At the same time that his cultivation level was raised to 1v298, Luo Nan’s mind suddenly had an extra piece of information.

That is, when he breaks through to the quasi-saint realm, his Saiyan bloodline can be upgraded again, becoming an SSS-level bloodline, and opening Super Saiyan III!

“Super Match Three, that’s a full four hundred times the combat power bonus!”

Luo Nan’s eyes were fiery at this moment, and he murmured, “As long as I step into the Quasi-Saint Realm, with my existing cultivation and divine powers, I can be completely invincible within the Quasi-Saint Realm, and no one can be my opponent, even Yasheng can fight a dozen times!” ”

“And if you add four hundred times the combat strength bonus, I’m afraid you may not have no chance to defeat Ya Sheng.”

“After all, the power of chaos that Ya Sheng has, I also have!” Moreover, after entering the Quasi-Saint Realm, I will be able to master more Chaos Forces than I do now! ”

Thinking of this, Ronan’s breathing is also involuntary. After a little help, my heart became more and more eager for the quasi-holy realm.

“Now that the war has been completely launched, as long as I continue to kill the gods of the Nile God Domain, I can continue to gain a lot of experience!”

“With these experiences, it is not too difficult for me to enter the quasi-holy realm!”

Thinking of this, the corner of Luonan zui rose upwards, and he couldn’t help but smile a little, and then he directly shouted: “Follow me to the next battlefield!” ”

With Luo Nan’s shout, the tens of thousands of Terran strong people behind him were all in agreement!

After all, the strength that Luo Nan had previously displayed had completely conquered these tens of thousands of strong people.

In the face of Lonan’s strength, these human strongmen are also willing to follow.

At this moment, the momentum is condensed, even more than before the outbreak of war!


Somewhere between the dense forests, at this moment it was shrouded in black fog.

This black mist has strange characteristics, not only can it block the line of sight, but even the divine consciousness cannot pass through, no matter who stays in it, it will become a ‘blind man’!

And in the middle of this dense forest shrouded in black fog, at this moment, it was the sound of slashing and killing.

One after another divine power rampaged, not only did it make the earthquake tremble, but even the surrounding space was constantly stirring!

And above this black fog, Luo Nan’s figure was hanging in the air, looking at each other with two ugly-looking figures!

“Is it you guy who kills tens of thousands of gods of my clan?”

“But meet the two of us, and you’re doomed!”

The two powerful high-ranking quasi-saints looked at Luo Nan too quickly with a sly smile.

The next second, the two quasi-saints directly moved the electric light directly in the direction where Luo Nan was located.

When Ronan saw these two men attacking, a look of disdain flashed in his eyes and two fingers extended. Go straight to the two ugly-looking quasi-holy points.


Suddenly, the heavens and the earth stood still, and the two lightning rays that came at great speed were also instantly frozen in the sky.

Immediately afterward, the great pressure went directly to the two would-be saints.

This incomparably majestic pressure, even the whole heaven and earth changed color between the surges, and the vibrations were different.

Although these two quasi-saints are all high-level quasi-saints with a level of 1v330 or above, it is still difficult to resist in the face of this level of pressure!

However, in the face of this originally irresistible pressure, the two quasi-saints from the Nile God Domain did not have the slightest panic on their faces, but instead showed a smile on their faces!

These two people’s abnormal behavior, Luo Nan naturally had long been in the eyes, so he was also early on guard against the surroundings, thinking about what conspiracy and trickery these two people had.

But even so, the movements in Ronan’s hands did not stop, but instead attacked the two quasi-saints with even more rapid speed!

Even if there was a conspiracy and trickery, when was he afraid?

And just when Luo Nan’s attack was about to fall on the bodies of those two quasi-saints, a cold breath came to the sky in an instant!

Feeling this sudden appearance of the cold breath, as well as the powerful presence in the cold breath, Luo Nan’s zui corner could not help but have a sneering smile: “Finally can’t help it!” ”

The cold breath froze the entire space in an instant, and then two black rays of light suddenly burst out, directly blocking the powerful power released by Luo Nan’s two fingers, protecting the two quasi-saints of the Nile God Domain.

The two would-be saints had obviously expected this, and at this moment, the ugly faces of the people were also smiling, and one by one they bowed their heads respectfully and bent forward: “Welcome to the arrival of the Lord!” ”

Along with the words of the two quasi-saints, Luo Nan looked up and fixed his eyes, only to find that in the cold breath, a crack had appeared at some point, and behind the dark crack, there was an eye, staring at Luo Nan!

“It’s him!!”

Although he did not use the Detective Technique, just after seeing this eye, Ronan had already confirmed the identity of this sudden arrival!

It is not difficult to guess the identity of the person who can make the two would-be saints so respectfully honored as adults.

Coupled with the familiar gaze reflected in that eyeball, Luo Nan had already determined the identity of the person in front of him!

It is one of the nine pillar gods of the Nile God Domain, Osiris, the god of the underworld!

At the beginning, at the beginning of the disaster, it was Olysses who tried to descend on the Pangu World, but was blocked by the power of the Terrans.

And that time, although the advent of Osiris ended in failure, before the failure, Osiris dropped a large number of beasts in the city below!

And that city is the city where Lonan is located!

It can be said that Ronan’s hometown was destroyed at the hands of Orisses!

Whenever he thought of the tragic scene and the endless corpses, the hatred for Olysses in Ronan’s heart was hard to hide!

“I was looking for a sub-saint to practice my hands, but I didn’t expect you to send it to the door, so if that’s the case, then I’m not welcome!”

After a cold hum in his mouth, Ronan’s gaze locked directly on Olysses’s body!

However, Ronan also knew that if there was a great war with Orisis here, the Terran strong people below would be completely destroyed.

Therefore, the most important thing at the moment is to attract the attention of Orisis and withdraw from this side of the battlefield! _

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