At this moment, Zeus no longer had the confidence he had before, and seeing the pantheon that stood for endless years, at this moment, it was actually dissolving in that oven, and Zeus’s heart could not help but appear a little trepidation.

Zeus, who was the god king, was still like this, and the Olympus gods in the pantheon were trembling and looking desperate.

How the tens of thousands of Olympian gods who had gone to besiege Lonan perished in that oven were all in their eyes.

Now that I am in it, the despair of waiting for death is indescribable.

But just when the many gods in the temple were full of despair, Zeus, who was on the throne of the supreme god, suddenly burst into tears: “What are you afraid of?!!” ”

Zeus burst into tears, immediately making the originally noisy pantheon silent.

And all the Olympian gods in the temple also focused their eyes on Zeus at the same time!

“Don’t forget what a place this is!”

Zeus looked around at the gods below, and although his brows were furrowed, there was not much panic in his eyes, as if he had something to rely on in his heart.

“Here, not only the Pantheon, but also the whole of Mount Olympus, the closest place to the sky!”

The voice of Zeus resounded throughout the Pantheon!

And the originally desperate Olympus gods, after hearing these words, it was as if something suddenly sounded, the color of despair gradually receded, and a piece of hope was reborn in his eyes!

“Yes, this is the whole Olympus Mountain, the closest place to the sky!”

“Even if that guy had the power to overthrow the Pantheon, that being wouldn’t turn a blind eye!”

“After all, the Pantheon, but the court he built with his own hands!”

“Uranos, the god of the sky, our first god king, come and save your descendants!”

In the pantheon, a low murmur suddenly sounded, and the low murmur of this sound came together, and in an instant, it converged into a magnificent divine voice!

This magnificent divine sound passed through the starry sky dome above the Pantheon, and after being enlarged, it directly entered the sky above Mount Olympus!

This is the supplication and expectation of many gods.

After a few moments, the clouds above the sky changed.

A huge face, suddenly, appeared over the entire Mount Olympus!

“What kind of person would dare to destroy my temple!!”

The roaring sound waves radiated from the mouth of the huge face and spread in all directions at great speed.

The whole of Mount Olympus, wherever this wave of angry sound swept through, was reduced to rubble in the midst of a roar, which showed its terrible power!

In the Pantheon, many Olympian gods saw this scene and a relaxed smile appeared on their faces.

“Lord Uranos has arrived, see how long the boy from the outside world can go berserk!”

“Such a terrible power, Lord Wu can definitely easily defeat that boy!”

“Avenge the dead gods, Lord Uranos!”


In the belly of Mount Olympus, the sound of anger and majestic power was also transmitted through the thick mountain walls!

At the same time as hearing this voice, Luo Nanzhi felt an extremely powerful and somewhat familiar breath, locking himself dead!

“This is the breath of quasi-sainthood, and it’s not the first time I’ve encountered it!”

Ronan’s eyes flickered, his mouth murmured, and he carefully searched his memories of this breath.

Soon, Luo Nan’s mind flashed, and he thought about the familiar feeling of this breath, where it came from.

“A generation of god kings, Uranos!!”

Lonan gritted his teeth!

Originally, Lonan had reached level ninety-nine outside Mount Olympus, and it was Uranos who had obstructed it at the time of the crossing.

If it weren’t for the help of the Fu Ren Clan, Luo Nan would have failed to intercept at that time, and the level would have dropped to level eighty.

It can be said that this Uranos, and Ronan already have a vendetta!

“If that’s the case, let’s put an end to the old hatred with the new hatred!”

Luo Nan’s eyes were shining with coldness, and if you looked closely, you would definitely find that there was still a hint of excitement hidden in the depths of Luo Nan’s eyes!

Since the invasion of Mount Olympus, Ronan has been reluctant to use the power of chaos in his body until he had the last resort!

The reason is that they are waiting for the quasi-saint to appear!

When Lonan and Iapotos made an agreement, the saint behind Mount Olympus, Asan, would be held back by them and would never appear in this battle.

But quasi-sainthood is no longer within the scope of the agreement.

And Lonan has no opinion on this.

In fact, Ronan instead hoped that a quasi-saint would appear, because only then would he have a chance to slaughter the saint again!

And even if it didn’t end up being slaughtered, at least it could rely on the characteristics of its own Saiyan bloodline to earn a lot of experience!

And while Ronan was thinking about this, the huge face on the sky dome on Mount Olympus had gradually condensed, and finally transformed into a giant with a length of more than twenty meters.

The giant had curly white hair and a slightly older face, but his body was like a work of art carved by a knife and axe, full of explosive beauty.

If there were ancient gods of the Olympus world here, they would certainly be able to recognize that the spirited old man in front of him was Uranos, the first god king of the entire Olympus world.

The Titan and Olympian Gods, who are now in full swing, are only the descendants of this old man’s bloodline.

After the real body came, Uranos pointed to the pantheon below, and the pantheon rose directly from the ground, leaving Mount Olympus and flying into the sky.

Without the Pantheon blocking the belly of Mount Olympus, it is also a direct storm. Exposed.

The eyes of Lonan and Uranos collided because of this!

“It’s you little devil again, who let you get away with it, and actually dared to come back!” Uronos snorted coldly.

And Luo Nan also did not give in, sarcastically: “I don’t know which guy was scared by the Fu Ren Clan and fled, but now what kind of prestige is there here?” ”

After being exposed by Luonan, the cold light in Uranos’s eyes was even worse: “Find death!” ”

The words fell, and the huge figure came directly towards Luonan! _

Fei Lu reminds you: read three things – collect

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