The scene that happened in front of his eyes made Luo Nan’s brow frown completely.

Originally, he had already relied on the Spear of Hades to knock out the cracks in the barrier that enveloped the Quiet Garden, and it was not far from being completely shattered.

But at this critical juncture, a mighty force converged from the Pantheon at the top of Mount Olympus and poured into the barrier that was on the verge of breaking.

With the addition of this power, the barrier was not only completely repaired in an instant, but also several times stronger than before!

This, let Luo Nan’s heart, can’t help but appear three points of anger.

“Originally, you were Artemis’s father after all, so I didn’t want to do anything to you, but you blocked it three times and twice, and now you are using the power of the entire Pantheon to block me.

Ronan looked up into the sky in the belly of the mountain, as if he could see through the evasive barrier and see the gods standing in the middle of the pantheon!

“Since you have to use the power of the Pantheon to stop me, then I will destroy your Pantheon first!”

After a cold hum, Luo Nan no longer looked at the barrier outside the quiet court, but directly focused his gaze on the top of his head!

The whole of Mount Olympus is like a hollow bucket, and the pantheon at the top of the mountain is where the hole above the bucket is covered.

So even in the belly of the mountain, Ronan could already see the base of the Pantheon.

The protective power around the Pantheon is naturally far more powerful than the protective force outside the Quiet Garden.

When Ronan first came to the Pantheon, he was able to break a pillar with the help of three thunderbolts, also because Zeus did not open the protective power around the Pantheon at all.

Now that this protective force was turned on, let alone three thunderbolts, or thirty thunderbolts detonating at the same time, it could not set off a trace of smoke and dust in the Pantheon.

“I didn’t want to waste the power of chaos on this, but since you Zeus are pressing forward step by step, naturally I also want to return the color!”

Ronan appeared at the foot of the Pantheon, which naturally made many gods in the Pantheon feel alarmed.

Although he knew that it was very safe to be in the Pantheon, considering the powerful combat power of Luonan, many gods were already pale!

“What is this guy trying to do?”

“Is it to aim for the Pantheon?” Impossible! ”

“Definitely not, I think this guy saw that there was no hope of breaking the Jing Ting, so he wanted to come and talk to the God King about the conditions.”

“Yes, after the power blessing of the Pantheon, the protective barrier outside the Jing Court is difficult to break even after five baptisms!”

One by one, the gods secretly guessed Lonan’s motives.

Zeus, who sits high above the throne of the gods, also carries a proud color of victory.

Even if the strength reaches the level of five baptisms, it can be like that

He is the God King, the King of the Olympian Gods!

“I can wantonly usurp the power of this pantheon, why are you guys fighting with me?”

Zeus’s voice suddenly resounded through the Pantheon throughout Mount Olympus: “Break into my Mount Olympus and slaughter my Olympus gods, you have committed a heinous crime, and you still want to see Artemis, it is a dream!” ”

“I can give you a chance, if you honestly kneel down and prostrate yourself now, to bear the pain of hundreds of millions of arrows piercing through the xiong and the pain of the white bird pecking at the heart, I may be able to spare that shameless slut!”

“Otherwise, after today, there will be no Artemis in this world!”

In Zeus’s words, the meaning of the threat is undisguised.

After all, in Zeus’s view, he was invincible.

Luo Nan couldn’t hurt him, nor could he break the barrier outside the Jing Court!

Today, Lonan is cursed, and he is bound to humiliate Ronan.

If Luo Nan didn’t ambush him, he would completely kill that slut, anyway, that slut, he didn’t want to marry into the Nile God Domain, and there was no use value at all!

But what Zeus didn’t know was that his words had already touched Ronan’s scales!

For Ronan, family is always the most precious thing in the world.

And Artemis, who had a one-night stand, had long been regarded as his own woman by Lornan.

At this moment, Zeus’s words had already made the anger in Ronan’s heart rise to a fixed point.

However, the rise of anger did not make Luo Nan burst into a frenzy, but made Luo Nan more and more calm.

But the cold hidden in that calm was enough to make anyone who came near shiver!

“I was able to enter the Ling Xiao Treasure Hall for the sake of Sister Meng Yu and Yu Yan, and take away the Jade Emperor with two qi!” Today you can enter the Pantheon and lift your throne of God for Artemis! ”

Luo Nan’s voice was full of cold killing machines, and at this moment, his eyes narrowed slightly, and the fierce light flickered: “You Zeus, how noble should you really be than the Jade Emperor?!!” ”

At the same time as the words fell, Luo Nan directly mobilized the three chaotic forces in his body and merged into his hands!

Immediately afterward, Luo Nan crossed the Tai Chi pattern with both hands in front of him, one hand for yin, one hand for yang!

Between the intertwining and circulation of yin and yang, the surrounding heaven and earth suddenly changed dramatically, and a pale yellow. The shadow of the colored furnace suddenly appeared, and it was completely enveloping the pantheon!

“The husband takes the heavens and the earth as the furnace, and the creation becomes the work; Take yin and yang as charcoal, and everything as copper! ”

The Heaven and Earth Oven that uses the chaotic breath to induce it is suddenly generated!

The next second, the yin and yang qi melted into the oven and turned into charcoal to wash away all things.

It was to smelt this pantheon, the whole thing!

“This guy, crazy can’t do it!”

“He wants to melt the Pantheon like he melted the gods!!”

“Impossible, he can’t do it!”

At this moment, many gods in the pantheon exclaimed at the same time.

Soon, some people were shocked to find that the Pantheon actually began to melt under the wash of that yin and yang qi!

This scene not only made many gods look shocked.

Even Zeus, the god king who stood at the highest point, his face suddenly turned pale, and there was no longer a hint of blood!

“How is this possible… Refining the Pantheon, how could this boy have such power!! ”

In Zeus’s look, there was no longer a half-point victory in his hand, and some, just deep fear!

At this moment, Zeus’s heart could not help but emerge with a wave of remorse.

Is it really self-digging a grave if you are bent on doing your own thing…_

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