Chapter 148

10,000 attributes on both sides.

In the battlefield,

Take Li Huba as the dot,

Su Bai began to walk slowly.

The opponent is burly, stamina, injury-carrying and explosive ~ strength are all strong points.

Su Bai’s advantage lies in speed and flexibility.

Make use of strengths and avoid weaknesses, and attack others!

If we talk about the previous battle,

Su Bai relied on the squally rainy offensive, which made people unable to breathe,

Seize the opponent’s flaws, accumulate advantages and snowball,

Finally, the victory was laid and won easily.

This time,

Su Bai did not have such a good opportunity.

The opponent is more than a hundred times trickier!

Even if you haven’t done it yet,

Su Bai has fallen into a dilemma that must be chosen!

If you attack rashly now,

If you can’t get enough advantage,

Su Bai is in big trouble!

Once caught in a protracted war,

Fist for fist, injury for injury.

This is definitely the result Li Huba wants to see.

By the time,

Not only a competition of willpower,

It is a contest of life and death struggle experience!

A small mistake,

All previous efforts will be ruined.

Su Bai tapped his toes and moved slowly, walking slowly around the outer circle.

Li Huba also turned slowly.

He puts on a defensive posture,

It is different from Zhang Wanghai.

Zhang Wanghai’s psychological support was large and he underestimated Su Bai’s strength.

Li Huba will not make the same mistake,

He braked statically,

Maintaining the status quo,

If Su Bai keeps doing this,

His spirit is always tired and slowly declines.

But Li Huba’s morale is in full swing.

One trades each other, the winner is in your hands!

The game in this level of duel,

Any action has its deep meaning!

The two sides circled twice,

He has been reluctant to do it.

All the masters who watched the battle widened their eyes and held their breath.

I am afraid to miss any detail!

Liu Wanlou also closed his mouth.

This kind of high-standard fighting,

Even he rarely has the chance to see him on weekdays,

Like a drunkard encountering a pot of peerless products,

It’s not enough to keep your taste,

Where are you willing to share it with others?

Liu Wanlou’s pupils shrank suddenly.

Su Bai is about to do it!

Don’t do it again,

Li Huba’s defense is complete,

Su Bai has no chance of winning!

At the same moment,

Su Bai jumped out like a tiger and took Li Huba’s right arm!

Don’t know why,

Liu Wanlou felt his blood was boiling!

He even vaguely expected,

In case Li Huba also loses,

Can you win against Su Bai?

Every great master,

Can easily reach ten percent power control.


Liu Wanlou realized something more exciting:

The apprentices are so good,

Where’s the crow?

The blood gradually boiled,

It seems that the breathing has become hot.

“Baichuan City, it really didn’t come in vain!”

While Liu Wanlou’s blood was boiling,

The battle in the field has heated up!

Su Bai did not take the path of being fiercely against the enemy,

Instead, use softness to overcome strength and leverage strength!

Anyone in close combat,

All taboos can only be a routine!

It’s impossible to eat fresh with one trick!

Rongwanjia boxing can create the supreme martial arts!

Through the first wave of fights,

Su Bai can be sure,

Li Huba’s power is above him!

The speed is slightly slower than himself.

Su Bai tried to strangle the opponent,

Li Huba broke open with brute force!


They all have their own ways of confronting the enemy.

Li Huba’s path is to drop ten guilds in one effort!

Although he claims that his power control is ninety-nine percent.

But the explosive power is definitely full! !

Don’t lose ten percent!

Su Bai hit nothing,

Sure enough, as previously expected,

In a hard fight! !

Li Huba is like a huge quagmire,

Little by little, he swallowed Su Bai’s strength.

When Su Bai’s strength is exhausted,

It was the moment when Li Huba turned from defense to offense,

It is also the doomed moment of Su Bai’s defeat!

While Su Bai fell into the quagmire,

Can only choose to entangle with Li Huba!

If he wants to get out of the battle,

Longer distance. Dress up and fight again,

Li Huba will bite hard, just like cowhide candy,

Don’t give Su Bai a chance to recover!

Don’t expect the enemy to make such low-level mistakes!

Su Bai also knows this very well,

He kept making shots, and exchanged injuries with each other!

The savage-eyed masters, seeing the battle situation so anxious,

The eyes lit up.

There is a play!

This Su Bai,

It’s not that evil!

Just dispatch an Ao Shi Grand Master, and he can be pushed down.

The masters thought so in their hearts.

Not aware of it at all,

Isn’t something wrong?

The situation slowly tilted towards Li Huba,

The dawn of victory seemed to appear before his eyes!(Read more @

Li Huba didn’t dare to be careless,

He has been reluctant to switch from defense to offense,

He still passively defended Su Bai’s offensive, killing the opponent’s spirit!

This choice may be a bit conservative.

But be sure!

Facing an opponent of Su Bai’s level,

Before the outcome is finalized,

Never let your guard down!

Seeing this scene,

Liu Wanlou shook his head imperceptibly.

With a light sigh, it seems that the victory or defeat is already divided.

He even closed his eyes and didn’t keep looking.

There is no need to watch it anymore.

Li Huba felt the frequency and intensity of Su Bai’s moves.

Are slowly falling!

The magnitude of this decline is not large,

Without extremely keen insight,

Absolutely undetectable!

The opportunity is here! !

Li Huba took advantage of the moment when the turbid qi in his body was not cleared, and the new qi was not born,

Outrageously shot!


Li Huba’s double fists are like double dragons going to sea.

One punch straight to the door, one punch slams Su Bai’s lower abdomen,

The top cow usually blasted out,

Want to hit Su Bai hard with two punches!

“It’s now!”

Su Bai hit the tortoise shell for a long time,

I haven’t been able to find the other side’s flaws.

Until Li Huba makes a move!

The opponent’s fists blew with a rustle,

Both speed and strength are the peak!


This is Su Bai’s chance to wait!

No matter how fast you punch, you have to hit the enemy to cause damage!

Su Bai’s speed was a little faster out of thin air, and he could have avoided these two punches!

Can he be faster? !

Li Huba was startled, and he didn’t have time to react.

Su Bai’s counterattack,


Like a clever ape,

Su Bai curled up and jumped into the space between Li Huba’s arms!

When Li Huba shot,

A loophole appeared in the originally meticulous defense.

The middle door is open!

Su Bai seized the opportunity,

A tricky kick,

Kick out like a poisonous snake and poke Li Huba’s heart!

This hit hit,

Li Huba will lose!


Kick hit! !

Li Huba did not leaned back as Su Bai had imagined.

Su Bai kicked it on the copper wall and iron wall!


Su Bai is covered with hairs, his brain is running wildly, thinking about countermeasures!

In order to kick this kick,

Su Bai sent himself into the ring of the opponent’s arms,

Equivalent to self-investment!


Li Huba only needs to lock his arms,

Use an unpretentious trick to kill with ‘Su Bai’ in the arms.

Can solve Su Bai cleanly!

Li Huba doesn’t know what’s going on,

In the battle, I was stunned on the spot!

He was stunned, Su Bai was not stunned!

Such a small space,

Kicked back without success,

You can’t play ten successful powers even with a fist or a palm!

Su Bai had only one choice in the end! !

His head leaned back, his body was half arched, and his waist slammed into force!

Use your head as a weapon,

Like a cannonball, hit the opponent’s head fiercely!

Appeared! Head hammer!

The nirvana of a certain Tanjirou!

Down with a hammer,

Su Bai only felt that his eyes were staring at Venus, and his ears buzzed.

He was too fascinated,

Forgot one thing:

The opponent is a seventh-rank martial artist, and he is only a first-rank.

Even if suppressed in the same attributes,

The bones are still hard for the other party!

· ·········Ask for flowers···············

Take the head and hammer each other,

Did not smash Su Bai’s own Tian Ling Gai,

It’s Su Bai’s fate!

“Tanjirou mistaken me!”

There was a loud shout,


Liu Wanlou stopped the competition.

A drop of blood dripped down Su Bai’s forehead,

There is also a red mark on Li Huba’s forehead.

It’s not that Li Huba saw blood.

But Su Bai’s blood splashed on the opponent’s forehead.

He just used his blood to write a tragic word on Li Huba’s head!

Until Liu Wanlou called to stop,

Li Huba still stood there stupidly, motionless.

Su Bai was even a little surprised.

Could it be that I was traumatized,

And Li Huba suffered an internal injury and concussion?

If you stupid a master, will the other party ruin yourself?

Su Bai couldn’t help but feel a little worried!

Now that the competition is over,

Immediately, the Grand Master took action to help Su Bai heal his injuries.

A white light lit up,

The injury on Su Bai’s forehead recovered instantly.

The mere Tianling’s bones are cracked, so what a tooth!

Liu Wanlou squinted his eyes.


“Teacher Xiao Su, it’s wasting your time.

We still have an interview today, and there are more than 100 students.

How about you go down and rest first? ”


Su Bai rolled his eyes at the bottom of his heart.

I vomit in my heart,

Obviously you have been pulling me to fight,

…… …… …

I must let my subordinates beat me before letting me go!

Now I’m pretending to be smiling tiger again, so angry! If you can’t beat the Great Master, you have no confidence to speak!

But these words,

Su Bai didn’t dare to say it.

People should follow their heart.

It’s good to live, not to die.

Su Bai left the classroom.

The masters were a little confused and discussed in a low voice,

“Who has won?”

“Li Huba won, Su Bai lost a half move!”

“Li Huba has a chance to win in the end, why not do it?”

“That is, in the last second, I can go to me!”

The master also has keyboard man.

I have the keyboard in my hand.

Just like the final match of the S game,

The opposite person is dead, it’s time for base A,

Of course I can do it too!

I don’t have to go,

Super soldiers can push away crystals!


Liu Wanlou didn’t know how many times he cursed,

First he reprimanded Li Hu for being domineering,

“If Su Bai had the skull of a master, you would already be a dead man!”

Li Huba lowered his head and said nothing.

Everyone is a connoisseur,

Just look at it and you know the result.

Can be hit on the forehead with such a blow,

Li Huba can’t lose again!

at this time,

A grandmaster remembered and asked,

“Su Bai’s ultimate move,

When that kick was kicked out,

I thought Li Huba was going to lose.

How did you resist that kick? ”


It is also the doubt of most people.

Su Bai was also puzzled, but unfortunately he was not there.

Li Huba did not answer,

But silently raised his right hand.

On the wrist,

The attribute limit bracelet is gently shaken, instantly turning into powder!

All the grand masters closed their mouths and opened their eyes,

Was caught in an extremely shocked! !

Li Huba actually broke the attribute restriction in the fight! ! !


Is relying on one’s own super high power,

Only to block Su Bai’s kick!

If it’s only ten thousand strength,

Li Huba has long lost! !

In this competition, Li Huba lost completely! ! !


Everyone can’t find adjectives to describe their feelings.

Su Bai,

Far stronger than they thought!

One hundred times stronger, ten thousand times stronger! !

He is better than Li Huba,

More than a lot higher! !

In the silent classroom for a long time,

I don’t know who said in a low voice,

“Su Bai… is a mage… ah…”


This! ! !


(Fifth more sent! The number of words in the last few cards are full, just to take a breath.

5 more to catch up with yesterday’s 7th, ask for some flowers monthly evaluation ticket, the ball! )corpse.

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