In the valley where birds and flowers are singing, there are green plants and trees everywhere, and under the bright moonlight, they are imprinted with a different kind of brilliance.

In the midst of this aura-filled vegetation, there is a small courtyard surrounded by a small courtyard that is not magnificent, but it is very exquisite, and it looks like a paradise to the eye.

Ronan’s figure fell from the sky and landed directly in the courtyard.

However, the imaginary noisy fight did not appear, which surprised Ronan.

After he landed, several women in the house also quickly discovered this, and then fished out of the house.

Then Ronan was completely dumbfounded.

Because Artemis not only did not fight with Song Yuyan and Wu Mengyu’s second daughter, but instead laughed and got along very well.

Wu Mengyu and Song Yuyan are two people, and they are even more a sister, called quite pro. Hot.

This face made Ronan suddenly a little confused.

However, Luo Nan had also experienced the wind and waves in the end, and his heart had already exercised incomparably strong.

At this moment, seeing that the three daughters actually got along harmoniously, I was so happy after I was relieved in my heart, so I didn’t ask questions at all.

As for Alyssa, this kind and innocent, naturally does not let anyone have contradictions.

After several women came out of the room, they surrounded Ronan in the center.

Luo Nan had put down Artemis and Alyssa before and ran away, and Wu Mengyu and Song Yuyan had no time to say a few more words to Luo Nan.

At this moment, when I saw Ronan return, I naturally kept asking.

In the face of the second daughter’s concern, Luo Nan not only did not have the slightest impatience, but felt a little warmth, perhaps this is the feeling of home.

For Lonan, who grew up in an orphanage, this warmth is what he cherishes the most.

Therefore, in Luo Nan’s heart, he also made up his mind once again, no matter how tragic the robbery of the Great Avenue would be in the future, he would definitely guard these people around him so that they would not be harmed.

Just between Luo Nan and several women’s conversation, another delicate figure also pushed open the door and appeared in Luo Nan’s vision.

The woman was graceful, bathed in the moonlight, like a fairy falling from the top of the nine heavens.

Of course, this woman herself was a fairy that Ronan had brought down from the Nine Heavens.

Chang’e looked at Luo Nan, and in addition to expressing surprise at Luo Nan’s return, there was also a slight complexity in her eyes.

Especially after seeing Wu Mengyu and Song Yuyan huddled around Luo Nan, revealing a happy little woman posture, the beautiful face could not help but be a little bleak.

Chang’e’s life is a lonely life!

In this world, the more beautiful a woman, the more difficult it is to have a fate.

Chang’e was born beautiful, and has always been regarded by the clan as the greatest treasure in captivity, like a canary for sale, although she is dressed in gold and food, but she has no freedom.

And when Houyi disguises as an adult. After shooting many demons and becoming a great hero revered by the tribe, Chang’e was also given to Houyi as a gift.

Marrying a man she had never met was obviously unacceptable to Chang’e.

On the night of the engagement, she wanted to swallow the medicine and kill herself, but she accidentally ate the elixir and soared to the lonely and deserted lunar star, staying for endless years.

Guanghan Palace, cold is not only the palace, but also the heart.

Even after moving to the Heavenly Garden, Chang’e was still on the edge for a long time, and under the intervention of the Jade Emperor, few people dared to go to her palace.

It can be said that Chang’e has spent a long life in loneliness, and has basically never experienced the feeling of being cared for or caring for others.

It wasn’t until she was taken down to the Heavenly Court by Luo Nan and lived in this valley with Wu Mengyu and Song Yuyan, that Chang’e felt that her life had really come alive.

Her cold nature, under the guidance of Wu Mengyu and Song Yuyan, is also gradually cheerful.

So, in her heart, she was full of gratitude to Ronan.

Moreover, under the subtle influence of Wu Mengyu and Song Yuyan, this gratitude has gradually turned into other feelings, which are deeply rooted in Chang’e’s heart.

At this moment, seeing Wu Mengyu and Song Yuyan, he could freely throw himself into Luo Nan’s arms, in addition to envy, his heart was also a little dark.

“If I hadn’t been forced to marry, maybe now I can express my heart… Pity…”

Chang’e sighed in her heart and shook her head.

Although there was no husband and wife except for a wedding, it still lost its reputation in the end.

Chang’e was very concerned about this.

However, this gloom on Chang’e’s face was also a flash, and it was gathered up, and no one even found it.


For the next few days, Ronan settled in the valley and enjoyed a hard-won quiet time.

Talking with a few women every day, sleeping with a lot of them at night, and the days passed quite happily.

However, there is one thing that makes Luo Nan very confused, that is, Artemis can obviously get along with Wu Mengyu and Song Yuyan, but he is quite hostile to Chang’e.

This made Ronan puzzled, and finally could only attribute it to same-sex repulsion, and the two months of gods did not look at each other well.

In addition, Luo Nan also paid more attention to the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox.

When talking with the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox, Luo Nan also asked about the deeds of the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox, and what the Fungren Clan said was basically similar to the expression of the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox itself.

It turns out that this nine-tailed demon fox is indeed not as evil as described in the mythology of the earth.

The reason why the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox was trapped in the Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda and could not escape was because of the curse laid by the Quasi-Ti Daoist.

Once the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox leaves the Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda, the cultivation and mind will continue to fall, eventually becoming an ordinary fox, and it will grow old and die in a few years.

This curse was laid down by the saints, and only the saints could lift it, and there was nothing the Flints could do.

When Ronan and the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox mentioned this, the fox looked very open.

According to the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox, even if she regained her freedom anyway, she would have nowhere to go, and it would be nice to follow Ronan now.

In this way, the life of the group in the valley is also quite warm.

However, just a month later, this leisurely life was broken by the arrival of three streams of light!

“I’ll wait, please see Luo Xian!!” _

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