After the end of the Battle of Jotunheim, Fang Mu quickly prepared to rush back to the Pangu World without stopping.

After returning to the Pangu World, Fang Mu also quickly met with the Terran sub-saints.

Today, the Flint Clan has taken the lead in stationing in the Olympus World, while the rest of the A-Saints are constantly transporting Terrans.

Nowadays, after one more Fang Mu, the efficiency of transportation is also greatly increased!

As for the method of transportation, it is with the help of various space magic weapons.

Fang Mu himself had the Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda seized from Li Jing, the king of Tota, which could also be used to transport the Terrans, and was inefficient.


In this way, after the delivery process lasted for several days, Buddhism, which had been silent, finally moved!

On this day, the entire Pangu World shook, and a large number of powerful wills directly descended on the Pangu World.

These powerful wills are extremely foreign to the pastoral, or to anyone.

However, no one can deny their strength.

After feeling the arrival of this powerful aura, Fang Mu immediately contacted the Extreme Terran Sub-Saint, and then from the mouths of several Terran Sub-Saints, he got the exact news of the powerful will that had descended to the Pangu World!

The Great Brahma World, the Heavenly Imperial World, and Buddhism joined forces to put pressure on the Taoists, and with the strongest force of the two saints and more than ten sub-saints, they wanted to directly annihilate the Daoists!

After receiving this news, Fang Mu also frowned, secretly saying that it was no wonder that Buddhism dared to break with the human race before, and it turned out that it had actually drawn the Great Brahma World and the Heavenly Imperial Middle World together.

In this way, the gathering of the powerful combat power of the two and a half worlds was annoying.

And if the Taoists are defeated, then it is the Terrans who descend.

Chun dead teeth cold, no joke.

Therefore, the two sages of the Terran Yasheng and the Taoist quickly reached a strategic alliance and decided to jointly resist the invasion of Buddhism and foreign gods!

For this impending great war, neither side hesitated to stalemate, nor did it have the same temptations as in the Olympus world.

From the very beginning, the two sides jointly dispatched the highest combat strength to prepare for the great decisive battle of the high-level combat strength of the realm!

Win or lose, one battle can be decided, don’t care so much!

Pangu World, after the Battle of the Gods, was redivided into four continents by several great sages, namely Dongsheng Shenzhou, Beiju Luzhou, West Niuhe Zhou, and Southern Zhanbu Zhou.

Nanzhan Buzhou is owned by the Terran race and lives in a large number of Terran races.

Dongsheng Shenzhou is inhabited by a large number of cultivators and wandering immortals, and the Heaven and Earth Yuanqi is the most abundant among the four continents.

As for Beiju Luzhou, it is a demon paradise, and it is said that Nüwa Niangniang lives in Beiju Luzhou.

West Niuhe Zhou, on the other hand, is a Buddhist territory, although it was originally only a barbarian land, but under the enlightenment of Buddhism, it is no longer what it used to be, and it is even more prosperous than the Southern Zhanbu Continent.

In addition to these four continents, there are also four seas in the southeast, southwest, and northwest, as well as many immortal islands in the boundless sea.

In addition to the four major continents, there is another continent in the Pangu World, that is, the current Zhongzhou!

Zhongzhou can be said to be the place where the spiritual veins of the entire Pangu World converge, but now this area is no longer called Zhongzhou, but called the Heavenly Garden!

Now, above the heavenly court, many sub-saints are facing each other, and a great war is about to break out! _

Fei Lu reminds you: read three things – collect

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