will be an invincible master who will attack him!

After a short encounter,

Su Bai is extremely sure that Cthulhu is so shameless!

Collapse the properties panel,

Su Bai walked into the ‘Jun’s Eternal City’ and went straight to the Mage’s Palace.

This time,

The Mage’s Palace is not as embarrassing as it was last time,

There is no such humiliation that the whole city shouted “I break through, look over!” holding a big loudspeaker!

“Brother’s mood has improved,

I don’t know how many levels he has been promoted to. ”

Want to come too,

A person has only one chance to be a nouveau riche once in his life.

Ernault was at level 399 for most of his life, and suddenly rose to level 599.

Of course it will gaffe.(Read more @

Now, he should have recovered.

Even if you break through to the master this time,

Elno would not do anything too out of the ordinary… right?

Su Bai still has some doubts in his heart.

Who knows what moth he can make…

Su Bai hasn’t walked into the Master Palace yet,

Suddenly heard the direction of the Temple of War,

An aura rises from the ground,

“This coercion should have the strength of a sixth-rank martial artist, only one step away from the seventh-rank!”

Pi Broken Leg, Overlord and others,

Easily got the SS grade in the catacombs.

Driving the Temple of War of Eternal City, the strength has also been improved to a certain extent.


In Eternal City, the boss of the Master Palace, the second child of the Temple of War, and other professions stand aside!

Su Bai is about to climb up the steps and enter the mage hall.


There was a loud shout in my ear,

“The Lord of the Level 698 Battle God Temple…”

Again! Again!

You guys, can’t you just start a new job?

Show off Level there every day,

Aren’t you ashamed?

The second half of the words of the Lord of the Temple of War,

It’s really a new job!

“… I would like to warmly congratulate the Elnor Saint of the Mage Hall for being promoted to the level 701 Saint Magister!”

This? !

It turns out that his 698 level is really not a show off.

But to highlight the power of the 701 behind!

Whose handwriting is this sentence,

Needless to say, naturally!

It can’t be the old iron of the Temple of War, from the sincerity, right?

This is not over yet.

After the Temple of War shouted, other professional associations also shouted:

“The Holy Magister is invincible in the world!”

“Sage Elno, I blow it up!”

“…. ..”

Propaganda is just one core: Blow Erno hard.

Just like the civil and military officials going to court,

As a result, the emperor issued the imperial edict:

Don’t do anything today, just leave it here and praise me!

The entire Wangu City,

Became the “Holy Magister Kwa Kwa City”!

Everyone finished boasting,

The protagonist appears!

Elno looked indifferent, as if he was outside of fame and fortune.

The name of the holy magister who doesn’t care,

He replied:

“Everyone is obsessed, Level is just a cloud, and the state of mind is the key to the improvement of strength. Even when I am not at level 701, I have the state of mind of the invincible master.

I hope you will hone your mood more in the future, and one day you will become masters together! ”


That is to say, I can’t beat this newly promoted master,

Otherwise everyone can tear up Elno!

After replying,

Elno disappeared in mid-air,

Leave enough time for everyone to remember.

Su Bai stood at the door of Erno’s office,

There was an incredibly frantic laughter inside,

“Grandmaster Laozi! Roar! Laozi is now a saint! Hahaha!”

How can you be crazy if you are a good man?

Elno’s rejuvenation phenomenon,

Su Bai regretted that he shouldn’t have come.

In the end, he knocked on the door and pushed in.

In the office,

Elno is sitting in a distress and is correcting a document called the “Misty Forest Development Plan.”

“Little Junior Brother, are you here?”

Both of them pretended nothing happened…

“Brother, ask me something.”

Su Bai asked.

“I have some friends who have suffered tremendous mental torture.

The brain is seriously damaged, and the master can’t reverse it.

Is there any way in eternity? ”

Su Bai rescued the captives from Zhilan City.

Naturally, they will be responsible to the end.

These people, if they have a chance to regain their sanity,

For the Federation, it is also a valuable asset!

Elno put down the plan,


“There are many ways,

But the most suitable one is the wisdom fruit produced by the copy of the World Tree…”

Outside the copy of the world tree,

A black figure suddenly appeared,

The sound spreads everywhere,

“Little tree, come out!”

His tone of voice,

It’s like Sun Dasheng is looking for Duke Di’s help,

The elves of the Secret Realm appear,

“What’s wrong, you will be the master of the secret realm in five days!”

After Xiaoshu said this, he blushed!

It’s like a girlfriend said: I have 5 days to marry you.


“Borrow something.”

Su Bai’s lion opened his mouth and asked for 97 Wisdom Fruits.

“I don’t even have so much inventory!”

“And how can you borrow this thing!”

At last,

Su Bai won’t know what the evil god statue is,

Mortgaged to the little tree,

In exchange for 10 Wisdom Fruits.

According to Xiaoshu,

With statue suppression,

Cthulhu can no longer contaminate the World Tree dungeon!

If Su Bai becomes the master of the World Tree Secret Realm,

This debt was written off naturally.

In the event of an accident,

This evil god statue will remain in the copy of the world tree forever!

“Don’t worry, there will be no accidents.”

Su Bai’s guarantee made Xiaoshu blush for a long time.

“Deng’s apprentice! Not serious!”

“I don’t even know how to bring a gift to see the female elves! Stupid!”

Imperial capital,

Top sanatorium.

A student carrying a fruit basket,

After showing his S-level federal authority badge,

Get into it easily.

“Is the one who passed by, the apprentice Baichuan Crow?”

“I just found out when you said that!”

Their eyes follow Su Bai’s back,

Entered the sanatorium.


(The eighth is added, the code word gets up at six o’clock.

After a good night’s sleep, I feel much better. ).

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