Somewhere in the heavenly garden, three figures stand in mid-air, looking down at the archipelago connected by the covered bridge below.

“The breath of this ancient world is much stronger than the world we live in, especially above the Heavenly Court, and the Heaven and Earth Yuan Qi is even more abundant, but it is a pity that it actually fell into the hands of such a waste emperor.”

Emperor Shitian, from the world of the Great Brahma, is one of the most famous and extremely powerful sub-saints of the Great Brahma World, and his cultivation is earth-shattering, and he can even compete with the ancient Buddhas of Buddhism.

This time, the Great Brahma World united with the Heavenly Imperial World to invade the Pangu World, and he was one of the pioneer generals!

Emperor Shi Tian’s body, with the domineering spirit of looking at the world, the space was faintly trembling wherever his fingers crossed.

Standing next to Emperor Shi Tian’s body at this moment was a slightly short old man.

The old man looks ordinary from a distance, but if you look closely, you will find something strange.

If you look closely at that ordinary face, you will find that its five senses are actually flowing in and its tiny amplitude, and the trajectory of that flow seems to contain the laws of the movement of the heavens and the earth, and the stars!

Showing the laws of the movement of heaven and earth on his face, how could this old man be an ordinary man?

And he is the Great Brahma World, the same name as the Emperor Shitian!

After hearing Emperor Shi Tian’s words, Wei Tuotian nodded without a trace, and then said, “This world is indeed more precious than ours, no wonder Lord Brahma noticed this place hundreds of millions of years ago and laid chess pieces here.” ”


A low laugh came from Emperor Shitian’s mouth: “Abducting a saint to become his own apostle, I am afraid that only Lord Brahma can do it!” ”

“The Creator Spirit of this world has been extinguished, otherwise Lord Brahma would not have penetrated here so easily, but…”

Speaking of this, Wei Tuotian took a slight pause.

Emperor Shi Tianmian asked, “But what?” ”

“But… Before coming into this world, Lord Brahma gave me a holy word. Vedic Heaven murmured.

“Can you tell?” Emperor Shi Tian’s eyes flickered, the Great Brahma was the Creator Spirit of the world where he lived, and the cultivation strength had long been so powerful that it was indescribable!

Although he was at the apex of the sub-saints, he was only a powerful worm in front of the Great Brahma.

Only a more powerful saint can enter the eyes of the Great Brahma!

“Of course you can, that holy oracle was meant for you and me.”

After Wei Tuotian said this, he suddenly closed his mouth and then slapped his hand at the sky!


With a muffled sound, a deeply hidden voyeuristic thought was directly photographed.

However, in the instant that the divine thought appeared, it dissipated directly, so that neither Wei Tuotian nor Emperor Shi Tian was able to capture the identity of that divine thought.

“Who would dare to listen to the conversation between the two of us!?”

Emperor Shi Tian gritted his teeth and flashed one on his face.

A sneering smile flashed on Wei Duotian’s face: “Who else?” ’

Hearing this, Emperor Shi Tian also thought of something in an instant, and suddenly fell silent.

The next second, the voice of Wei Tuotian sounded directly in Emperor Shi Tian’s mind.

“Lord Brahma has said that although Amitabha Buddha has become his apostle, but after hundreds of millions of years, it is difficult to guarantee that Amitabha Buddha will not have a different heart, and this person is ambitious and extremely difficult to control, so we must be careful of Amitabha!”

As the words fell, Emperor Shitian nodded slowly, “That’s the way it should be!” ”


The other side of the heavenly court.

Two figures dressed in robes walked side by side.

The two men looked different, and both were shrouded in darkness, making it impossible to see their true faces.

On both of them, they all carried the breath of the Heavenly Imperial World.

“Amaterasu, why do you think the Father wants us to mix in this fight?”

The sound of the moon reading life slowly sounded, but it seemed to come from all directions at the same time, with an indescribable ethereal feeling.

Amaterasu heard the words, and after a moment of silence, a hoarse voice sounded, “I don’t know.” ”

“Also, the Father’s ideas are not something we can guess, as long as the Father’s decisions are carefully carried out.”

Yue Yueming nodded, suppressing the doubts in his heart and no longer asking about this matter.

As for the hidden reasons behind this, it was not something he could know.

Even as a saint, he obviously had no access to the core secrets of a world.

“The appointed time has arrived!”

Just as the moon was murmuring, the hoarse voice sounded again, and the black fire was swirling around the Amaterasu Daimyō.

Yue Yuewen nodded, “Since the time has come, let’s attack together, destroy this world as soon as possible, you return to your High Heavenly Plains, and I will return to my Night Kingdom.” The breath of this world is really uncomfortable! ”


At this moment, the Nine Heavens shook, thirty-three days, and at the same time suffered an attack from the Outer Realm Gods!

Three thousand Buddhas and Bodhisattvas of Buddhism sang in Sanskrit chants in their mouths.

However, it is not excessive, but annihilation!

When the shadows of the six reincarnations appeared above the heavenly court, the souls of the gods were sucked into them!

A massacre, and that’s it.

This is a massacre against the gods!

At the beginning of the massacre, the Jade Emperor’s mother took the lead in choosing to surrender and threw herself into the embrace of Buddhism.

And the Heavenly Court warriors who chose to swear to die were killed as many as possible!

In the battlefield where Yasheng and Quasi-Saint were the main combat forces, even the Great Luo Jinxian was just cannon fodder!

Emperor Donghua, Emperor Zhenwu, Marshal Tianquan and others were soon killed in battle!

With one look, the Heavenly Court Warlords were almost completely annihilated.

Soon, Yuan Shi Tianzun and Taishang Laojun sat down as disciples and threw themselves into the battlefield.

However, when these disciples faced the Quasi-Saint Yasheng, they still did not have much ability to resist and were killed one by one.

The entire heavenly court, blood stained in all directions, the lament of the fall of the gods resounded non-stop, without a pause!

And in the midst of this calamity, a cold hum suddenly sounded in the heavenly court.

“You are so bullied, is it true that no one in my Taoist family is not successful?”

The next second, a middle-aged man wearing a crimson Daoist robe appeared above the heavenly court with floating dust in his hand! _

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