In a valley far away from the Yanhuang Tribe and the Jiuli Tribe , Ying Long, who had recovered to his original state, and the female rays sat respectfully on their knees not far from Luonan.

As for Luo Nan, he wrapped his hands around his chest and turned his back on Ying Long and the female ray, looking at the dark clouds gathering more and more in the sky.

By this moment, everything had come to light.

The Fa Array in that underground square was actually a trap, a unique divine pit specially used to calculate Luo Ju’s body.

Luo Nan was already able to guess that Luo Ju’s body must have used the connection between the body and the body to “accidentally” leak the news of the power of the Dao to the body, but this news should be false and real, half-true and half-false.

For Luo Hu’s body, there were not many things in the flood that could move his heart, and the power of the Dao Dao was undoubtedly one of them.

And Luo Ju’s body made full use of this to have that scene not long ago.

As for why he chose Ying Long and the female ray, Luo Nan also had a guess.

If what he expected was not bad, the Heaven and Earth Karma on Ying Long and the female ray was like an “amplification potion”, which could make the power of the Dao that was lured out reach the extreme, and only in this way could the Luo Ju body be destroyed into slag.

And the reason why Luo Ju took Ying Long and the female ray outside for three whole days was not without purpose, these three days were exactly the rush time that Luo Hu had prepared for his body.

It can be said that all this is the layout of Luo Hu’s body, and the result of the matter did not disappoint him, in the face of the power of the Dao, except for Luo Nan, the special exception, Luo Hu’s body is too dead to die.

Although there was only one product left in the Twelve Pins of the Extinction Black Lotus, in the case of the disappearance of the body, as long as he gave Luo Hu enough time to split his body, he would eventually become another entity, and then complete the Extinction Black Lotus again.

A more difficult opponent will appear in front of Ronan sooner or later.

After a long time, Luo Nan withdrew his thoughts and turned to look at Ying Long and the female ray.

“The calamity of the two of you has passed, and it is really gratifying, and when you return to the Yanhuang Tribe, you will just carry a messenger jade jian for the emperor for the poor Dao!” After Luo Nan finished speaking, a purple jade jian slowly landed in front of Ying Long.

“The seniors are assured, and the juniors will certainly live up to their trust.” Ying Long took Yu Jian into his sleeve and said to Luo Nan.

“Okay, that’s it for now, let’s go!” Ronan waved his hand, signaling that the two could leave.

However, when Ying Long was ready to leave, the female ray looked at Luo Nan and seemed to want to stop talking.

Luo Nan of course saw the strange shape of the female ray, and he smiled lightly: “If the fairy has any questions, just ask, as long as it does not involve the secret of the Heavenly Chance, the poor Dao will definitely give you an explanation.” ”

For this fiery nun who was willing to sacrifice herself to save her husband, Luo Nan was still very favorable.

The female ray was overjoyed in her heart, and after bowing down to make a salute, she asked, “With the strength of the predecessors, why don’t you directly kill that Luo Ju Fen and thus cut the grass and remove the roots?” ”

I think that at the beginning, when Luo Nan rushed into the inside of the Fa Formation, although the female ray was still in a zombie state, but her consciousness had recovered a little, she saw very clearly, under the unknown power of the sky, Luo Hu’s body was like the snow under the scorching sun, in the blink of an eye, it was turned into blood water, and then disappeared cleanly, and Luo Nan was the same, under the shroud of that unknown force, he not only did not move, but also dissipated that unknown force into invisibility, which was strong and weak, it was really clear at a glance.

The female ray was sure that if Luo Nan wanted to chase, that Luo Ju would not be able to run away, but to her puzzlement, Luo Nan did not do that, but directly brought her and Ying Long here.

Under the gaze of Ying Long and the female ray, Luo Nan smiled bitterly, “It’s not that Poor Dao doesn’t want to kill Luo Hu, but you can’t do that, if it weren’t for the fact that this change was too sudden, it would not be possible, and Poor Dao would still save Luo Hu’s life.” ”

Luo Nan’s words made Ying Long and the female ray look at each other.

After a pause, Luo Nan continued, “The human race all have Luo Ju’s essence and blood in their bodies, so the human race is not extinguished, all evils are endless, Luo Hu naturally will not die, if the poor Dao really kills all his body and body, in order to reunite the Fa-body, he will inevitably have to make waves within the human race, create countless killing disasters, in order to absorb the resulting karma and evil qi, so that the human race will suffer!” ”

When Luo Nan finished speaking, the two people under the head were already shocked, and Ying Long suddenly thought of something, and couldn’t help but blurt out: “In this change, Luo Hu’s body has been destroyed, isn’t the human race…”

Although Ying Long did not finish speaking, the meaning of it was self-evident.

Luo Nan stood up straight, looked back at the sky that was already covered by dark clouds, and sighed bitterly: “Yes! The chaotic world of the flood is coming…”

In front of the entrance hall of the Holy Emperor’s Great Hall, the Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor looked up at the somewhat gloomy sky, and his expression was extremely solemn.

Just as the so-called spring rain is as expensive as oil, the flood at this time is in the spring ploughing season, and the dew from the sky is a great good thing that makes people happy, but whether it is the more and more dark clouds that gather more and more, or the wind that gradually rises, it makes the Yellow Emperor of Xuanyuan particularly depressed.


A gentle female voice quietly sounded not far behind Xuanyuan.

“Your Majesty, the sky is about to change, so let’s go to the inner sanctum for a while!” The Nine Heavenly Virgins, who had come alone, gently exhorted.

“Hey…” Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor shook his head and sighed, “It’s been three whole days, Ying Long and the two immortal chiefs of the female rays still have no news, and they really can’t rest assured for their husbands!” ”

Seeing that her husband was full of worry, the Nine Heavenly Geniuses couldn’t help but feel a pang of pain.

As the red pink confidant of the Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor, the Nine Heavenly Daughters knew very well how much pressure the Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor was facing now.

Not long ago, the earth suddenly shook and cracked, and countless buildings were destroyed, and that terrifying scene, the Nine Heavenly Virgins now remembered it, were all heartbroken.

Although there were not many casualties in the tribe under the protection of many monks, this vision was already seen as a sign of great evil, which deeply hit the self-confidence of the Terran race.

At this critical moment, if Ying Long and Lady Yu, who were emissaries of the Heavenly Court, had another accident, the morale of the Yanhuang Tribe would inevitably fall to the end, and if the Jiuli Tribe took the opportunity to attack, the consequences would be absolutely unimaginable.

Just as the Nine Heavenly Virgins were preparing to comfort the Yellow Emperor of Xuanyuan, two rays of rainbow light, one blue and one red, faintly appeared in the sky.

It was Ying Long and the female rays who bid farewell to Luo Nan and hurried back to the Yanhuang tribe.

The safe return of Ying Long and the female rays was a great relief to the Yellow Emperor of Xuanyuan, and after a greeting, Ying Long and the female rays were welcomed into the Holy Emperor’s Great Hall.

Because they had already received instructions from Luo Nan, Ying Long and the female rays did not detail the experience of encountering Luo Hu to the Yellow Emperor Xuanyuan, but only said that they had encountered danger, and they had to be saved by Luo Nan in order to escape the danger safely.

The Yellow Emperor of Xuanyuan was not a person without eyes, he saw that Ying Long and the female rays did not want to mention this matter, so he simply did not investigate deeply, but when he received the Luo Nan’s Transmission Jade Jian from Ying Long’s hand, he still couldn’t help but shake his hands.

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