In the face of Luo Nan’s questioning, Wu Zu did not have the idea of hiding secrets, and directly said to Luo Nan.

“At this time, when I traveled through the endless chaotic void, I had heard of a method, and I had done some research when I was idle, and now you are in a situation that can be used in this method.”

“What method?”

Luo Nan’s eyes lit up when he heard this, and he quickly asked again.

Wu Zu did not say any more, but stretched. A finger was drawn and flicked in the direction where Luo Nan was, followed by a lilac light that directly penetrated into Luo Nan’s body.

At the same time that the lilac light entered the body, a stream of information also poured into Ronan’s mind.

“The Five Saints Breaking Technique…”

Ronan murmured and whispered the message in his head.

“These five holy life breaking techniques are the use of tough means to forcibly use the land of heaven and earth to raise their own life level, so that their own life level can reach the point of transcending the holy realm. Once you have cultivated beyond the holy realm, you can use another method that I have passed on to you to forcibly cross the sky and cross the sea. ”

Wu Zu’s voice sounded again, “Moreover, using this method is much more mysterious than the method used by the Nine Great Planes of the World Tree in the past, at least there is no need to drag all the powerful people in the world to death together.” ”

Luo Nan nodded darkly, and at the same time, he carefully read the specific content of the Five Saints Breaking Life Technique and the cultivation method in his heart.

But just after Luo Nan finished reading this cultivation method, his zui corner couldn’t help but have a bitter smile.

If it weren’t for the seriousness of Wu Zu in front of him, he would have doubted whether this person was teasing him.

It turned out that the reason why these five holy life breaking techniques were called the five holy life breaking techniques was not that they needed the help of five saints, but that one person could become five saints!

The saint is the most powerful being that can be born in the great world, and it is impossible to surpass the saint by the power of the great world alone.

And the saints, to put it bluntly, are actually the saints with the holy seat, and after eliminating the negligence of the holy seats, that is to say, the most powerful existence that can be born in the big world is the sub-saints.

Therefore, if you want to transcend the saint Yasheng, you cannot count on one world, but you must look at multiple great worlds.

To receive a throne is to ascend a liter.

And the most basic requirement of these five holy life breaking techniques is to get the Holy Position in the five great worlds!

If you want to cultivate, you must first get the Holy Position of the Five Worlds!

“This… It’s easier said than…”

Luo Nan smiled bitterly, now in the big world where the amount of avenues gathered together, the full number of full counts is only seven.

“The Olympus World, the Pangu World, the Nine Great Powers of the World Tree, the Hehua World, the Great Brahma World, the Nile God Realm, and the Heavenly Imperial World…”

It is extremely difficult to obtain the Holy Seat from five of these worlds.

What’s more, in these seven lifetimes, the Nile God Realm and the Heavenly Imperial World, there is only one holy throne, which is controlled by their founding god.

It’s impossible to grab it!

Unless Luo Nan first cultivated into the Five Sacred Breaking Techniques, and the cultivation realm completely transcended the Saint Realm, it would be possible to drive Rahe Heavenly Emperor down from the Holy Throne.

“After eliminating these two people, there are only five left in my world.” That is to say, if I want to use these five holy life breaking techniques to surpass the saints, I must obtain one holy position in each of the remaining five worlds…”

Thinking of this, Luo Nan can’t help but have a big head: “It’s too difficult!! ”

“Wu Zu, apart from these Five Sacred Life Breaking Techniques, is there any other way to break through the realm of saints?”

In desperation, Ronan could only ask the shadow in front of him again.

And Na Wu Zu also nodded and replied, “There are thousands of avenues, and the methods that can transcend the Sacred Realm are naturally thousands and thousands.” These Five Sacred Breaking Techniques are only one of the simpler ones, in addition, you can also rely on your own efforts to cultivate and try to break through! ’

“As long as you feel it, the breakthrough is just a matter of course.”

Listening to Wu Zu’s understated words, Luo Nan couldn’t help but roll his eyes.

I wonder if you’re kidding me?

If it was so easy to break through the Sacred Realm, then why would none of the other seven great worlds break through so far?

Even those founding gods were still stuck in that saint realm, and they had never heard of anyone who could break through.

However, thinking of this, Luo Nan suddenly remembered a stubble and hurriedly asked Wu Zu, “By the way, who was the one who helped the nine planes of the World Tree to survive the Void Countercurrent, was it the person who transcended the Holy Realm born in the nine planes of the World Tree?” ”

Wu Zu shook his head, “No, although that person did not transcend the Sacred Realm, he was also a Heavenly Wizard, and he actually found another way to avoid the Dao Mass Robbery.” However, the side effects are also quite obvious. ”

Luo Nan nodded his head, the whole big world is dead, the side effect is that the group is destroyed.

If they are not resurrected by the Avenue at the time of this Avenue Robbery, it is really the end of the game.

“So, thank you so much for the teachings of Wu Zu!”

Luo Nan was not an impolite person, at this moment he had received so much important information from Wu Zu, and he immediately bent down slightly towards Wu Zu and thanked him.

Wu Zu shook his head indifferently, “Holding in the endless chaotic void has been lonely for too long, you can establish a connection with me with divine powers, that is fate here.” Not to mention…”

“What’s more, I also want to witness whether there can be a second great world besides the Qur’an Realm and successfully survive the Great Pillage!”

“If you can witness it, you have no regrets in this life!”

As he spoke, the shadow that condensed into Wu Zu’s figure began to fade more and more.

“The projection I have built is unsustainable, and it is about to dissipate, and if you are … Come to Ishikawa to find me! ”

As he spoke, Wu Zu pointed again, and a message flooded into Luo Nan’s mind again.

Instead, it was a rather large map, far beyond Lonan’s cognition.

Compared with the size of the Pangu World, it is simply a drop in the ocean.

“Is this the real Endless Chaos Void…”

Looking at all this, Ronan’s heart was full of expectations! _

Fei Lu reminds you: read three things – collect

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