Chapter 144

“Old Zhao, it’s not that a brother doesn’t help you!”

On the round table of the tea restaurant, four masters are having morning tea.

“It’s really Lao Zhao, your request is too much!”

“Too much, where is too much?”

Zhao Zi was really dissatisfied.

The master healer dignified himself, rarely pulls his face down,

Let the three old friends give themselves a face.

I touched my nose directly!

A master of the nose of the wine trough rolled his eyes.

“You let me earn a B-level talented student in the summer camp, isn’t it too much?”

A cold female grandmaster next to him added,

“Still Crow’s apprentice.

Crow, haha, I don’t want to get involved with Crow! ”

The last stable middle-aged man,

Buzzing opening,

“I owe you my life to Lao Zhao, since you have spoken.

I can accept Su Bai as an anonymous disciple, and how much I can learn depends on his ability.

After I left, I couldn’t say that I was my apprentice. ”

Three masters, two clearly refused.

The remaining one is worse than rejection!

It’s like charity,

The beggar still knows not to eat the food that comes!

Even if Su Bai is willing,

Zhao Zizhen won’t let him suffer this grievance!


“The big deal, I take Su Bai as a disciple myself!

You pay for the breakfast by yourself, no more! ”


Zhao Zi went straight away in an angrily.

I don’t have breakfast anymore!

After he left,

The nose of the wine trough wandered,

“Old Zhao’s straightforward character should be changed.”

The female master echoed the Tao,

“Who doesn’t know that this summer camp is full of geniuses,

There are as many as 10 SS-level talents!

There is only one place for extraordinary masters, and two are proud of the world!

Who can waste a B-level talent?

Even if he is the apprentice of the crow! ”

It’s the best, I want to recruit a few tricks!

The ultimate happiness,

The extraordinary master can’t imagine.

“The key is,

This group of students will probably be the first group of students at Baichuan Campus! ”

In the middle-aged man,

“They will also be teachers and professors of Baichuan Campus in the future.

Even… the principal! ”

In other words,

The enrollment this time is of great importance!

If you can get good seedlings,

Maybe the future principal of Baichuan branch school is his apprentice!

At the step of the master,

It doesn’t matter if money is not money.

The important thing is connections, strength, and reputation!

An apprentice of a branch school principal can satisfy all their fantasies.

In this situation,

How can I help Zhao Zizhen,

Wasting the quota on Su Bai?

They talked about their favorite geniuses again,

“Shen Xiu of the Shen family, although only an S-rank talent.

But his fighting talent is amazing, he was once the 6th fighting champion! ”

“Xiang Xichu is not easy, SS-level talent, amazing combat power!”

“I am optimistic about that girl Wushuang…”


The three ordered dozens of dishes and ate some casually.

It was 9 o’clock when the interview was about to begin, so I got up and left.

I didn’t forget to explain before I left,

“Record Zhao Zizhen on the account!”


“You will regret it!”

Zhao Zizhen sat in the office with a frustrated expression.(Read more @

He could not deceive his conscience,

“Oh, how can they regret it.

There are countless geniuses this year,

Each person has only one enrollment quota,

If you have a better vision, you might choose the future master!

Choose Su Bai,

In case the B-level talent is stretched in the later stage.

Even if you become a grandmaster, you are also the weakest grandmaster! ”

The more Zhao Zizhen thought about it, the more it made sense.

He simply called the summer camp interview committee,

“Can help me name’Su Bai’,

Put it at the end of the interview list? ”

“Okay, thank you.”

hang up the phone,

Zhao Zi was really relieved.

Su Bai had the final interview, avoiding the embarrassment of his cold field.

If Su Bai is the first to walk into the interview,

No one took care of him, and he didn’t even bother to ask a few questions.

That’s really shameful!

“It’s the B-level talent to blame…”

Zhao Zi really felt helplessly.

For the difference of the top talent level in the later stage,

The masters have a deep understanding,

Especially the older generation of masters who have experienced ten years of darkness.

in those days,

The two most famous geniuses of Human Race: Dark Domain, Yan Eclipse,

Known as the double star of the sun and the moon!


The evaluation of him is not as good as Ming Deng!

Many people are optimistic about Ming Deng as the third genius of the human race.

The vacancy ranks fourth!

Who ever thought,

After a major change,

Ming Deng is near madness and ignorance, and his heart is hard to break, and he is invincible.

However, after becoming a master, Rift

Accumulation, combat power soared dozens of times!

With the strength of Grandmaster Proud World, Split Sky has repeatedly cut the invincible Grandmaster!

Tear the wound,

Become a magical skill that makes countless people fearful!

This is the power of the SSS-level talent!

To the later stage,

The gap between SS-level and S-level talents may be narrowed.

Even a master with A-level talent can easily defeat an S-level talented master!

In the realm of the master,

Ordinary talent is not the most important!

The impact of top talent is fatal! !

SSS-level talent, even more like a BUG. ……..

More importantly,

The qualifications of B-level talent are difficult to become a master.

In the history of the Federation,

There are only 5 such existences.

They swept the bottom five of the grandmaster’s combat power list!

The miserable status is evident!

Sitting in the interview classroom, waiting for the upcoming interview.

Zhao Zizhen asked some friends for help.

Rejected brutally.

In this matter,

The Master Healing Master’s face is not good!

Zhao Zizhen has only one choice left:

Take Su Bai as his apprentice.

“Oh, I just don’t know,

Is Su Bai interested in learning therapy with me…”

in fact,

Regarding Su Bai’s strength and combat talent.

Zhao Zizhen is also unsuccessful.

He is a healer and is usually very busy.

Su Bai is in his eyes,

It’s just a kid who is just over 100!

Even if I help Su Bai find a teacher,

It is also out of a compensatory psychology.


As a mage, Su Bai is also the apprentice of Crow,

It must be the combat genre.

I studied with Zhao Zizhen,

Maybe it delayed Su Bai!

Zhao Zizhen really wanted to find him a good teacher.

No one wants it!

Everyone looks down on the B-level talent and writes on the face!



Zhao Zizhen intends to fulfill his promise.

As the healer,

He can choose 2 students as apprentices.

One set Su Bai,

Another S-level talent, the game ID [Meet in Another World].

“So be it!”

Zhao Zizhen is a little 5.9 interested.

The other masters are hungry,

They had long heard that this freshman was terrific.

History has proven that

When the Xeon rises,

There will be a large number of geniuses in the Terran, springing up like bamboo shoots after a rain!

This is one of the reasons why Tyrant is so admired!

He changed the structure of the entire federation!

These geniuses,

The lowest achievement in the future is also the master,

Grandmaster Ao Shi is not impossible,

Many people can play the name of invincibility!


All will be suppressed by the strongest Tyrant!

Time is also fate, good fortune and misfortune!


Hundreds of students are sitting in the classroom next door, waiting for the master to interview one by one!

“The interview begins!”

“The first one, Xiang Xichu, come to the next classroom for an interview!”

“Ready for the next firefly!”


(The first update is sent! Chong Chong Chong! Today is still eight changes!).

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