“Ding, kill the future Buddha of the third Buddha, the experience gained has been written!”

“Ding, congratulations on your level increase to 1v246!”

“Ding, congratulations on your level increase to 1v247!”


“Ding, congratulations on your level increase to 1v249!”

The sound of several voices in succession directly raised Luo Nan’s level to 1v249, and his cultivation also broke through to the Golden Immortal Limit!

“This is from the Golden Immortal Limit to the experience required by the Great Luo Golden Immortal, it is probably too much…”

Ronan looked at his experience strip and couldn’t help but secretly slander himself.

Because the experience required to go from 1v249 to 1v250 is much more than the previous ten levels!

From here, we can also see how difficult it is to ascend from the Golden Immortal to the Great Luo Realm!

If it weren’t for this, there wouldn’t have been so many Immortal Buddhas and Gods stuck in the Ninth Order Golden Immortal Realm, making it difficult to penetrate Da Luo.

“However, it is already so difficult to go from Golden Immortal to Great Luo, and I don’t know how difficult it will be to go from Great Luo to Quasi-Saint, or even from Quasi-Saint to Yasheng!”

Thinking of this, Luo Nan couldn’t help but feel some scalp tingling.

Fortunately, he had a Saiyan bloodline, otherwise, the huge amount of experience required for subsequent upgrades, he did not know where to get it.

And just as Ronan thought about it, a series of ethereal voices sounded in his ears again.

“Ding, the Saiyan bloodline has been activated and is evaluating the acquisition of experience values… The assessment is complete and the experience gained has been written! ”

“Ding, congratulations on your level increase to 1v250!”

With this sound sounding, Luo Nan only felt an extremely majestic Heaven and Earth Yuan Qi directly pouring into his body.

At this moment, Luo Nan’s body also seemed to have turned into a huge black hole, frantically swallowing all the energy around it!

At the same time, Luo Nan could clearly feel that the three golden flowers above his head were opening at the same time at this moment, and there was a tendency to merge between them, arranged in a specific order above his head!

And the five qi in his xiong, from this moment on, are no longer not in contact with each other, but rather entangled with each other. Entangled together, inseparable.

And this is the sign of stepping into the Great Luo Golden Immortal!

The entire Great Luo Golden Immortal Realm was fusing the three flowers on the top and the five qi in the xiong.

Only by completely fusing the three flowers and five qi can we penetrate the Great Luo Realm and step into a new quasi-holy realm.

Of course, even if you look at the entire Pangu world, there are not many people who can do this.

And Ronan has now begun to walk on the road.

“Ding, congratulations on your level increase to 1v251!”

“Ding, congratulations on your level increase to 1v252!”


“Ding, congratulations on your level increase to 1v256!”

After Luo Nan advanced to the Great Luo Golden Immortal Realm, the ethereal voice sounded several times again, until Luo Nan’s level was raised to 1v256, and then it stopped.

And Luo Nan’s cultivation had already reached the level of the first-order Great Luo Golden Immortal.

Today’s strength is already much stronger than before!

If Luo Nan had previously opened the Super Race II and the Battle Holy Law, the breath could only be said to be beyond Da Luo, but he had not yet reached the Quasi-Saint Realm.

So now, once Luo Nan opened the Super Race II and Battle Saint Method, the breath could already reach the quasi-holy realm.

This meant that even if he no longer used the power of chaos, Luo Nan could still fight against the strong people of the quasi-saint level.

And if he used the power of chaos, Luo Nan’s combat strength would soar again, enough to crush the vast majority of quasi-saints!


With a long sigh of relief and feeling the unprecedented strength in his body, Luonan’s zui corner could not help but appear a little smile.

“Maitreya Buddha, Maitreya Buddha, this time you can also be considered to have died well, and sent me such a great gift!”

Luo Nan murmured in his heart that if Maitreya Buddha knew that his fight before his death would not only not cause any loss to himself, but would directly send himself to Da Luo, I am afraid that he would be able to come back to life after death.

“The little snake has eyes that don’t recognize Taishan, rushes into the immortals, and also looks forward to the immortals Kai’en, thinking that it is not easy to practice in the little snake for 100,000 years, spare the little snake’s life!!”

Just as Ronan was thinking about this, a voice suddenly sounded in his ear.

After gathering his attention, Ronan looked around and observed the environment he was in now!

Soon, everything around him was in Luonan’s eyes.

In fact, Luo Nanfang didn’t notice what the three-headed snake demon had done at all.

At this moment, seeing these three-headed snake demons kneeling on the ground with a look of trepidation on their faces was also a little unclear.

However, after advancing to the Great Luo Golden Immortal Realm, Luo Nan’s sense of the Heavenly Dao had become clearer.

Although I have not systematically learned the art of deduction, I can also perceive some things related to myself.

With a little calculation, everything that had just happened was fully absorbed into Ronan’s heart.

In his own way, Luo Nan’s cultivation was unwilling to see like this little three-headed serpent demon.

However, when Luo Nan’s huge divine consciousness spread out and swept directly through this dragon palace.

Luo Nan’s face instantly cooled down!

Because he actually found that behind this Dragon Palace, there were accumulated white bones like a hill!

And that tired white bone is the bone of the Terran race!

“This West Niuhe Zhou vainly claims to be the country where Buddha’s light shines, and there is such a place at the foot of the Spirit Mountain where dirt and filth are hidden, which is simply shameful!”

Luo Nan himself did not have any good feelings for these demons, and at this moment, seeing the accumulated evil done by this group of demons, the sharp color in his eyes was even more fleeting!

The next second, with a wave of Luo Nan’s palm, all the demons in the entire Dragon Palace were directly reduced to ashes and completely ceased to exist!

After destroying this group of man-eating demons, Luo Nan’s body flashed and directly broke through the water.

After observing the direction he was in, Luo Nan took a step forward and flew towards the direction where the Spirit Mountain was located.

The location of his resurrection was only a few hundred thousand miles away from the Spirit Mountain.

These hundreds of thousands of miles of distance may be difficult for mortals to cross in a lifetime.

But for Ronan today, it’s close at hand!

It didn’t take long for Luo Nan’s figure to descend on the Spirit Mountain again!

And the people on the Spirit Mountain, after seeing Luo Nan again, their faces are also different…

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