Chapter 162

“Splitting! Do you want to start a war with us?!”

Several angry roars came from the depths of the sea of ​​clouds!

“The next time, my holy race will all come out, how do you parry your human race?!”

They confronted Rift for decades,

There are not many fights on weekdays.


After each fight,

The injury on the body will be a bit heavier!

Wait till we fight again,

The cracked [tear wound] will become stronger! !

This SSS-level talent will only get stronger and stronger!

Decades ago, when Rift Kong first came to guard the crypt.

He was also very taciturn, and he looked like an obedient boy who didn’t disturb each other.

In recent years, as the power status of both sides has changed,

Undoubtedly, the nature of Separation is exposed!

This man is crazy!

Heard the threat from the other side,

Likong was silent for a few seconds.


Squeeze Xeon’s Order with your fingertips, exert a slight force,

The entire Xeon Order was broken, turned into countless streams of light, and flew under the sea of ​​clouds.

The streamer flies to every human defense line!

Like a stone thrown into the sea,

No response…

After a few seconds,

The whole sea is boiling!

Terran line of defense, countless strong lifted off!

Unreservedly, the extraordinary and proud master, who is rare in daily life!

The Great Master is even more out! !

Feeling the horrible waves coming from under the sea of ​​clouds,

A slightly fearful voice sounded,

“Split Kong! What do you want to do 670?!”

Crack Kong’s expression was indifferent, as if he had only done a trivial thing.


“Aren’t you going for an all-out war?”

“I will give you war!”

“Pass a strong order to cover the evacuation of Baichuan crows from the crypt!”

“Xeon has an order, don’t let the Demon Race to make a move!”

Xeon Order,

After ten years of darkness,

The strongest has created the supreme prestige, after reaching a temporary agreement with the evil god and the devil.

It never appeared again!


The Xeon Order is once again present,

It turned out to be for Baichuan Crow!

Although I don’t know the cause and effect of the matter,

All the ultimate masters who guard the human line of defense,

At the same time!

They seem to have returned to the era of fighting with the strongest.

The old man talks about being crazy!

“The old man has learned a few new forbidden spells, please give me a reward, Shen Luo Tian—”

“Come, come and fight, let the old man become invincible!”


The ultimate master of the demons,

She was entangled and couldn’t get out of her body for a while!

Never out of the top, and proud of the world!

“Bai Zhongshan, get out of the way!”

A demon like Roshan, ten meters tall, running on the ground.

In front of him, stood a burly old man with a dazzling pair of gloves.

It is Bai Chongshan!

“Bai Chongshan, the crow kills your parents and grandchildren, I’ll kill him now, you don’t give way quickly?”

The Roshan Demons are incomprehensible,

Why did Bai Chongshan stop in front of him?

Both sides should have blood and deep enmity!

The one who wants the crow to die the most is Bai Chongshan!

Bai Chongshan stood still, only with his fists to meet the enemy.


Just the moment he fought, he actually started to burn his life? !

“You don’t want to die?!”(Read more @

The Roshan Demon Clan Grandmaster noticed something was wrong, and wanted to escape, but was overtaken by the life-burning Bai Chongshan, hammering to death!

Even to the end of life,

He didn’t even think about it,

Why does Bai Chongshan burn its life, but its momentum continues to rise?

How much life energy is contained in his body? !


The master of the Roshan Demon Race, has fallen!

In the rain of blood,

Bai Chongshan looked at the demon master in the back,


“In the name of Tyrant, stay here.”

“This way, no way!”

One man is the one who is in charge, but one man is not open!

The same thing happened all over the crypt.

Xeon ordered a shot,

Terran’s top combat power is dispatched collectively, without any reservations!

If you only look at paper strength,

Throw away the three strongest people,

Whether it’s against the evil god or against the demons,

Terrans are an absolute disadvantage!

But why,

The human race has maintained the situation these years, not only has it not collapsed.

Even accumulating the power of counterattack?

Two words: unity!

Terran and Demons,

Fighting alone at the same level, the outcome is hard to say.

Hundreds of gang fights, the human race has a huge advantage!

The human race will win the battle of over 10,000 legions!

The same is true for the Grand Master.

The three celebrities are the best against the three demons,

Terra must have the upper hand!


This can change part of the situation.

There are still too many masters of the Demon Race!

Even if everyone desperately stops,

There will still be fish that slip through the net, and they will continue to rush out to join the queue to hunt down the crows!

Behind Su Bai,

I have followed hundreds of masters!

Among them, Grand Master Ao Shi has five people!

With the help of the two skills of Crow and Unstoppable,

Su Bai was not caught by the enemy!

But the encirclement of the other party,

Shrinking slowly too!

Su Bai is like getting into his pocket, once the pocket is tightened.

He has no way to go to heaven and no way to go to earth!

Su Bai at this time,

In addition to mad escape,

Still plausible in his mouth,

“Old stuff, don’t lie to me!”

“That’s right, as long as you are within 1,000 kilometers of the crypt, you can save me.”

“If something goes wrong, I won’t let you be a ghost!”

Before Su Bai set off,

Ming Deng Luo Cheng specifically confessed,

“If you get into trouble, I can protect you within 1,000 kilometers of the Human Defense Line!”

Su Bai asked, what is Luo Cheng going to do?

Luo Cheng laughed but said nothing.

Invincible cannot enter the cave,

Luo Cheng himself couldn’t even leave the Martial Arts Cemetery.

Two superimposed,

What can he do to save himself?

Su Bai’s original plan,

Is planning to destroy in Zhilan City, and then escape by chaos,

Relying on Liu Wanlou’s blessing, escaped the extreme chase.


Met nearly a hundred captives of celebrities,

In order to save them all,

Su Bai can only take the risk, the option is believed to be Luo Cheng once!


1200 kilometers,

It is the defense line of the Southeast Catacombs!

Su Bai moved forward at full speed,

Chanting in my heart,

“Old stuff, save me this time, I’ll help you beat up the crack!”

Baichuan City,

Warrior Cemetery.

At the same time the Xeon Order appeared,

Luo Jincheng received the news!

Qin Lin, who was practicing the hook, stopped.

Follow Luo Cheng.

Luo Cheng carried a kerosene lamp,

Standing on the edge of the cemetery,


He still can’t get out of the cemetery.

“Boy, look good, this is one of the old man’s unique tricks!”

Luo Cheng finished,

Put one end of the hook chain,

Tied to a kerosene lamp,


Throw it hard!

“go with!”

“Soul Enlightenment Lamp!”

The kerosene lamp is like the speed of light, flying fast across the ground, penetrating all objects.

Came to the bronze gate of the Southeast Cavern!

The bronze door has long been pushed through a gap by two proud worlds.

The kerosene lamp passed through the bronze gate without obstacles,

Enter the crypt!

In an instant,

The volume of the kerosene lamp has been enlarged hundreds of times, even bigger than a building!

With supreme power,

The kerosene lamp flew into the distance, as if to meet someone!

In the cemetery of Baichuan warriors,

Small beads of sweat appeared on Luo Cheng’s forehead.

Swearing in his mouth,

“Smelly boy, making such a big move!”

“If you can’t find the lantern, just wait to die!!”


(The third one is sent, continue to code words! Chong Chong Chong!

Frightened by the nightmare, it is still more braille. ).

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