Chapter 165

“There are still some things that require instructor Xiao Su to cooperate, please understand!”

Opposite Su Bai,

The two extraordinary masters were very polite.

The title of instructor Xiaosu,

I don’t know how it spread.

In the circle of masters,

Su Bai’s name is no weaker than some proud masters!

Especially the masters who take the martial arts journey,

It even elevated Su Bai to the level of Tyrant’s qualifications!

The circle of masters recognized Su Bai and was willing to accept him.


Su Bai’s identity and strength are slightly embarrassing.

Less than 200,

A student with more than 90 days left for the college entrance examination.

If you call Master Su, it always feels weird.

Student Xiao Su is somewhat disrespectful.

At last,

No matter where Su Bai goes, his master’s name is “Xiaosu Instructor”.

“Instructor Xiaosu, don’t be nervous.

It’s just some routine questioning. ”

In order to alleviate the nervousness, the master on the opposite side,

Take the initiative to chat,

“My human race is really talented,

Tyrant, Xiaosu classmates, you two arrogances, the blessing of the human race! ”

Su Bai laughed and said nothing,

Harvest double happiness!

The three of them haven’t sat down for long,

The grandmaster suddenly received a message,

Looking at the content on the phone,

He was shocked.

Take two deep breaths,

Still unable to calm down.

The voice trembling slightly, said,

“Instructor Xiaosu, I must tell you something.”

“Tyrant has just completed a perfect transfer, he killed in the transfer…”

The grandmaster rubbed his eyes,

“More than 100,000 crypt monsters!”

Su Bai was not shocked.

“Do you already know?”

The master is worthy of being a master,

Even if Su Bai didn’t say a word,

I can also make up the whole process by myself,

“The explosion in Zhilan City was actually not caused by a crow.

It’s Tyrant!

The crow goes to save people, and Tyrant causes an explosion, attracting the most attention.

After the explosion.

The crow designed to escape from the city again, and Tyrant lurked in the city.

Wait until Jue Dian is attracted by the crow’s attention before leaving Zhilan City! ”

“Instructor Xiaosu, am I right?”


Su Bai replied extremely positively,

“And the truth, nothing is wrong!”

Grandmaster wanted to ask:

“Then what did you do during the whole process, did you hang up and call 666?”

He resisted the urge.


Su Bai are all heroes of the Federation,

Worth everyone’s respect!

Su Bai based on the story guessed by the other party,

I added some details to make things sound alive.

Most of the question and answer work is done,

Another person broke into the house.

Liu Wanlou, full of blood and aura,

There is still a scary wound on his arm with black air,

Obviously the Healing Master couldn’t eradicate it in a short time.

“Boy, you almost died in the crypt, do you know it!”

In words, there are more concerns than blame.

Su Bai’s eyes turned,

Indicate that there are outsiders here, and the relationship between the two of them should not be exposed.

Otherwise, he will be misunderstood as a good fencing player.

That would be a big trouble.

Liu Wanlou gave a light cough.

“You go out first.”

The two masters responded,

“Instructor Xiaosu has a good rest.”


The whole office,

Only Su Bai and Liu Wanlou remained.

Liu Wanlou held up a cup of tea,

Gugululu drank it,

Su Bai hesitated to speak but stopped.

Liu Wanlou is like a machine gun,

Said in series,

“The crow triggered the Xeon Order to appear, and the entire cave was messed up into a pot of porridge!

You said he is the master of the crow,

I’m afraid that I didn’t even reach the summit, so I dared to blow up Zhilan City.(Read more @

Give him the ultimate strength, he dared to blow up the Demon Imperial City! ”

With that said, Liu Wanlou looked at Su Bai.

The other party’s expression did not change, and he still looked like hesitating and stopping.

Liu Wanlou had some doubts in his heart,

It is said that Su Bai is the apprentice of the crow.

Who came from this news?

Bai family!

To be precise, Bai Shouhe!

His notes, the messages he delivered to the clan, and even the exchanges with the evil god running dogs,

All mentioned that Su Bai is the apprentice of the crow.

Bai Shouhe is dead!

Died on the crow’s hands,

It happened that Zhao Zizhen saw a crow in the hospital that day,

Su Bai is also in the hospital!

So many coincidences,

Liu Wanlou couldn’t help but doubt:

Isn’t Su Bai a crow? !

But it can’t be confirmed,

Su Bai’s dripping water doesn’t leak.

He had to give up tracing the matter temporarily.

Most importantly,

Liu Wanlou would rather believe that Tyrant is a crow,

Unwilling to believe:

Su Bai is a crow!

A kid who has only played games for less than half a month,

Relying on the B-level talent, master the strength of the spike master!

This this…

Isn’t it too scary?

This is no longer a question of Xeon or Xeon.

He is really that kind, super scary…

Liu Wanlou gave up the matter of tracing the identity of the crow.

this matter,

The strongest have long come to a conclusion:

Crows are our people.

This is enough!

Who he is is not that important.

The crow always brings unexpected surprises to the Federation!

“Your kid from just now,

It’s like there is something to say,

Say it. ”

Su Bai: “The water you just drank was for soot.”

Liu Wanlou: …..

He chewed in his mouth and spit out half a cigarette butt!

“Laozi said why tea is so chewy!

Why didn’t you say it earlier! ”

“You didn’t give me a chance either!”

Rinse your mouth,

Liu Wanlou informed Su Bai of several things:

“The crow has been officially granted the federal S+ permission, and has the same treatment as the supreme master!”

“Su Bai received a federal reward of 200,000 contribution points on this trip and granted S-level federal authority!”

“Considering the contribution of the crow, the Federation intends to allocate 1% of the development rights in the periphery of the foggy forest to the crow, which will be held by Su Bai.”

Heard of 1% development rights,

It’s still a 60-year period,

Su Bai couldn’t help but roll his eyes!

Send a beggar! !

The Federation is too partial!

When dealing with Tyrant,

Just throw a lot of money.

A top-notch licking dog alive and well, the one who has to compete with Wangu City for posts!

Looking back,

Treating the gold medal job killer like the crow,

Add money to pick and search!

How about 1%? Start 5% next time!

“Your kid has shallow eye sockets!”

Liu Wanlou said with disdain,

“Do you think everyone is Tyrant, who can have so many development rights?

This 1% development right can support the expenses of 2 to 3 masters in 60 years! ”

Su Bai retorted,

“What does the grandmaster have to spend,

Zongshi Zhao said that he hadn’t touched money for many years! ”

“He knows what a fart!”

Liu Wanlou gave an example,

“For example, Master Xiaohu’s recent outstanding creation,

18888 contribution points are required for one time!

That’s it, you have to get the number, draw the number, and bid to get the chance! ”

Su Bai was taken aback.

Was it so expensive to make outstanding? Nearly 20,000 contribution points at a time!

Listening to Liu Wanlou’s regretful tone,

He seems to have the equipment he wants to build, but couldn’t win the number?

Su Bai realized,

An opportunity to make a fortune is in front of me.

He asked in a low voice.

“Master Liu, you want to cut the ticket?”

“What ticket?”

“Strengthen the ticket!”

The 673 strongest scalpers in history are born!

“Praise my lord!”

“He is a hermit, the unsolvable, the thirteenth evil god!”

Schmidt carried a bunch of bald heads,

Standing in the ruins of the battlefield, stepping on the enemy’s body and praying.

as always,

They dare not pronounce that name-Amon!

Just when they were about to leave,

The crow blew up the city of Zhilan and escaped three thousand miles away. The news came that the top master was killed!

Everyone knelt down again,

Immerse yourself in the unpredictable!

“The crow god envoy took death to the crypt!”

“We also have to work hard to attack another branch tonight, and don’t let the glory of my lord dim!”

Everyone drank in unison,

“The glory belongs to me!”

Bald flame believers,

Strike again!

Liu Wanlou and Su Bai finished talking,

I heard that he was going back to Baichuan,

Take him along the way.

The two came outside the warrior cemetery,

Luo Cheng is lecturing with Qin Lin,

The voice is loud and loud, making it hard for Su Bai to hear it or not!

“Luo Cheng’s second lesson has begun!”


We don’t talk about rifting,

Talking about the catacombs!

As we all know,

The one who is in charge of guarding the crypt is the rift of the strongest,

The words and deeds of the Federation Warriors can’t be concealed…”

Su Bai stopped suddenly.

Liu Wanlou looked back at him,

Asked strangely,

“Why are you crying?”

“Today our human race has a big victory, you have to stand in a daze!”

Under the cracked eyelids,

Shouting such arrogant words as “see once and once, hit once”,

Su Bai, I can’t stand up!


(Sixth more sent.

What is the relationship between you urging him to list Faye and Xu Woyi Mingyue? ).

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