Three streams of light swept through the sky, eventually descending beyond the valley and turning into three figures.

Among these three figures, the two middle-aged men led by Yu Xuanang, one wearing a crimson Daoist robe, the other wearing an indigo Daoist robe, had infinite might, and his body exuded a powerful aura belonging to the Great Luo Golden Immortal!

And the person who followed behind had a somewhat haggard complexion, although he was wearing armor, he could no longer see the slightest bit of bravery, and the breath on his body was only the Golden Immortal Realm, which could not be compared with the other two.

After the three of them landed outside the valley, they immediately bowed their heads, not daring to look into the valley at all.

Then they all bowed their heads and clenched their fists, and the sound of their mouths came into the valley.

“I’ll wait, please see Luo Xian!”

Three voices sounded at the same time, haunting all over the valley.

Luo Nan, who was picnicing with a few women by the stream, heard this sound and the smile on his face could not help but fade.

“Luo Xian? Is it Brother Lonan? Alyssa tilted her head and asked, looking cute.

Several other women also focused their eyes on Ronan’s body at the same time.

“I don’t know who came?”

“But it seems that the attitude is not the enemy, after all, it is to ask for a meeting!”

Wu Mengyu and Song Yuyan guessed word by word.

“You are here first, I’ll see!”

Luo Nan did not let several women wonder, and after saying a word to several people, the figure flashed and disappeared directly in front of several women.

Almost at the same time, Ronan’s figure emerged outside the valley, standing right in front of the three men.

His eyes swept in front of the three of them, and a look of surprise appeared in Ronan’s eyes.

“Lingguang Divine King, King Tota, and…”

Luo Nan’s eyes converged on the middle-aged man in the indigo robe, and the light of the detective in his eyes flashed.

Name: Meng Zhangshenjun

Level: 1v299 (Da Luo Jinxian Limit)

Identity: The Eastern Green Dragon of the Four Elephants of Heaven and Earth, one of the first four gods and kings of the Taishang Old Throne!

“It turned out to be Meng Zhang’s Divine King!”

Luo Nan shook his sleeve before he said, “What happened to the three of you when you came to my valley?” ”

Among the three, it was obvious that the most advanced cultivator, Meng Zhang, was the leader.

Meng Zhangshenjun took a step forward, lowered Luo Nan and hugged his fist, “White Tiger Xuanwu is my brother in life and death, I have offended Luo Xian a lot before, I apologize to you on their behalf, Luo Xian net a side, release them, Meng Zhang is very grateful!” ”

At the same time as Meng Zhang’s voice fell, the Lingguang Divine King beside him was also low: “I also hope that Luo Xian will raise his noble hand!” ”

“The Divine King does not have to be polite! I still remember the kindness of the day! ”

When the Lingguang God King bowed his head

This scene made the pupils of the Meng Zhang Shenjun on the side also shrink, secretly surprised by Luo Nan’s strength.

However, Meng Zhang’s heart was also secretly happy, fortunately, he had gone to the Fu Ren Clan before coming, and he knew that Luo Nan’s strength was strong enough to kill the Quasi-Saint.

Otherwise, if you kill the door directly, I am afraid that you will have to meet with your brother in the Seven Treasures Pagoda.

As for Li Jing on the other side, his heart was even more sighing at this moment.

When he first met Luo Nan, Luo Nan was just a small monk of the Yuan Infant Realm, which was not worth mentioning in his eyes.

But now that a few years had passed, Lonan had become a being that he could only look up to.

Behead the quasi-saint…

Li Jing just thought about it, and a cold sweat couldn’t help but appear on his forehead.

However, thinking of his purpose of following the two gods this time, he could only bow down to Luo Nan with his scalp in front of him: “Luo Xian, that day was my fault, it was my sin, and the dog was just listening to my orders.” Now I am willing to exchange my body for my son’s freedom, and I hope that Luo Xian will be able to agree! ”

These three people, once upon a time, were insurmountable behemoths for Ronan.

But now, Ronan is a powerful being that they can’t reach.

The changes in human circumstances are nothing more than that.

For the Divine Emperor and the Overseer Divine Emperor who were suppressed in the Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda, Luo Nan actually did not intend to really kill them, otherwise he would not have bothered so much.

After all, these four great god kings, no matter how to say that they are the combat strength in front of the Taishang Old King’s throne, Luo Nan only suppressed it, and the Taishang Laojun may not come to deceive the small with the big.

But if it is directly killed, it is equivalent to punching Taishang Laojun in the face.

To completely offend a saint is obviously an unwise act.

Nowadays, Meng Zhangshenjun’s attitude is sincere, bowing his head and apologizing, which can already be said to be full of sincerity.

Coupled with the fact that the Lingguang Divine King had some kindness to Luo Nan at the beginning, and there was a relationship between the Lingguang Divine Lord, Luo Nan also said directly to Meng Zhang’s Divine King after thinking for a moment.

“White Tiger Xuanwu and I don’t have much of a vendetta, and since you sincerely apologize, I can also let them go, but if they dare to find trouble again, I will certainly not spare them!”

“I can assure you that they will never dare to be brazen in front of you again!”

Meng Zhang’s face was overjoyed, and he quickly assured that the Lingguang Divine King was also busy nodding his head at the side.

After that, Luo Nan shifted his gaze to Li Jing’s body: “Are you still doing things for the Jade Emperor?” ”

A hint of bitterness appeared on Li Jing’s face, but he still said, “I have already betrayed once, and there will be no second time…”

Luo Nan couldn’t help but make a blank stare, this Li Jing was simply the representative of foolishness!

But for this kind of person, sometimes it really can’t be hated.

“Well, Nezha I can also release, but in the future it is best not to make enemies with me, let alone try to touch the people around me, otherwise… Surely your father and son will be destroyed! ”

Luo Nan screamed, and Li Jing’s body also trembled involuntarily: “Luo Xian rest assured, it will never be!” ”

Li Jing sighed in his heart, secretly saying that now don’t say it’s him, even the Jade Emperor doesn’t dare to offend Luo Nan anymore!

Being able to kill the existence of a quasi-saint must not be easily provoked!

Seeing that Li Jing bowed his head, Luo Nan did not delay any longer, and as soon as his heart moved, the Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda appeared in front of him.

Then there was a flash of light under the tower, and then a series of figures were thrown from under the tower and landed on the ground…

Fei Lu reminds you: read three things – collect

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