In the face of the fangs that pierced with great speed and powerful power, Luonan’s face did not change in the slightest, and he did not even have the slightest intention of dodging.

The dog-headed quasi-saint saw that Ronan did not dodge, let alone have the intention of blocking, and in his eyes filled with anger, he couldn’t help but burst out two rays of essence!

Naturally, he was very aware of the strength of his divine attack power, even if he was the top quasi-saint, if he did not dodge being directly hit, he would be directly hit hard, and he would definitely not be spared!

“This boy is too arrogant and arrogant!”

A glimmer of wild hope suddenly appeared in the heart of the Inuyasha’s holy heart: “If this boy is big enough and his body is not strong enough, I may not have the hope of completely killing him.” And if you can kill such a powerful opponent, it is definitely a great achievement! ”

Thinking of this, the breathing of the canine head quasi-saint is not urgent. Hurry up.

His eyes were even more focused on the two fangs he had shot, expecting that the two fangs that had been trained by the black blood would cause enough trauma to Luonan!

Seeing that the fangs were getting closer and closer to Luonan, the expectation in the eyes of the Inuyasha Quasi-Saint was also getting stronger and stronger.

Finally, the two dark green fangs wrapped in black light finally landed on Luo Nan’s body.


The dog’s eyes exploded with essence, and his face screamed with excitement.

But soon, the excitement on his face suddenly stopped, because in front of his eyes, a scene suddenly happened that made him unbelievable!

The two fangs that had already penetrated deep into Ronan’s body actually passed straight through Ronan’s body.

At the same time, Luo Nan’s figure also seemed to dissolve into a bubble, directly dissipating between the sky, just like a punctured soap bubble, without even making a sound.

This scene made the dog head quasi-saint directly confused!

Naturally, he would not think that it was his fangs that directly killed Ronan in a second.

In fact, although the fangs shot out of his mouth, they were like his arms, always connected to his heart.

And this dog’s head was quasi-saintly, and he could be sure that his fangs did not touch Ronan at all.

In other words, in the instant that he was about to touch Luo Nan, Luo Nan had already dissolved into a bubble and dissipated between heaven and earth.

“It’s impossible, there is no spatial fluctuation, no trajectories, how the hell did he disappear!!”

The eyes of the Inuyasha were filled with disbelief, and he couldn’t believe what was happening in front of him.

Originally, when they were far away, his understanding of Luo Nan’s mysterious body method was not clear, but at this moment, when he saw it closely, he was directly stunned.

Because, it’s simply beyond him.

And just when this dog-headed quasi-saint was stunned by this, the figure of Luo Nan had already appeared behind him.

Logically, it was a complete breeze for the keen of the quasi-saintly cultivators to discover Lonan behind them.

However, at this moment, this dog’s head was quasi-saint, but there was no reaction to Ronan’s appearance, and it seemed that he did not feel Ronan’s breath at all.

And when he felt the breath that belonged to Luonan, it was already too late.

The palm of Ronan’s hand attached to the power of the Rebellious Space was already pressed on the back of this dog’s head quasi-saint!

Suddenly, the mysterious power that belonged to the Way of Space surged out directly from the palm of Ronan’s hand, instantly changing the rules of space around him.

The time and space around the body of the Inuyasha Quasi-Saint were directly messy at this moment, as if they had become countless irregular whirlpools.

And the huge tearing force generated by these countless space vortexes also directly tore the body of the dog’s head quasi-saint to pieces.

From a distance, it looks like a complete painting, distorted into irrelevant bright colors.

And this dog’s head quasi-saint was also torn apart at the same time, and his body was destroyed!

Its death form is exactly the same as that of the quasi-saint before!

“Ding, kill the quasi-Saint Corlotti, gain experience has been written!”

“Ding, congratulations on your level increase to 1v296!”

Two ethereal voices sounded one after another, which also made a smile appear in Lonan’s zui corner.

“The experience gained from killing two quasi-saints has finally made my level rise another level.”

The experience of the two quasi-saints was enough to make Ronan rise to the next level.

From this, we can also see how difficult it is for the Ninth Order Great Luo to improve his cultivation.

Otherwise, Heavenly Wizards such as the True Martial Emperor Erlang Shenjun would not have been trapped in the Ninth Order Great Luo Golden Immortal for tens of millions of years and could not break through!

Even Hou Yi was trapped in that step for hundreds of millions of years, and walked through several big worlds to feel the arrow path, and then with the help of Luo Nan, he took that last step.

Of course, this is not to say that the experience that the quasi-saints can provide is really so little.

The two quasi-saints that Luo Nan killed before and after were just over three hundred levels according to their ranks, and had entered the quasi-saint level.

It can be said that these two people are among the quasi-saints, and they are themselves the lowest level of existence.

After Luo Nan opened the Super Race Form, the cultivation was already much stronger than this low-level quasi-saint, so the experience would decay so much.

“However, the remaining one, the level is not low, it should be able to bring me some surprises!”

Muttering in his mouth, Luo Nan did not have the slightest nostalgia, and his figure directly turned into a puff of green smoke and dissipated between heaven and earth.

The quasi-saint who is still on the run, covered with dark brown bone, has a crocodile-like head, sharp teeth and narrow pupils, all of which always exude an unconcealable fierceness!

He, named Sobek, is the crocodile god in the Nile God Domain who controls the power of the four series of elements!

But at this moment, this fierce-faced Sobek was fleeing.

In the past full of cold eyes, but now it is filled with fear!

Sobek’s cultivation was much higher than that of the other two quasi-saints, so his vision was naturally much higher.

The moment he saw Ronan kill his companions, Sobek clearly understood Lonan’s horror, so he fled madly without turning his head.

Unfortunately, even if a canine head quasi-saint delayed Lonan’s steps for a moment, Sobek’s speed was still not worth mentioning in front of Ronan!

In the instant before rushing out of the valley, Salk suddenly stopped.

Looking at the young figure that appeared in front of him, his face was pale… _

Fei Lu reminds you: read three things – collect

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