Chapter 164

“Slow down, slow down!”

Su Bai hung on the lantern,

Leave all the chasing soldiers behind.

He fixed himself,

Make sure you won’t fall the lantern.

Turned around,

Facing the more than 200 masters who chased him down,

Su Bai is going to throw a skill taunt!

You have slipped away, don’t say anything harsh,

Doesn’t it seem that you are embarrassed?

Between heaven and earth,

I saw the crow standing proudly on the huge lantern,

Said contemptuously,

“The day the crow reappeared in the crypt,

It’s when you are waiting for your body to fall! ”


Su Bai’s slap on the lantern,

Like driving a horse,


“Drive! Drive! Drive!”

“Hurry up, hurry up!

Otherwise, if the skill is thrown over, I will be killed! ”

The lantern is so fast,

Let Su Bai completely out of danger.

Run after filling the cup,

It’s exciting!

In the words of the crow,

Only the pursuing master can hear it.

Above the Nine Heavens,

The split Kong’s smile has faded.

Su Bai’s previous words,

Splitting the air didn’t care about it at all! !

After all, he doesn’t care about anything with a junior.

Could it be possible to kill Baichuan Crow?

It seems to be ok…

When the crow has finished speaking harshly,

Urging the lantern to run faster,

Falling into the eyes of Rift Hollow,

He was relieved.

This kid is more like young people than they were before!

Cracking sighed.

Next second,

The whole crypt,

In the ears of all the demon masters,

There was a contemptuous and indifferent voice,

“The day the crow reappeared in the crypt,

It’s when you are waiting for your body to fall! ”

There was a hint of coolness on the back of their necks! !

Starting today,

Baichuan crow, famous cave!


Southeast Catacombs,

Su Bai identified himself to the patrol team.

“I am Su Bai, the crow apprentice,

Taken by the teacher,

Escaped all the way from the imperial capital cave! ”

When this news is reported,

The entire federation’s top executives are dumbfounded!

They know that crows are strong,

Knowing that the crow can kill two extraordinary masters with two arrows.

For the crow’s assassination master’s strength,

Also express approval.


Everyone did not expect,

The crow can be so strong!

Just what the crow did,

It is exaggerated enough to say it:

He sneaked into Zhilan City under the eyelids of 3 outstanding people,

Rescued 97 helpless prisoners,

Blow up a small half of Zhilan City,

Destroy all the magic crystal reserves of Zhilan City!

Also flee for their lives under the men of more than 200 crypt masters and several top masters!

It is said that

The crow also split the space with the strongest, and joined forces to kill a supreme leader!

Joining forces with Invincible Grandmaster Ming Deng Luo Cheng, they severely injured an outstanding man!

This kind of combat power,

Such a brilliant record,

Even if the crow is the invincible master!

The top federal officials believe it!

The results of it?

I took a tow oil bottle Su Bai with me all the way!

A 199th level, B-level talented mage who has not completed the second rank!

The degree of difficulty of this matter,

Suddenly rose more than ten times!

just like:

Run 100 meters to win the world championship,

And run 100 meters with a tank on his back to win the world championship,

These are two different things! !

After knowing the news,(Read more @

Many people can’t help but sigh,

“It would be great if Su Bai hadn’t followed Baichuan Crow.”

“I heard that the crow had set a big picture,

To kill more than 200 crypt masters!

Finally, in order to take care of Su Bai, he had to retreat! ”


There are all kinds of rumors.

Su Bai doesn’t worry about this right now.

After a simple treatment,

His injuries fully recovered.

Wipe the blood on the forehead,

Su Bai was surprised,

“When was the head hit again,

Why don’t I remember? ”

“You have to find Master Xiaohu early, the helmet must not be delayed!”

Everything resolved,

Su Bai started to line up,

Waiting to leave the crypt with others.

The crypt of the imperial capital,

Learned the news of Su Bai’s safety,

Liu Wanlou returned with the legion in a big victory!

Not only here,

All the dungeon lines of defense in the Federation,

All previous offensives have shrunk.

The catacombs are not in the mood to continue entanglement,

The two sides scolded a few harsh words like ‘you wait for me’,

Each back to each house.


Today’s conflict is absurd.

Who could have imagined that the crow would be bold enough to sneak into Zhilan City alone.

Just sneak in,

Blew up the city!

On the way back,

Liu Wanlou ridiculed the other two superstars,

“Yes, the damage you have caused is not as loud as a crow alone!”

The two must not be outdone,

“This is a perfect match!”

Look at the broken leg and call the expert!

These 199-level first-rank martial artists who participated in the genius battle,

In this war,

There is no lack of benefits.

They killed many crypt monsters in chaos!

in a sense,

They are even more rewarding than normal genius battles!

Transfer score,

It is expected to reach SS level or even higher!

This is only their personal gain.

In addition to various battlefields, there are gains and losses for each other.

This time,

The defense line of the imperial capital cave is the most profitable!

Liu Wanlou seriously injured his opponent in the final moments of the match!

Less than half of Zhilan City was destroyed,

The monster output of Zhilan City will also be greatly reduced.

Especially the magic crystal reserve was destroyed,

Even after the monster is born,

The improvement of strength will be very slow!

After this battle of Zhilan City,

Can’t set off large-scale operations in three years!

The ultimate master of the human race guarding this place,

Can be reduced from three to two.

These are just gains and losses on paper.

The base of the crypt is much thicker than the human race,

Even if it’s fried three times or five times, it will only cause skin and flesh injuries.

Can’t hurt the bones.

The important thing is,

The crow rescued the captive,

Let the military’s spirits and morale skyrocket!

They haven’t returned to the defense line,

I can already hear the earth-shaking shouts,

“The crow man wins! The crow man wins!”


When they returned from a big victory,

Liu Wanlou leads people,

Visit the rescued prisoners…

Just walked in,

A great master recognized one person,

Froze on the spot,

The Adam’s apple moves slightly,

Tremblingly shouted a word,


His dad is still alive?

Was rescued by a crow? !

This scene moved everyone.

97 prisoners, 97 lives, 97 Federation heroes!

And rescued their crow,

Silently resisted everything, and almost died in the ultimate pursuit!

The great man,

Baichuan Crow!

“The air on the ground is good.”

The moment it appeared on the ground,

Su Bai felt that he was different from before.

The transfer has been completed unknowingly.

Concrete effect,

You need to log in forever to view.

This time,

It is not only to complete the third rank and become a quasi-magister.

more importantly:

By killing the monsters in the crypt,

Su Bai’s talent [full firepower] has evolved!

The moment when Su Bai changed his job successfully.


Full service announcement:

“The player [Tyrant] killed 106,742 monsters in the crypt, and achieved a perfect transfer. The transfer is: Killing Gods and Fusion Quasi-magister!”

People have not had time to be shocked.

Eternal continent,

Eternal City,

Countless rays of light rise from the ground!

Outside the mage hall,

Fred, who was watching the door peeking at the novel,

Suddenly the whole body trembled violently!

“This, is this the happiness of level 400?!”

Fred’s eyes widened.

The pleasure of level 400 5.9 leaves him soon!

Fred had never thought about it in his life.

The happiness of level 400 is so short-lived.

He is 500!

“Fuck! Laozi is level 500! TyrantNB! Erno, you will show Laozi out, and Laozi will stand up against you!”

Fred jumped up and down regardless of the image,

Like a monkey.

“Are you looking for me?”

Elno appeared from behind him,

With a calm temperament, it seems that he has not been affected by any breakthrough.

His indifferent and Fred’s excitement,

There is a sharp contrast.

One is like a nouveau riche, and the other is like a nobleman.

Fred looked at Elno.

Feel an unusual breath!

He murmured, “Impossible, impossible!”

Elno stepped forward with a chuckle.

Help Fred tidy up his clothes,

Without showing off raising his 700-level staff,

“Holy Mage, you must look like a holy Mage.”

“Are you right, Lord Fred, Level 534 Forbidden Magic Master?”


(Fifth more sent, red and red!).

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