Chapter 147

“Please advise!”

The two were ten meters apart,

The surrounding area is extremely spacious, so you can let go of your hands and feet, and shoot at will.

In order to facilitate the interview,

Arranged like this deliberately.

“Stu Bai, how about setting the attribute bracelet to four-dimensional 5000?”


After setting the bracelet,

No one called to start,

Zhang Wanghai took a big step back by himself!

Su Bai said secretly in his heart,

“What is this, let me do it?”

Close combat,

Sometimes life and death are only between one move!

Zhang Wanghai did not advance but retreated, and missed the first opportunity.

Put yourself at a disadvantage from the beginning!

The master makes a trick, and if he is careless, he loses all the games!

Su Bai has no bad habit of respecting the old and loving the young,

Since the other party dared to sell the flaws,

Su Bai will accept it all!

A ghostly figure,

Go straight to Zhang Wanghai!

“5000 power, agility, so fast?!”

Not only looked at the sea with a surprise in my heart,

The grand masters onlookers, all eyes are venomous,

Immediately saw how extraordinary Su Bai started!

Just by this one action,

Everyone recognized the strength of Su Bai, beyond their imagination!

Liu Wanlou is like an off-site commentary,

That is to explain to Su Bai,

A kind of gift, from the guidance of the Great Master,

I also took the opportunity to humiliate the grandmaster present again!

He said slowly,

“The same attributes,

Someone can play 80% of their strength,

Such people are generally called geniuses.

If it can display 90% of its strength, it can be called an evildoer.

Shen Jia Shen Xiu,

The control of power is handy,

It is said that at a young age, the 663 can display 95% of its strength.

Shen Xiu also got the reputation of a young master! ”

Liu Wanlou’s few words,

The battle between courts has entered a white-hot stage,

Su Bai’s main attack, Zhang Wanghai can only defend!

The opponent who fisted hard and kicked back steadily,

There is no respite!

Zhang Wanghai, who lost the opportunity,

Never expected,

I will fall to this point!

If you do it again, he will never take that step back!


No if!

Could it be that if you were killed by the enemy, you can apply for a rollback and try again?


Zhang Wanghai has an expectation of Su Bai’s strength.

The highest level with Shen Xiu,

This is already the highest evaluation that Zhang Wanghai can give!

Who ever thought,

Su Bai is better than Shen Xiu!

The lively playing, ping-pong-pong, was dizzying.

Liu Wanlou’s words didn’t stop, either.

Turning the conversation,

“Shen Xiu just shot,

The control of power is clearly improved.

In my opinion, it has reached ninety-eight percent! ”

Everyone was shocked when this remark came out!

Ninety percent,

What is this concept?

Under the same attributes,

The higher the mastery of power, the more perfect,

The combat power played out is naturally stronger!

Ordinary extraordinary masters,

Able to master the level of 90% to 90%!

There are only extraordinary masters who are extremely good at fighting,

Can barely reach 95%!

Ninety percent,

This is a lot of proud masters,

Can’t reach this level!

Controlled by this terrifying force,

It means that as long as Shen Xiu becomes a master,

You can quickly open the gap with the masters of the same rank!

It’s just a matter of time before he has the power of the world!

Everyone thought,

Shen Xiu’s ninety-eight percent of the power is mastered,

Enough heaven-defying, shocking.

No one can surpass this fighting genius at the same age!

But the next sentence of Liu Wanlou,

Make everyone’s minds agitated and make waves!

“Su Bai’s power control is ninety-nine percent or even higher!

Infinitely close to ten percent of the power control, that is, perfect control! ”

Liu Wanlou said,

Even Zhang Wanghai was lost for an instant.(Read more @

Perfect mastery?

How can it be!

“Dare to be distracted?!”

In the words of Liu Wanlou,

Su Bai naturally listened to it.

But once he enters a fighting state,

No matter what happens outside,

It’s hard to interfere with him.

Su Bai has never been the only one who interferes with others.

Zhang Wanghai is always at a disadvantage,

After distraction,

Su Bai was even more aware of the flaws and shot hard.




Three punches, one punch is better than one punch!

Punch open the defense.

With two punches, Zhang Wanghai was on a whim, and his body trembled.

Three punches, Zhang Wanghai flew out, smashed the walls, and destroyed dozens of flowers and plants!


The grandmasters in the front row took in air-conditioning collectively.

The grandmaster in the back row frantically rubbed his eyes, suspecting that he was mistaken!

Only Liu Wanlou looked calm,

It seems that this result is not unexpected.

Instead, he recalled Su Bai’s last punch,

That punch,

Su Bai’s spirits are perfectly adjusted,

The whole popularity reached its peak, and the strongest punch was blasted!

Ten percent power control!

Liu Wanlou was absolutely right.

That punch produced perfect power control, without a trace of waste!

“This son, you can get my true biography!”

Two bright lights flashed in Liu Wanlou’s eyes.

Zhang Wanghai got up from the flower bed and returned to the classroom in embarrassment!

“Got it!”

His body is full of mud, and Su Bai’s punch seems to be still in front of him!

It is not the first time that Zhang Wanghai was beaten up by an 18-year-old student.

There is only endless admiration and admiration in his heart!

For melee martial arts,

Not as fancy as the remote,

One point higher, one point is crushed!

One more power to grasp is that a mountain that cannot be climbed is in front of you!

Only those in martial arts can appreciate this desperate gap.

in other words,

In Zhang Wanghai’s eyes, Shen Xiu may only be one mountain higher than him.

There is still a gap of opportunity to arrive.

And Su Bai….

A lot taller than him! !

Extraordinary people can reach, respect as gods! !

If Su Bai wants to accept him as a disciple now,

Zhang Wanghai can kneel on the spot and kowtow to apprentice! !

After saluting Su Bai respectfully,

Zhang Wanghai turned around and wanted to return to his seat.

To be yelled by Su Bai,

“That… Master Zhang, wait a moment.”

Zhang Wanghai stopped and asked respectfully,

“Master Su, what else can I advise?”

Master Su! !

As soon as these three words came out, everyone understood what Zhang Wanghai meant!

He, regards Su Bai as a fellow man!

This is the greatest respect.

Do not,

Not a fellow man!

It is a stronger existence than himself!

The final punch completely defeated Zhang Wanghai!

This phrase ‘Master Su’,

It is by no means to find a reason for Zhang Wanghai’s own loss.

It’s what he said from the bottom of his heart!

Su Bai,

Not as weak as the crown, shoulder the name of the master!

“The grandmaster dare not be, there is one more trifle.”

Su Bai is a little embarrassed,

Pointing to broken walls and chaotic flower beds,

“This is public property, and it will be compensated for damage.

Five fighting rules,

If something is broken, whoever loses will pay. ”

Zhang Wanghai was taken aback.

That’s it?

Stop him specifically just for this little money?

He quickly agreed,

“I, I will go to the principal to pay the fine.”

Su Bai corrected,

“Hand it in at the logistics office.”

“I know I know.”

Zhang Wanghai did not dare to delay for a moment,

After signaling with Liu Wanlou, he went to the logistics office and paid the fine.

Su Bai then looked at Liu Wanlou,

Tentatively asked,

“Master Liu, my interview?”

As soon as this word came out,

The already depressive atmosphere in the field has become even more dull.

Everyone looked strange.

If you let Su Bai leave like this…

What is the face of the master?

How to be their teacher in the future?

A group of teachers who can’t even beat students,

What kind of face substitute?

Liu Wanlou narrowed his eyes.

Today Su Bai wants to get out of the classroom like this, absolutely impossible!

He chuckles.

“Don’t worry, there is an 18-year-old guy who is also practicing hand skills.”

“Li Huba, you come.”

The penultimate row,

A burly man like a hill got up,

He is 2.2 meters tall, weighs over 150KG, and has muscle knots on his body, just like a snake!

Walked up,

The ground seemed to be shaking slightly.

When Li Huba passed by Liu Wanlou,

Liu Wanlou whispered quickly,

“This kid is only his mother 18 years old,

If you win 2 masters in a row,

Our faces are gone!

Don’t open the Baichuan branch!

I don’t care what method you use,

This time, he can’t win! ”

Li Huba nodded slightly.

Should be this sentence.

If Su Bai wins Li Huba again,

Who to hit next,

Do you miss Liu Lao?

To be struck by Su Bai,

Everyone killed the tofu collectively!

This is a real battle to protect the grandmaster’s glory!

Standing in the field,

Li Huba Weng Sheng said,

“Li Huba, he has ninety-nine percent of his power, please advise Master Su!”

Su Bai watched as he finished playing one, and then another one came.

So troublesome.

He wanted to say something:

“You guys go together, I want to fight ten.”

It’s a pity, it can’t be said.

You will be killed if you speak out!

Alas, if you don’t have the strength, it’s better to keep a low profile.

Su Bai responded,

“Su Bai, I don’t know about the power, please teacher Li’s advice!”

Both parties adjusted the attribute bracelet to 10,000,

Then he distanced himself and stood in a confrontation.

Fierce battle,

It’s on the verge!


(Fourth more sent! Chong Chong Chong! Write hi…).

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