A few days passed as soon as Ronan lived in the stone temple.

In the past few days, he and Alyssa have also become more and more acquainted, and the two have a lot of close relations.

In addition, most of Luo Nan’s time was spent on cultivating the Divine Elephant Zhen Prison Force.

Cultivating the Divine Elephant Zhen Prison Strength not only can you get all kinds of wonderful magic spells, but also the improvement of your own strength is also quite huge!

One hundred and eighty million powers in the human body, if all of them are activated, how powerful will the power of that punch be?

Luo Nan himself possessed a super race form, and he also had the blessing of the Battle Holy Law, if he could cultivate this Divine Elephant Zhen Hell Force to the top level.

Then, Lonan’s melee combat ability will suddenly increase by several grades.

As the saying goes, skills do not weigh on the body, so Luonan’s cultivation is also quite hard.

Seven days is fleeting.

Just when Lonan was already impatient, the emissary sent by Tartaros finally arrived.

In the hall of the Stone Temple, Ronan and Alyssa received the messenger together.

It was a middle-aged man with an ordinary face, wrapped in black cloth all over his body.

Unlike the ever-tall Olympian gods, this middle-aged man was shorter and even slightly shy.

He looked like a wandering beggar on the side of the street, and he couldn’t see the appearance of a god.

The messenger’s gaze swept over Alyssa and then cast a questioning glance at Lonan.

Ronan nodded and signaled not to shy away.

The messenger nodded, propped up a shield to isolate the hall from the outside world, and then said, “Introduce yourself, my name is Iapetos, and I have come from the abyss of the underworld at the behest of Lord Tartaros.” ”


Hearing the name, Alyssa couldn’t help but exhale softly.

As a native of Greeks, Alyssa is naturally no stranger to this name, and she never expected that the middle-aged man in front of her would actually be Iapertos!

Lornan was also quite surprised after he swept through with his probing technique and confirmed that the person in front of him was really Iapetos.

In fact, the name Iapetos had never been heard of before, because this person was not very famous in Greek mythology.

Luo Nan also had an impression of Iapothos after carefully listening to Song Yuyan’s myths and legends in various places.

Iapotos, the first god king of the Olympus world, Uranos, and one of the twelve titan gods who co-produced with Gaia, the mother goddess of the earth.

Of course, among the twelve Titan gods, Iapertos was also unknown to the same kind.

However, the four children of Iapertos are very loud.

The first son, Atlas, was the god of the Olympus world, who single-handedly supported the whole heaven and earth!

The second son, Epicius, married a wife named Pandora.

The third son, Menotius, shined in the Battle of the Ancient Titans.

The last son was even bigger, and it was Prometheus, who was known as the wisest god in Greek mythology!

In Greek mythology, Prometheus created humanity, taught it knowledge, and brought fire to humanity.

Basically, a person has done all the work of Nuwa, Fuxi, and Suiren.

If it weren’t for the fact that the birth was too late to catch up with the good time, it would have been sanctified long ago.

Ronan still remembers that the Flintstones frequently sighed when they mentioned Prometheus, and they felt that Prometheus was not worth it.

Prometheus was also one of the few gods praised by the Flintstones for their noble character.

“It seems that you both heard my name, so I won’t talk nonsense and go straight to the point.”

Iapotos’ voice is gentle and soothing, making people feel very comfortable.

Lonan nodded and motioned for Iapetus to go down.

“I have come this time on behalf of Lord Tartaros, Lord Gaia, and the Titans… Let’s talk to you about a collaboration. Iapetos said the names in a flat tone.

But the meaning of these names is enough to shock the whole world!

Ronan had thought that Iapetos was only coming on behalf of Taltaros, the god of the abyss of the underworld, but he never expected that Gaia, the mother goddess of the earth, was also involved.

You know, these are two saints!

After taking a deep breath to suppress the throbbing in his heart, Lonan turned to Iapetos and asked, “What cooperation?” ”

“You should know that the Titan God Clan and the Olympus God Clan are in the same situation, and there are many contradictions, right?” Iapotos asked.

Lonan nodded, “So? ”

“The contradiction between the Titan God Clan and the Olympus God Clan is, in the final analysis, actually a game between the Sages.”

Iapertos Shin. Two fingers appeared: “One side is the Titan God Clan headed by Lord Tartaros, the god of the underworld, and Lord Gaia, the god of the Mother Earth; On one side is the Olympian race led by the dark god Erepos and the god of love, Eros. Both sides want to destroy each other completely! ”

Hearing this, Ronan was not much surprised.

After all, he had already speculated about this, analogous to the various battles in the Pangu World, and if there was no saint behind his back, Luo Nan would never believe it.

If nothing else, the strongest Zeus among the Olympus Divine Clan was only equivalent to the Ninth Order Great Luo Golden Immortal, and just by virtue of his strength, he would take the head to overthrow the Titan God Clan led by his father?

If nothing else, the Titan god Okeanos, who once had a relationship with Ronan, was a true quasi-holy realm.

“Just, what does this have to do with me?” Ronan frowned and asked.

Iapetos said honestly, “The enemy of the enemy is the friend, and we have learned that you have had some holidays with the Olympus gods. ”

“I’m afraid my strength can’t help you now, can I?” Lonan questioned.

Iapertos nodded, “Personal power is naturally not worth mentioning in this torrent, and the real purpose of our finding you is to ally with the forces behind you!” ”

“Alliance?” A look of surprise flashed in Ronan’s eyes.

Iapitos affirmed, “Those sub-saints behind you must be very eager for the Holy Throne, and if they can work together to defeat the Olympus Divine Clan, how about the two vacated Holy Seats, one for you and me?” “_

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