Ronan could be sure in his heart that the black shadow that brought him great pressure was definitely the projection of Taltaros.

And the cooperation in Taltalus’s mouth also made Lonan confused, not knowing what Taltalos had to do.

“However, as a saint, Taltalus really wants to deal with me at all, there is no reason to bother, you may wish to look back and listen to what his so-called cooperation is!”

After making a decision in his heart, Ronan did not rush to Mount Olympus, but took the Nine-Tailed Fox Spirit with him to live in the city.

And her residence is naturally the stone temple where Alyssa is located.

If you change a man, dare to live under the same roof with Alyssa, you will definitely be in trouble, crushed to death by envious and jealous eyes.

However, after a series of events in Fangcai, Lonan has become famous in the city.

The strong man whose own strength crushed the three baptisms was even more able to talk and laugh with the god of the hell abyss, Tartaros.

The combination of these two things makes everyone have no jealous thoughts in their hearts.

Is there anything wrong with a beauty with a strong one?


In the stone hall, Ronan and Alyssa sat on either side of a round table, and the nine-tailed fox spirit was lying on Ronan’s shoulder, rolling his small eyes, not knowing what he was thinking.

The inside of this stone hall was far larger than the outside, and it was obviously also expanded by the space magic.

In addition to Alyssa, there are also some waitresses living in the stone hall.

But at this moment, because Lonan didn’t want to be disturbed too much, the waitresses had been sent out by Alyssa.

After a detailed discussion, Ronan also had a general understanding of Alyssa’s situation in recent years.

When he first left, he had left a lot of fairy fruits to Alyssa mother and son that could increase their experience.

However, the mother who loves her daughter and loves her heart will let Alyssa eat all the immortal fruits, and Alyssa has also awakened A’s divine gift (equivalent to the bloodline of the Gong Fa), which can be said to have an unlimited future.

But before Alyssa could rise, a disaster suddenly struck, and Alyssa’s mother died in that disaster.

Since then, Alyssa has cultivated hard, and only then has she stepped into the position of Empress of the City.

Being able to sit in this position is not only because of Alyssa’s beauty, but more importantly, because Alyssa has provided the city with protection for a long time.

After figuring out this, Ronan couldn’t help but sigh.

Alyssa has experienced far more hardships over the years than he had imagined.

After so many tribulations, Lisa has been able to maintain such an innocent disposition as she is now, which is not easy.

At this point, the nine-tailed fox spirit lying on Ronan’s shoulder experienced the most

“Hey, I think I was also a little goblin who didn’t know the world, how did I later become a pawn to subvert Yin Shang?”

The voice of the nine-tailed fox spirit complained in Ronan’s heart.

And Luo Nan was not angry in response: “I did not keep my heart, who can blame me?” ”

“It’s easier said than done…”

The nine-tailed fox said bitterly.

Ronan was also silent.

Admittedly, it is strange to put a demon that was originally cautious and cautious in the position of being above ten thousand people below one person, and it is strange that he can hold on to his heart.

Ignoring the Nine-Tailed Fox Spirit for a moment, Ronan’s eyes shifted to Alisha’s, “Taltalus said that he will soon send someone to discuss important matters with me, so I will stay here for a few days for the time being, what are your plans after that?” ”

“I want to…”

Alyssa was halfway through her sentence, but she bit down again, as if she wanted to stop talking.

Luo Nan smiled and said, “Say whatever you want, maybe I can help with it.” ”

“I… I want to follow the big brother…”

Alyssa whispered these words and lowered her head, as if she was afraid of hearing Lonan’s refusal.

However, Alyssa’s plan really surprised Ronan.

In Lonan’s view, he and Alyssa were just the fate of two encounters.

When they first met, because of the kindness and innocence of this little girl, Luo Nan helped the mother and daughter.

This and that thing was a show of hands for Ronan, and he didn’t even take it to heart at all.

However, Ronan would not know that his one show of hands had left an indelible impression on young Alyssa’s mind.

Even Alyssa had stubbornly believed that if it were not for the fairy fruit that Lonan had left behind, she and her mother would have died together.

In other words, Alyssa felt that she had survived to this day because of Lonan’s help.

Maybe that’s just a show of hands for Lonan, but it’s a blessing in disguise for Alyssa.

And not long ago, when she faced the threat of the bald man, she fell into despair because of her inability to resist.

It was Ronan again who appeared before her, pulling her out of the abyss of despair.

It can be said that Ronan’s slightly thin figure is incomparably thick in Alyssa’s heart, like a mountain.

After the death of her parents, the clearest figure in Alyssa’s heart is Lonan!

“I try to make myself stronger, just so that one day I can go to the East to find Big Brother. So when the big brother appeared, Alyssa told herself in her heart that this time she must not miss it again. Otherwise you will regret it for the rest of your life! ”

Alisa’s originally low head suddenly lifted, and there was a strong sincerity in her eyes.

This expectant expression made Ronan really embarrassed to refuse.

Of course, Ronan had no intention of refusing.

Although he didn’t have any strange thoughts about Alisa, it was also a good choice to take Alyssa with him out of his desire for beauty.

“Since you want to follow, follow along, but I told you in advance that I am more dangerous around me, so you probably have to stay in this most of the time.”

Luo Nan said as he summoned the Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda, and then pointed to the nine-tailed fox spirit on his shoulder: “She is very experienced in this.” ”

The Nine-Tailed Fox nodded, and then looked at Alyssa with pity.

After all, in the eyes of the Nine-Tailed Fox Spirit, there was no place in this world, and it was more uncomfortable than the Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda. _

Fei Lu reminds you: read three things – collect

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