When the incomparably majestic space was displayed in the form of a map in Ronan’s mind, the shock in Ronan’s heart was difficult to describe.

The worlds that usually seemed to be huge were like a drop in the ocean compared to the endless chaotic void, and it was not worth mentioning at all.

And just when Luo Nan felt shocked by this, the shadow of Na Wuzu had begun to gradually dissipate.

“The cultivation of the Five Saints Breaking Life Technique needs to be carried out as soon as possible, and according to my calculations, the time left for you by the Dao Quantity Robbery will not exceed fifty years at most!” Once fifty years have passed, the last Void Countercurrent will destroy everything! ”

“The Nile God Domain and the Heavenly Imperial Middle World basically don’t have to think about it, and to cultivate the Five Sacred Breaking Techniques, you can only start from other worlds.” The only thing that can be called lucky is that in addition to those two worlds, you have five big worlds bordering here, as long as… Wait a minute!!! ”

When Wu Zu’s voice was halfway through, his eyes suddenly narrowed, and then there was a trace of unconcealed shock in his eyes: “How did he appear here, you must be careful of him!” ”

Seeing Wu Zu’s appearance, Luo Nan was also shocked in his heart, not knowing what Wu Zu suddenly thought.

So he also hurriedly asked: “Who is he?” ”

“I have worked in the Qur’an… See…… Passing this man, he is…”

Finally, the voice fell, and Wu Zu’s shadow finally dissipated completely.

However, until it dissipated, Wu Zu could not say the name.

Looking at the place where the Wuzu projection disappeared, Luo Nan’s eyes also narrowed slightly, and his eyes flashed endlessly.

Wu Zu’s reaction when he left was like a boulder pressing down on Luo Nan’s heart, making Luo Nan’s heart very heavy at this moment!

Not to mention the fifty-year deadline, the name that Wuzu could not say in the end made Luo Nan very big.

“I’ve seen it in the Qur’an…”

The Gulan Realm, according to Wu Zu, was the only world he had seen who had traveled through the Endless Chaos Void for more than a thousand Yuan, and had successfully passed through the Great Avenue Robbery, in which the strength of the strong was unfathomable, and I am afraid that even those who transcended the Sacred Realm had many!

And ordinary people, it was absolutely impossible for Wu Zu to remember it after he had seen it once.

The one who can make Wu Zu remember and change his face greatly after seeing it must not be a nameless person.

“That is to say, there is a powerful being who was originally born in the Qur’an Realm, ran to our side of the earth, and now it is very likely that it is hidden in the seven great worlds that have suddenly come into contact!”

Luo Nan murmured in a low voice, his eyes full of doubt: “Then who is this powerful being from the Qur’an?” ”

After thinking about it for half a day, Ronan couldn’t think of any results.

After all, he didn’t even know whether the other party was hiding or had another identity.

As for the purpose of the man, it is even more difficult to understand.

After thinking about it for half a day, Luo Nan could only choose to give up.

“Instead of wasting time thinking about this, it is better to think about how to quickly enhance your cultivation realm.” After all, only if it is strong enough, can we have the capital to protect everything! ”

With that, Lonan’s figure fled directly into the void and returned to the Olympus world.

In the world of Olympus, at this moment, the whole world is trembling in the midst of a fierce bombardment!

The first time Ronan appeared here, he saw that the dark god Eripos and the god of love Eros were besieged by eight sub-saint-level strongmen, and now it was very wasteful, and it seemed that it was not far from complete defeat.

Seeing this scene, Luo Nan’s eyes narrowed slightly, and a different kind of thought immediately appeared in his heart.

“The two are facing a siege of eight people, Eribos and Eros can’t run if they want to, and there is absolutely no doubt that they will die after a long time!”

Thinking of this, Luo Nan did not hesitate for a moment, directly adjusted the power of chaos within the collective, and brazenly attacked! 、

Although under the current circumstances, Erebos and Elos would undoubtedly die, Ronan did not mind speeding up the speed of their deaths.

Moreover, such a good opportunity to rub assists, how could Ronan miss it?

After all, assists are also experienced!

Erepos and Eros are both powerful beings of the level of saints.

Although now because of the restraint of Tartaros and Gaia, the four of them have been dragged down from the Holy Seat together, and the cultivation is only equivalent to the level of the sub-saints, but once they help to attack and kill, the experience gained must not be underestimated.

Today, less than fifty years have been left for Lonan.

In these fifty years, he will elevate his cultivation to a level beyond the level of saints, and the difficulty can be imagined.

Therefore, any possibility of gaining experience, Ronan will never let go!

At this moment, the chaotic power in his body surged out and directly converged on Luo Nan’s hands.

Immediately afterward, Ronan’s hands drew a transparent circle in front of him.

This transparent circle was completely drawn by the forces of chaos, and as soon as it was formed, it completely enveloped this square world.

“Take the heavens and the earth as the well, and all beings and all things as the moon!”

“Fishing for the moon in the well!”

At this moment, everything in front of him, in Ronan’s eyes, turned into a round of crescent moon.

The cultivation, memory, realm, divine powers, magic weapons of Erepos and Eros… And so on, at this moment, it became the moon in the well!

The next moment, Luo Nan’s palm probed directly into the well water in front of him, and then violently grabbed a round of crescent moon and pulled it upwards violently.

However, the crescent moon was unusually tough and heavy, and for a moment, it was difficult for Ronan to pull it out of the well.


Luo Nan saw a cold hum, and the chaotic power in his body flowed, spreading one billion and eighty million particles in his body, directly activating the power of the dragon elephant!

The next second, an extremely terrifying force erupted directly from within Ronan’s arms.

And the crescent moon that was held by Luo Nan could not withstand this powerful force, and was directly ripped off a corner and pulled out of the well!

This round of crescent moon is exactly the cultivation realm of the god of love, Eros!

After being torn apart by Lonan, Eros’s breath instantly weakened a lot. _

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