From the arrows that came from far away, Ronan felt an extremely familiar breath.

This made Luo Nan’s eyes flash a look of shock.

However, Ronan did not stay in a daze for long, reacted after a moment, and then punched out directly.

Luo Nan’s fist already contained the power of the Dragon Elephant and the power of the Battle Holy Law, even the quasi-saint-level strong person did not dare to touch it, and although the oncoming arrow was amazingly powerful, it was still directly turned into fly ash under Luo Nan’s fist, and it could not cause any damage to Luo Nan at all.

After the punch shattered the arrow, Luo Nan’s expression did not have the slightest sense of ease, but instead his brow frowned.

“The breath above this arrow is quite similar to that of Big Brother Houyi…”

Lonan thought to himself.

Although he and Houyi have only met twice, because of their similar interests, the friendship between Luonan and Houyi is not shallow.

Moreover, when Luo Nan was still very weak, Hou Yi also taught Luo Nan a lot about his understanding of the arrow path, which made Luo Nan’s combat strength increase a lot during that period.

Officially, for this reason, Luo Nan was very familiar with the breath on the Houyi arrow.

And the arrow that Fang had just shot at him was wrapped in a breath similar to that of Hou Yi.

Moreover, according to the information that Luo Nan got, the last time Houyi appeared was in the nine planes of the World Tree, after which Houyi completely disappeared without a message.

However, the breath contained in this arrow, although quite similar to that of Brother Houyi, is only in vain, and has no true meaning. Moreover, the arrows of Big Brother Houyi should not be so fragile…”

Doubtful in his heart, Luo Nan’s gaze couldn’t help but look in the direction where the arrow was coming from.

After waving his hand to collect the booty obtained by refining those thousands of fog beasts, Luo Nan took Song Yuyan with him and turned into two streams of light to chase in the direction of the arrows.

With the blessing of the Wording Secret Technique, the speed of the two Luonan can only be described as sensational.

After rushing into another thick fog, many more fog beasts appeared and came towards Luo Nan and Song Yuyan to kill them.

However, these fog beasts were just fragile and weak beings in front of Luo Nan.

Don’t say that it hurt Luo Nan and Song Yuyan, even a little blocking Luo Nan’s footsteps can’t do it.

Just within a few moments of Ronan’s waving, these fog beasts turned into fly ash one by one and directly collapsed.

And just like that, less than half a minute later, Ronan finally caught up with his goal.

It is a human form holding a longbow and covered in a thick gray fog.

And that humanoid appearance is exactly the Houyi that Luo is familiar with!

“From the previous point of view, this fog peculiar to Neverheim can imitate the appearance and attack of other beings. This fog beast in front of him can have the appearance of Houyi Big Brother, and it is obvious that Houyi Big Brother has been here…”

Luo Nan secretly guessed in his heart, for Hou Yi’s, Luo Nan is also quite concerned, if you can find the traces of Hou Yi, naturally the best!

Thinking of this, Ronan is also directly extended. Take a finger and head towards the point of the fleeing fog beast in front of you.

The Great Desolation Prisoner Heavenly Finger was cast by the cultivation after Luo Nan opened the Super Race II state, as if this fog beast that only had the Seventh Order Great Luo Golden Immortal Realm could resist.

In the moment when Ronan’s finger pointed, the fog beast, along with the surrounding space, was frozen at the same time, as if the movie being played had been pressed the pause button.

And this also made the face of the fog beast appear extremely humane with fear.

“This fog beast actually has humanoid emotions!”

Luo Nan’s eyes flashed with surprise, although the many fog beasts he had refined before were all Golden Immortal Luo level, they only had the most basic instincts, and there was no such thing as emotion at all.

But the fog beast in front of him was obviously more advanced.

“In this way, the higher the probability of being able to hear the news of Houyi Big Brother!”

After saying a word in his heart, Luo Nan directly took Song Yuyan and came to the front of this fog beast.

With his fingertips flickering with a cold light that was enough to easily kill the fog beast, Ronan directly conveyed the words with his divine thoughts: “When did you meet the person you imitated?” ”

Ronan thought it out, but there was no response from the mist beast’s face except for the panic.

This made Ronan’s brow frown involuntarily, and then the cold glow of his fingertips was about to light down.

If this fog beast really didn’t have the ability to verbal memory, it would be useless to him, and naturally there was no need to keep his life!

And just as Luo Nan’s fingertips were about to fall, a childish voice that seemed to be a tooth and tooth learning suddenly reached Luo Nan’s divine thoughts.

“I… A year… See you years ago… Target…… I think…… Live…”

Obviously, although this fog beast had just begun to have spiritual awareness, its thinking ability was not strong, and it took half a day to hold out such a sentence, if it slowed down for a moment, I was afraid that it would have disappeared in the fingertips of Luonan.

Hearing the voice of this fog beast, the movement of Luo Nan’s fingertips naturally paused slightly, and then he said sharply: “Honestly answer my question, I can let you leave alive.” ”

Although the mist beast had a problem with its expression, it could understand what Lonan was saying, and immediately nodded his head.

“Where did you meet the imitator a year ago?” Lonan asked again.

The mist beast had a look of confusion in its eyes, obviously searching for memories.

With the passage of time, the confusion in the eyes of the fog beast gradually disappeared.

“It is in … In the center… There are big pits… A lot of fog beasts… Black Dragon… Tree…… Right there…”

“The big tree… Black Dragon…”

“The big tree… Black Dragon…”

Perhaps because the memory was so long that the fog beast could not organize a complete language, it could only say seemingly unrelated words one by one.

This, let Luo Nan’s brow also wrinkle involuntarily.

Of course, Luo Nan did not forget the activity library around him, so he also quickly informed Song Yuyan of the fog beast’s reply to see if Song Yuyan could decipher any information.

What surprised Luo Nan was that when Song Yuyan heard the words “big tree” and “black dragon”, he directly screamed.

“World Tree Roots! Black King Niederhog!! “_

Fei Lu reminds you: read three things – collect

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