Chapter 161

“Lazier dare!”

Immediately after the explosion,

The three great masters of the Mozu immediately returned to help!

Zhilan City is their home,

Once destroyed, it will have a profound impact on their strength!

Do not,

Zhilan City has been destroyed by half!

The only thing they can do now is to make up for the loss!

The crow was dressed in black and couldn’t see his face.

At the moment, he stayed in place and laughed wildly,

It seems that I want to focus everyone’s attention on myself.

The phrase “Baichuan crow is here, who dares to kill me”,

Extraordinarily rampant!

“Crow, die!”

A black light shot out from the hands of a great master,

After hitting the crow,

Easily obliterate his body!

Beheaded on the spot!

Assassinated the master, but so!

The Great Master succeeded in one blow,

Shouted loudly,

“Baichuan Crow Fuzhu!”

In Zhilan City,

The voice of the Great Master is like a thunder rolling in the sky,

Spread around.

“What, the crow is dead?”

The human race outside the city was stunned for a moment.

I want to deny the news subconsciously.

But from the bottom of my heart,

Three points have been believed for no reason!

Under the extreme eyelids,

To blow up the entire Zhilan City for a small half,

The crow still wants to get out of his body?

Then he is not an assassinated master, but an invincible assassinated master!

As the voice of the ultimate master of the demon race spread,

Gradually there was cheering in the city,

One of the men in black has a very loud voice,

“Good! Good to kill!

Terran Baichuan Crow, kill well! ”

Hearing this,

The master of the Demon Race is very useful.

He grabbed the head of a crow,

Didn’t even take a closer look,

Return directly to the battlefield as streamer.

high altitude,

Human race, demons,

There are a total of six great masters,

Face off again!

Everyone has no time to take care of,

A white light lit up in the city.

That is the forward swing released by the scroll of the directional teleportation array!

The demon master is still immersed in the joy of killing crows,

“Look, Liu Wanlou,

This is the assassination master of your human race?

Why can’t I even be able to handle a single move, weak like a fifth-grade martial artist? ”

Raise your head, facing each other,

The master of the demon clan laughed triumphantly.

Although ruined a little bit of Zhilan City,

Killed Baichuan crows,

Enough for this!

Looking at the three wrinkled old faces of Human Race like bitter chrysanthemums,

Just know how great the human loss is!

In the extreme confrontation,

A figure looks like a ghost,

Leaping out of Zhilan City, away from the extreme battlefield, fleeing quickly!

The demon master’s expression was stagnant,

What do you run for?


Finally, Liu Wanlou didn’t need to hold back his smile, and yelled angrily.

“Look who owns the head in your hand?!”

The demon master turned the head around,

Take a closer look,

“Luo Er! How could it be you Luo Er!”

“Where is the crow?!”

He reacted immediately,

It was the crow that just ran away!

It’s a good trick to steal the beams and change the pillars, the fish eyes are mixed, with the fake and the real, the civet cat for the prince!

The crow used the man in black to attract himself to shoot,

The real body is lurking in the city,

Waiting for the time to escape!

When all the great masters confronted again,

It’s a good opportunity for the crow to escape!


The crow didn’t intend to miss such an opportunity!

“Let go 〃‖!”

The master of the Demon Race is going to chase after him.

But he was stopped by three terrible people,

“Where do you go if you don’t play with your old friends?”

The crow is at large,

There is a Zhilan City between them,

Help the crow stop the Great Master,

It is the greatest help to the crows! !

“Liu Wanlou, can you stop me and wait for three people,

Do you live at the top of the whole catacombs? ! ”

The one headed, screamed,

A sound wave that human ears can’t recognize,

Reverberating throughout the cave at a very fast speed!

This is their unique way of communicating.

All the great masters of the crypt,

At this moment, I know everything that happened in Zhilan City!

They will all intercept and kill the crow! !

The laughter of the Master of the Caverns spread all over the world,

It seems that he was blown up just now, and he kissed his own son again.

Not him,(Read more @

“The direction the crow flees cannot return to the imperial capital line of defense.

The nearest southeast crypt is also 3000 kilometers away! ”

“3000 kilometers, the cave can be shot at the top, enough for the crow to die ten times! A hundred times!”

Hearing the madness of the other party,

Liu Wanlou must be upside down,

“Laozi will let you die first now!”

Willow leaves swept forward, breaking through countless layers of defense!

The Master of the Cavern retreats violently and refuses to fight against Liu Wanlou’s front!

The two sides are involved in each other, and no one can spare their hands!

“Just you will shake people?!”

A token flew from Liu Wanlou’s waist,

During the transmission, the token turned into a streamer and flew to the horizon!

Liu Wanlou, who was confined here,

Whispered in my heart,

“Crow, don’t die in the crypt!”

“You still owe Laozi an assassination!”

Near the Imperial Defense Line,

Most of the members of the warrior legion were dispatched,

remaining people,

Patrol closely around,

For fear of the enemy coming to steal the house.

Soon there will be an abnormality!

Transmission fluctuations!

Nearly a hundred people suddenly appeared in a clearing!


An elite patrol team,

Move closer and check the situation.

Feed back the enemy encounter information to the defense line at the same time!

“Be careful, the enemy leader is holding a knife!”

“In special times, everything is strict!

If necessary, you can fire on your own and kill it on the spot! ”


The patrol team stepped forward cautiously.

The group of people who were sent had countless scars on their bodies, as if they had experienced hell-like torture.

They are unkempt,

The clothes on his body are also in tatters,

It is impossible to identify the identity at all!

“Who the hell are you?”

The team leader shouted loudly,

“In three seconds, you will report your identity, otherwise it won’t matter if you are killed!”

who am I?

Middle-aged man with a knife,

Haven’t come out of the chaos yet.

The severe pain struck again,

Who am I…where am I…kill! Kill all the monsters in the cave! …. Take the brothers away first… This is an order! ….

Countless memory fragments flooded into the brain,

Make him want to live.


The countdown has begun.

All the weapons of the patrol team were raised,

As long as the team leader gives an order, they will do it without hesitation!


They are ready to do it.

These unconscious guys in front of me,

Can’t communicate at all.


The war has reached the most critical moment,

Any potential threat must be eliminated!

I would rather kill a thousand by mistake than let one go!

All the Federation warriors who participated in the crypt warfare knew that,

it’s here,

Except for the teammates around him, everyone else is an enemy!

“One! All of them, listen to my orders, prepare…”

The middle-aged man with a knife holds his head with a grim expression.

He had a lot of nose and tears on his face,

There was only a low, painful growl like a beast in his throat.

Countless memory fragments made him lose his mind and fall into madness.

A silly old man beside him,

Stumbling in the mouth,

“One hundred, one hundred, one hundred…”

He repeated the word.

The middle-aged man has a general initiation,

His eyes returned to the moment of clarity,

He yelled out the name,

“Baichuan Crow!”

“Baichuan Crow!”

He shouted over and over again,

Seems to have a bloody hatred with Baichuan Crow,

Even if he is crazy, he refuses to let this person go,

Repeated over and over again!

“Hundred! Chuan! Crow! Crow!”

“… move…, wait!”

The team leader heard the words “Baichuan Crow”,

Stopped the start of the killing!

Is it related to the crow? !

Can’t be careless!

This is not something he can decide,

The team leader immediately reported to the line of defense channel,

“.” Call the command center, here is the number B189 team,

At 42 kilometers of the defense line, at coordinates (134,468), 97 unidentified people were found.

The leader held a sharp blade and kept repeating the words “Baichuan Crow”…”

When reporting to superiors,

The team leader did not relax his surveillance of the enemy!

He suddenly discovered,

Why is this person familiar?

If you wash this face clean…

“Head Song!”

He was struck by lightning,

Hot tears came out with a brush,

Continue to report in a choked voice,

“.. The enemy.. The identity of the opponent is suspected.. Missing Fifth Legion.. Commander Song.. Request emergency medical support! Repeat! Request emergency medical support!”


He threw away the weapon in his hand and strode forward,

Hugging the middle-aged man!

“Head, brothers think you are dead!”

“Just come back, just come back!”

The middle-aged man is unmoved,

Still chanting the name hoarse:

“Baichuan Crow!”

“Baichuan Crow, you can’t run away!”

Behind Su Bai,

Dozens of crypt masters are chasing after him!

Su Bai couldn’t detour back to the imperial capital line of defense.

You can’t even go straight ahead!

Some masters are faster than him!

Only through constant change of direction, move, avoid!

Keep a distance from the chasing soldiers behind him for the time being!

Even if Su Bai used the strength of breastfeeding,

The distance between the two sides is constantly increasing!

Wait until the moment when the chaser completely catches up,

It’s Su Bai’s death date!

Once entangled,

There will be countless masters of the catacombs.

If you want to escape, there will be no way!

escape! escape! escape!

This is the only thought left in Su Bai’s mind!

“If Laozi died here, wouldn’t it be cheaper for you bastards!”

On the sky of the crypt,

There are nine heavens,

In the nine heavens, one person has been sitting for decades!

It’s not a stalwart, even some thin figures,

Sit alone on the nine heavens!

Under the feet, there are countless seas of black mist and clouds, inside which is the body of the demon god sleeping.

A stream of light penetrated nine days,

Come to this person.

“Xeon Order?”

He stretched his hand forward and touched it lightly,

Massive information immediately flooded into my mind, with insight into the cause and effect.

Before he could make any movements,

Yunhai rolled over on its own initiative,

The sound of warning sounded,

“Split Kong, do you dare to save the crow, let’s go to the ground for a trip!”

The voice has supreme power,

Just listening, people can’t help but want to worship!

Listening to this threat,

The figure stood up slowly and responded in four words:

“NMSL. Body”

Next second,

The entire sea of ​​clouds is divided into two!

In the sky, there seemed to be a huge wound, torn ruthlessly! !

Can’t heal for a long time!


(The second update is sent, note: nmsl comes from a torn wound, classic quotations.).

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