
Two streams of slightly blackened blood gushed out directly from the two quasi-holy mouths of the Nile God Domain.

Along with the gushing of this black blood, the two figures also fell directly from the sky, and the vitality also weakened in an instant.

The two would-be saints, when facing Luonan, had no ability to resist at all!

This was not only not only not expected by the many gods of the Nile God Domain, but also by the Terran strong people who rushed into the black cloud with Ronan!

All the Terran strongmen knew that Lonan had the ability to kill the Quasi-Saints, and they also knew that Lonan was incredibly powerful.

But no one could have imagined that Ronan would be so powerful!

The two quasi-saints were already seriously injured and completely defeated!

The impact of this on the gods of both camps is not to be described as huge!

Just when everyone was shocked by this, Ronan’s figure did not stop.

After defeating the two quasi-saints with one finger, Ronan chose to take advantage of the victory to pursue, and once again pointed to the two falling figures.

The power of shattering the long sky, with the surging power in Ronan’s body, once again fell on the two of them.

The two who had already been deeply damaged, where could they bear the second finger of Luo Nan at this moment?


Just listening to a muffled sound, the bodies of the two Nile God Realm quasi-saints exploded directly in mid-air, like two blood-colored fireworks, blooming out of the last glory of their long lives!

And this scene also made all the gods fighting in the sky directly suffocate in this instant!

“It’s horrible!”

“Is this Luo Xian’s strength?”

“Two fingers to kill two quasi-saints, it takes only two breaths of time before and after!”

“That extra-territorial quasi-saint, he has no ability to resist at all in front of Luo Xian!”

“Luo Xian mighty!”

“Luo Xian mighty!!!”

A loud roar suddenly sounded in the Terran camp.

All the Terran strongmen involuntarily shouted Lonan’s name at this moment.

For them, Ronan has become their savior at this moment!

You know, if there is a war, there will definitely be death!

Although the Terran A-Sage promised that as long as the war was won, a certain A-Saint would resurrect the gods who died in the war after sitting on the throne of the Olympian world.

But even so, no one wants to try to die once

Moreover, that is only based on the basis of war profits.

If the war is lost, once you die, there will be no chance of resurrection!

And the commander they followed, lightly killed the opponent’s highest combat strength, almost directly announced this unfolding war, directly to the end.

This is undoubtedly the best news for them.

Because the probability of dying in this war has dropped to an infinitely low level!

Therefore, every human strong person is grateful and longing for Luo Nan in his heart at this moment!

Compared with the universal celebration of the Terran side, the Nile God Domain side is like a mourning concubine.

When the two quasi-saints looked at each other, they were completely destroyed by their opponents, which was definitely the greatest calamity for them.

And this human race in front of you, even the quasi-saints can kill them with their backhands, not to mention these small miscellaneous fish?

Under the shadow of great fear, the gods of the Nile God Domain all looked panicked!

And in the midst of this panic, Ronan’s palm slowly lifted again.

The endless divine power brewed and grew directly in the palm of Luonan’s hand, eventually forming an almost substantial vortex.

Although this vortex was not large, the terrible power contained in it was enough to make the quasi-saintly level gods shudder.

And just in this trembling. In the midst of trembling, Ronan’s palm finally pressed down!

Suddenly, the whole heaven and earth fell into a burst of solidification.

Immediately after, space churned, and tiny vortices formed directly in the black clouds. 、

These vortexes unleashed powerful attraction and tearing power, and the tidal force descended on the gods of the Nile God Domain, directly causing those extra-territorial gods who only had the Golden Immortal and the Great Luo Golden Immortal level to crack their bodies!

Suddenly, the entire sky was enveloped by a terrible scream.

One scream after another came from the mouths of many gods.

However, this scream did not last long.

After only a few breaths, the whole heaven and earth returned to silence.

However, the black cloud, as well as the Nile God Domain deity in the black cloud, had ceased to exist, and had been completely torn apart and swallowed up by the distorted space, leaving not even half a trace of its former existence!

This, the tens of thousands of Terran strongmen behind Luo Nan were all stunned.

In these human strong, what awaits them is definitely a bitter battle.

In this bitter battle, many of them may directly lose their precious lives.

There may also be many people, even if they can survive in the war, but they will be deeply hurt and have to spend hundreds of thousands of years to recuperate.

However, the result of the matter far exceeded their expectations.

Not only did they not suffer from death and injury, but they did not even experience a bitter battle at all.

At the beginning of the battle, the enemy army was destroyed by Ronan alone!

This result was obviously unexpected by all.

Therefore, at this moment, the Terran strongmen were also wide-eyed and full of confusion!

However, after only a few breaths, this confusion became a cry and praise of the mountains and tsunamis.

Of course, for the amazement of the many gods behind him, Ronan did not care.

What really made Ronan care was the ethereal voice that sounded in his heart.

“Ding, congratulations on your level increase to 1v298!”

When this voice sounded, Luonan’s zui corner couldn’t help but appear a little smile.

The experience brought to him by the two quasi-saints and many Nile gods was also very impressive. 、

And just when Luo Nan was happy because of this, a message suddenly came into his mind, but it made Luo Nan’s whole person directly freeze in place!

“Super Race Three, here it comes!!” _

Fei Lu reminds you: read three things – collect

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