Chapter 143

“The player [Tyrant] successfully cleared the upper-level instance of the World Tree at the SSS level!”

The full server announcement sounded.

This is probably the most unlicensed full-server announcement.

Hear the system announcement,

There was no fluctuation in everyone’s heart, and some even wanted to laugh.

Tyrant’s hot searches almost missed the number one spot.

It is true that Tyrant has created too many miracles.

It’s just a simple SSS level clearance.

Nothing to fuss about!

Rewards for customs clearance,

Su Bai had already talked about it a long time ago.

Xiaoshu is also very refreshing, direct payment plus five-star praise!

“The sprouts of the World Tree need 7 drops of life spring water. One drop per day can be successfully cultivated!”

In other words,

Su Bai only needs to wait 7 days,

He can just become the master of the World Tree Secret Realm!

This is the biggest gain of this trip.

After the busy midnight,

Su Bai’s Level has been raised from 140 to 199,

Once again came the threshold of transfer.


The 199-level transfer is very different from the 99-level transfer.

According to the data records read by Su Bai,

There are two ways to change jobs and become a quasi-magister.

1. Participate in killing level 200 BOSS,

According to the kill contribution, the transfer score is evaluated!

The upper limit of the score for this method is SS level.

Even if the entire boss is killed by an individual alone,

The score will not be higher than SS!

Second, the cave genius battle!

After the crypt appeared,

The Terran was surprised to find,

You can also gain experience by killing monsters in the cave!

Such as Su Bai’s talent,

You need to kill the monsters in the cave to advance!


A new transfer method appeared:

Kill the crypt monster genius of the same level and have a chance to get an SSS grade!

And the monster in the cave, if it kills the human race, it can also get the corresponding increase in strength!

From this perspective,

The two sides are destined to end without dying!

Three strong men came out together,

In the case of two-line combat,

The Human Race has withstood the pressure from the Cthulhu and the Catacombs!

The three parties maintain a balance of power.

In this equilibrium, there is no truce on both sides,

Many wartime contracts have still been reached:

1. The Xeon, Cthulhu, and Demon God cannot take the initiative!

If someone provokes death, it’s another matter.

2. The invincible grandmaster does not enter the crypt or the Forbidden Sea. At the same time, the invincible grandmaster of the crypt and the Forbidden Sea cannot appear on the battlefield.(Read more @

Once an invincible grandmaster broke the contract,

Outrageously shot and killed the human genius.

That night,

Splitting into the cave alone, three thousand miles in white!

From then on, no one dared to violate this contract anymore!

3. Hold regular genius battles!

For the cultivation of their respective geniuses, there is such a rule.

Su Bai, Bawang and others are now at level 199.

Participate in the genius battle, naturally you can get the best job transfer effect!

The risk is that there is a certain probability of death!

Genius war is not a game,

Anyone who boarded the ring must die!

Sometimes even both of them will die!

Su Bai does not consider other ways to change jobs,

Genius battle, SSS grade score, he got it!

Anyway, the summer camps of the two top universities are about to start,

After the summer camp started,

The battle of geniuses in the crypt is not far away.

Organize your thoughts,

Su Bai took the sprouts of the World Tree and rushed to the Martial Arts Cemetery.

“Old Luo, haven’t slept yet.”

Su Bai came to the warrior cemetery,

I was surprised to find that Qin Lin was also there.

“Come to walk the grave for Luo Lao again?”


One of them dared to ask and the other to answer, very bold.

It seems that when I don’t know,

The relationship between Luo Cheng and Qin Lin got closer.

after all,

Qin Lin is also Luo Cheng’s gravedigger.

Most people don’t have this friendship!

“Boy, what’s the matter with you?”

· ·········Ask for flowers···············

Su Bai took out the sprouts of the World Tree,

Explain the cause and effect.

If this thing wants to grow a life,

A lot of work!

The spring of life is only the most basic condition,

Need someone to look after!

Planted in eternity, Su Bai can’t guard it 24 hours a day.

Just right,

Luo Cheng is inseparable from the warrior cemetery and is the invincible master.

Best for helping.

“The old man is just a problem.”

Luo Cheng looked at Su Bai,

“How could Tyrant’s sapling fall into your hands?”

“Don’t you owe favors before?”

Su Bai answered with confidence,

…… …… 0

“About Bai Chongshan, Tyrant threatened me!”


Luo Cheng didn’t believe it.

“Really! Tyrant said…”

“What did he say?”

“He said that as long as you can help plant the saplings,

Splitting the sky, the future is not impossible to beat…”

At last,

Luo Cheng readily agreed.

In exchange,

Su Bai needs to come to class for an hour every day.

“Listen to class, what class do you listen to?”

Ming Deng Luo Cheng’s small class has started!

“Today, the first lesson I will tell you.”

“It’s just how to beat the strongest and break into the air.”

Su Bai, Qin Lin: …

Luo Cheng didn’t care.

Continue to say,

“If you want to beat Rift, you must know him enough.

The SSS-level talent of Sundering Sky [Tear Wound],

Effect: The locked enemy, all the damage suffered in this life, explode at the same moment!

Unknown lock conditions, unknown lock range, unknown number of locks!

[Tear the wound] Also known as the strongest talent in the later period…”


(The eighth is sent, the state is a bit tired today.

Get a good night’s sleep, and the update may be late tomorrow morning.

Good night, brothers, thank you all for your support, thank you! )


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