After Luo Nan and Song Yuyan flew in this extremely cold place shrouded in thick fog for more than an hour, they still did not see the shadow of half of life.

Just when Ronan stopped to wonder if he had taken the wrong path, there was a sudden sound of drumming in the space around him!

The sudden sound of drumming made Song Yuyan beside Luo Nan change his face, but after seeing Luo Nan’s figure, the worries in his heart disappeared.

For the man around him who entrusted himself for life, Song Yuyan has incomparable trust in his heart.

And Luo Nan, when he heard the sound of this drum, did not hesitate to summon the Twelve Pins of Annihilation Black Lotus from the Immortal Infant Yuan God and protected the Song Yuyan beside him.

However, now this Extinction Black Lotus can no longer be said to be a simple Extinction Black Lotus, after absorbing the remnants of the Golden Lotus of Merit after its self-explosion, nine more golden stripes have appeared on the Black Lotus.

Therefore, above the breath emitted above the Black Lotus of the Annihilation of the World, in addition to the cold tyranny that originally belonged to the Black Lotus, there was also a little more merit power that belonged to the Golden Lotus.

Under the fusion of these two forces, the breath of the Black Lotus had now changed greatly, and its power had increased a lot compared to before.

According to Luo Nan’s estimation, the shield that Black Lotus now emitted on its own could counteract the attacks under the Third Order Great Luo Golden Immortal.

And if Luo Nan opened the Super Race II form to push it with all his might, he could even weaken the attack of the quasi-saint level by several times!

“Who is hiding?”

After using the black lotus to protect the woman next to him, Luo Nan’s mouth exploded, and the sound waves visible to the naked eye of the Dao Dao spread in all directions.

At the same time, Luo Nan’s majestic divine thoughts also spread out to the surrounding areas at the same time, trying to find the source of the drumming sound.

But soon, Luo Nan found that the thick fog around him not only blocked his vision, but even the divine thoughts had a fairly strong blocking effect.

Ronan could clearly feel that after his divine thoughts penetrated into the thick fog, it was like stepping into a swamp mud pit.

Although it is difficult to say that it is difficult to move, the impact is also great!

However, after entering the Great Luo Golden Immortal Realm, it was accompanied by the gathering of three flowers and the correction of the five qi. Even if he was blocked by this thick fog, he had quickly found the target that made the sound of drumming!

After discovering that target, Luo Nan’s eyes also directly flashed a frightened color.

“What is this…”

Luo Nan murmured, making Song Yuyan around him even more confused.

And just when Song Yuyan looked puzzled, which made Luo Nan so surprised, the space around the two of them suddenly changed greatly!

The originally rich but still breath suddenly surged at this moment, as if it suddenly had life, and soon condensed into a tooth-opening dancing beast!

When the two of them saw this in front of them, they were stunned.

“If all these thick fogs around us are actually life, then didn’t we all walk through their bodies before…”

Song Yuyan swallowed a mouthful of spit and murmured in disbelief.

Although Luo Nan was reluctant to admit this, he could only nod his head when he heard the words at the moment.

Because these fog beasts condensed, the thick fog that had always wrapped around Luo Nan and Song Yuyan also dispersed.

The thick fog dispersed, and Luo Nan’s line of sight was no longer blocked, directly past the current several huge fog beasts, looking farther away.

At this moment, there were thousands of fog beasts surrounding Luo Nan and Song Yuyan.

These fog beasts are large or small, and their forms are different, and many of them are unheard of.

And just when Ronan thought that this was the unique and peculiar image of the fog beast, his pupils suddenly shrank.

Because at the end of his field of vision, there were actually two strange humanoid fog beasts at this moment, which looked exactly like the rain and smoke of the Southern Song Dynasty!

“The form of this mist beast is made by imitating the creatures it encounters!”

A flash of inspiration flashed in Ronan’s mind, and he quickly thought of this possibility.

At this moment, the fog beasts that surrounded Luo Nan finally began to roar towards Luo Nan in the sound of fog concussion.

As Luo Nan’s divine consciousness swept through, the cultivation level of these fog beasts was directly imprinted into his heart.

“It’s just a bunch of Golden Immortal-level fog beasts, the strongest of which is only equivalent to the Fifth Order Great Luo Golden Immortal, and actually dares to shoot at me, when they really treat me as a soft persimmon!”

Luo Nan’s current cultivation behavior on the surface looked like it was only the first-order Great Luo Golden Immortal Realm, and these fog beasts naturally had no fear.

But I’m afraid that these fog beasts would never have thought that the combat strength of this young man in front of them was enough to make the quasi-holy drink hate fall!

In the face of the many fog beasts that flew from all directions, Luo Nan’s eyes suddenly closed, and then directly opened the Super Race II form, and after the breath soared a hundred times, he slowly raised his palm.

Above that palm, there is yin and yang covered!

“If the husband takes the heavens and the earth as the oven, then all things are copper; If yin and yang are used as charcoal, then creation becomes work! ”

The sound of Lonan’s mouth sounded, and the earth below was crowded. The ice and snow that crushed the endless years suddenly rose up at this moment, directly forming a huge furnace covering a range of hundreds of miles.

The furnace was all gray, and there was a gloomy meaning on it, enveloping the thousands of fog beasts in it.

The next second, the yin and yang qi in Luo Nan’s hand directly merged into the oven, prompting the oven to rotate and refine the fog beast!

After opening the Super Race II state, Luo Nan’s cultivation realm had already caught up with the quasi-holy realm, and using the quasi-holy realm to cast this heaven and earth oven was simply not something that only the fog beasts of the Golden Immortal Great Luo Realm could resist.

Suddenly, a terrible scream suddenly sounded in the entire oven, and the bodies of a large number of fog beasts directly disintegrated and re-turned into thick fog.

And even the thick fog gradually dissipated under the refining of this heaven and earth oven.

In a few moments, thousands of fog beasts were refined into the purest heaven and earth energy by the Luonan coefficient!

Just as Ronan was about to take over, an arrow containing terrible power suddenly struck from a very far distance.

To Luo Nan’s surprise, there was actually a hint of air above the arrow that made him extremely familiar! _

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