These last two rays of chaotic power, Luo Nan did not use to cast the Spear of the Dark God or the Great Desolation Prison Heavenly Finger, but merged into the hundred veins of the body, directly activating the Divine Elephant Zhen Prison Force with the power of chaos!

Suddenly, an unprecedented powerful force immediately filled Luo Nan’s whole body, and even made Luo Nan’s body shape much stronger than before!

Under the bonus of a hundred times the super second state, coupled with the strengthening of the offensive power of the Battle Saint Law, the power of Luo Nan’s punch was already quite terrifying!

Suddenly, where Luo Nan’s fist passed, the space village collapsed, and even time seemed to be messy, and the whole time and space were in a mess.

Between the air, there was even a faint hint of chaos!

And this sudden hint of chaos is the precursor to the destruction of the whole world.

Breaking the barrier of the world, that is the result of only the attack of the saint Yasheng!

Maitreya Buddha had also previously detonated his own merit golden lotus, which had blown up the world barrier.

At this moment, feeling the terrifying power contained in Luo Nan’s fists, the arrogance on Maitreya Buddha’s face instantly dissipated, turning pale as paper, and there was no longer a trace of blood!

Maitreya Buddha can clearly understand that he can’t stop this punch!

His two Dharma Forms, as well as the Golden Lotus of Merit given by Amitabha Buddha, had both shattered and dissipated in the first blow of Lonan.

Now facing this blow from Luonan, he had nothing to stop!

The advent of the crisis of life and death made Maitreya Buddha’s fat body tremble violently. Shake it up.

The next second, Maitreya Buddha’s mouth directly sounded a terrible hiss like a pig killing: “Amitabha, please save the life of the disciple!!!” ”

This roar spread throughout the entire Spirit Mountain, penetrating sound waves with extremely strong penetration, and even penetrated into the mysterious space under the Spirit Mountain.

However, Maitreya’s request did not receive any response!

This, let Maitreya Buddha’s face, can’t help but emerge a deep despair!

Faced with a mortal situation, Maitreya’s teeth are crucial, and the hatred for Lonan in his heart erupts undisguisedly!

“If you want to kill me, don’t think about it!”

After roaring angrily, Maitreya Buddha directly mobilized all the remaining Buddha forces in his body and squeezed the Booming God Seal to retreat towards Luonan!

Suddenly, two incomparably powerful forces met directly!


A loud noise shook the sky.

Maitreya Buddha’s body and Luo Nan’s body both shattered almost at the same time, and even the Yuan Immortal Infant was engulfed by this terrible energy shock wave, and in the blink of an eye, it turned into a piece of fly ash!

Maitreya Buddha, one of the three Buddhas of Buddhism, died in the south!

This scene made the Burning Lantern Daoist and the Buddha Rulai outside the boundary.

The death of Maitreya Buddha, for Buddhism

Especially Rulai, the face is even more ugly at this moment.

Originally, after he ascended to the sub-saintly realm, Maitreya Buddha should take his place.

But now Maitreya Buddha and Lonan are both gone, and Buddhism can be said to have no successor!

“And… That boy also has the ability to come back from the dead, and Maitreya died in vain!! ”

If the Buddha gritted his teeth and said secretly, he could only silently hope in his heart that the bombardment caused by Maitreya Buddha’s bombardment of the Divine Seal before his death could cause enough trouble to Luonan.

Otherwise, this time, they will really be a blood loss within a blood loss!


Hundreds of thousands of miles away from the Spirit Mountain, there is a large river that meanders and flows.

This great river is more than a thousand meters wide, and the water is turbulent, and it is not known where it comes from, let alone where it is going.

There are also thousands of feet in the deepest part of the river, which are full of various aquatic monsters, and there is a dragon palace.

But now, this Dragon Palace was already occupied by a three-headed snake demon from the Golden Immortal Realm.

Nowadays, these three-headed snake demons are leading many shrimp soldiers and crab generals, and the spectators are dancing with the female demons, and it is not happy between the staggered and intertwined.

But just in the middle of the banquet, in the middle of the hall, a figure suddenly appeared.

This figure was extremely thin at first, and it did not even attract the attention of these underwater demons.

But as the figure gradually condensed, it soon attracted the attention of all the demons.

“Who dared to break into the King’s Cave Mansion?”

The three-headed snake demon threw away the wine glass in his hand and shouted angrily.

But his rebuke did not receive any response.

This made the three-headed snake demon’s face flash a trace of anger, this thousands of miles of water, all within his control, even the high monk Arhat who came down from the Spirit Mountain had to give him three thin noodles, what kind of person did this sudden appearance dare to ignore his words?

At the moment, the three-headed snake demon also directly hummed coldly: “Little ones, let me take this person off the pickpocket cramps, and make the big king my appetizer!” ”


A group of shrimp soldiers and crabs will hear the words, disperse the dancing girls one after another, and carry knives and guns to kill the figure that appears in the center.

But at this moment, a wave made the whole sea shudder. A trembling aura of terror suddenly emerged from above that figure!

“Ninth Order Golden Immortal!!!”

The anger on the three-headed serpent demon’s face quickly turned into deep fear.

His cultivation was only a sixth-order golden immortal, and in the face of the ninth-order golden immortal, he didn’t have the slightest ability to resist at all!

He could never have imagined that this human who had suddenly invaded his cave house would actually be a Ninth Order Golden Immortal!

This, let the three-headed snake demon can’t help but dry his mouth, and as soon as his eyes turned, he had the idea of escaping.

He was a little snake demon, and he was not a heaven and earth xenomorph, and he could cultivate to this realm, and his ability to seek good fortune and avoid evil was naturally first-class!

However, just as these three-headed snake demons were preparing to slip away, an even more terrifying breath instantly enveloped the entire Dragon Palace.

All the demons were crushed to the ground by this terrible breath, unable to move!

“This is the Golden Immortal Limit!!”

“No, this… This is the breath of the Great Luo Golden Immortal!! ”

The three-headed snake demon’s eyes were wide open, and the fear in his heart was beyond reinforce.

Whoever is not good enough to provoke the Great Luo Jinxian, this is simply the old life star drinking arsenic, looking for death!!

At the moment, the three-headed snake demon did not hesitate, and directly threw a voice towards Luo Nan and fell to his knees: “The little snake has eyes that do not recognize Mount Taishan, collides with the immortals, and also looks at the immortals Kaien, thinking that it is not easy to practice in the little snake for 100,000 years, spare the life of the little snake!” “_

Fei Lu reminds you: read three things – collect

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